// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ash/magic_boost/magic_boost_controller_ash.h"
namespace ash {
inline constexpr char kMagicBoostDisclaimerViewHistogram[] =
// Please keep in sync with the `DisclaimerViewAction` enum found in
// //tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/ash/enums.xml.
enum class DisclaimerViewAction {
kShow = 0,
kAcceptButtonPressed = 1,
kDeclineButtonPressed = 2,
kMaxValue = kDeclineButtonPressed,
// Records metrics for user interactions with the magic boost disclaimer view.
// This function tracks The specific action the user took on the view with the
// specific `OptInFeature` that triggered the view's display. What's more, it
// records the total number of times of actions using `OptInFeatures::kTotal`
// for overall tracking. For example:
// Ash.MagicBoost.DisclaimerView.OrcaAndHmr -> DeclineButtonPressed
// Indicates the disclaimer view was shown due to both Orca and HMR features,
// and the user clicked the decline button.
// Ash.MagicBoost.DisclaimerView.Total -> Show
// Records a overall showing times of the disclaimer view.
void RecordDisclaimerViewActionMetrics(OptInFeatures opt_in_features,
DisclaimerViewAction action);
} // namespace ash