
Name: Alliance for Open Media Video Codec
Short Name: libaom
Version: N/A
Revision: 5fac32ad875e7123c137169542b70c5cc8f8a5ee
CPEPrefix: cpe:/a:aomedia:aomedia:3.10.0
License: BSD
License File: source/libaom/LICENSE
Security Critical: yes
Shipped: yes

Provides tools for:
 - creating AV1 bitstreams for storage and transmission.
 - decoding AV1 bitstreams for display.

Please follow these steps to update libaom source code:

1. Update the code: \
       -r <libaom OWNER> \
       --log-limit 20 \
       --roll-to <libaom hash> \

   Use the generated commit message for the roll.

Note: When running on a Chrome release branch, we get the
error message:
   error: Ensure chromium/src is clean first (no non-merged commits).

because the is_prestine() function in runs git diff against
origin/main. A workaround is to edit and change
'origin/main' to the release branch, e.g., 'branch-heads/5414' for the
Chrome M109 release branch. Remember to change it back to 'origin/main'
after running

2. Generate the config files:
     # See prerequisites in file comments.

   This will also update this file with the new revision.
   Update 'Revision' and 'CPEPrefix' in this file if necessary.

3. Amend the commit created by the first step:

     git commit -a --amend

   Add `Bug: b:307414544` to the commit message.

4. Upload the change to Gerrit:

     git cl upload

   Run tryjobs:

     git cl try

5. Send out for review when all tryjobs pass. Submit it when +1 is granted.