
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# This script is used to generate .gni files and files in the
# config/platform directories needed to build libaom.
# Every time the upstream source code is updated this script must be run.
# Usage:
# $ ./
# Requirements:
# Install the following Debian packages.
# - cmake
# - yasm or nasm
# Toolchain for armv7:
# - gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
# - g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf
# Toolchain for arm64:
# - gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
# - g++-aarch64-linux-gnu
# Toolchain for x86:
# - gcc-i686-linux-gnu
# - g++-i686-linux-gnu
# Alternatively: treat 32bit builds like Windows and manually tweak aom_config.h

set -eE

# sort() consistently.
export LC_ALL=C

TMP="$(mktemp -d "${BASE}/build.XXXX")"

function cleanup() {
  rm -rf "${TMP}"

# Create empty temp and config directories.
# $1 - Header file directory.
function reset_dirs() {
  cd ..
  rm -rf "${TMP}"
  mkdir "${TMP}"
  cd "${TMP}"

  echo "Generate ${1} config files."
  rm -fr "${CFG}/${1}"
  mkdir -p "${CFG}/${1}/config"

if [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo "Unknown option(s): ${@}"
  exit 1

# Missing function:
# find_duplicates
# We may have enough targets to avoid re-implementing this.

# Generate Config files.
# $1 - Header file directory.
# $2 - cmake options.
function gen_config_files() {
  cmake "${SRC}" ${2} &> cmake.txt

  case "${1}" in
      egrep "#define [A-Z0-9_]+ [01]" config/aom_config.h \
        | awk '{print "%define " $2 " " $3}' > config/aom_config.asm

  cp config/aom_config.{h,c,asm} "${CFG}/${1}/config/"

  cp config/*_rtcd.h "${CFG}/${1}/config/"

function update_readme() {
  local revision=$(git -C "${SRC}" --no-pager log -1 --format="%H")
  sed -E -i.bak \
    -e "s/^(Revision:)[[:space:]]+[a-f0-9]{40}/\1 ${revision}/" \
  rm ${BASE}/README.chromium.bak
  cat <<EOF

README.chromium updated with:
Revision: ${revision}

# Update aom_config.h to support Windows instead of linux because cmake doesn't
# generate VS project files on linux.
# $1 - File to modify.
function convert_to_windows() {
  sed -i.bak \
    -e 's/\(#define[[:space:]]HAVE_PTHREAD_H[[:space:]]*\)1/\1 0/' \
    -e 's/\(#define[[:space:]]HAVE_UNISTD_H[[:space:]]*\)1/\1 0/' \
    -e 's/\(#define[[:space:]]CONFIG_GCC[[:space:]]*\)1/\1 0/' \
    -e 's/\(#define[[:space:]]CONFIG_MSVS[[:space:]]*\)0/\1 1/' \
  rm "${1}.bak"

# Fetch the latest tags; used in creating aom_version.h.
git -C "${SRC}" fetch --tags

# Scope 'trap' error reporting to configuration generation.
cd "${TMP}"

trap '{
  [[ -f ${TMP}/cmake.txt ]] && cat ${TMP}/cmake.txt
  echo "Build directory ${TMP} not removed automatically."
}' ERR

all_platforms+=" -DDECODE_HEIGHT_LIMIT=16384 -DDECODE_WIDTH_LIMIT=16384"
all_platforms+=" -DCONFIG_AV1_ENCODER=1"
all_platforms+=" -DCONFIG_AV1_DECODER=0"
all_platforms+=" -DCONFIG_LIBYUV=0"
# Use low bit depth.
all_platforms+=" -DCONFIG_AV1_HIGHBITDEPTH=0"
# Use real-time only build.
all_platforms+=" -DCONFIG_REALTIME_ONLY=1"
# Disable Quantization Matrix.
all_platforms+=" -DCONFIG_QUANT_MATRIX=0"
# avx2 optimizations account for ~0.3mb of the decoder.
#all_platforms+=" -DENABLE_AVX2=0"

reset_dirs linux/generic
gen_config_files linux/generic "-DAOM_TARGET_CPU=generic ${all_platforms}"
# Strip .pl files from gni
sed -i.bak '/\.pl",$/d' libaom_srcs.gni
rm libaom_srcs.gni.bak
# libaom_srcs.gni, libaom_test_srcs.gni, usage_exit.c
# and aom_version.h are shared.
cp libaom_srcs.gni "${BASE}"
cp libaom_test_srcs.gni "${BASE}"
cp gen_src/usage_exit.c "${BASE}/source/gen_src"
cp config/aom_version.h "${CFG}/config/"

reset_dirs linux/ia32
gen_config_files linux/ia32 "${toolchain}/i686-linux-gcc.cmake \
  ${all_platforms} \

reset_dirs linux/x64
gen_config_files linux/x64 "${all_platforms}"

# Copy linux configurations and modify for Windows.
reset_dirs win/ia32
cp "${CFG}/linux/ia32/config"/* "${CFG}/win/ia32/config/"
convert_to_windows "${CFG}/win/ia32/config/aom_config.h"
egrep \
  "#define [A-Z0-9_]+[[:space:]]+[01]" "${CFG}/win/ia32/config/aom_config.h" \
  | awk '{print "%define " $2 " " $3}' > "${CFG}/win/ia32/config/aom_config.asm"

# Copy linux configurations and modify for Windows.
reset_dirs win/x64
cp "${CFG}/linux/x64/config"/* "${CFG}/win/x64/config/"
convert_to_windows "${CFG}/win/x64/config/aom_config.h"
egrep \
  "#define [A-Z0-9_]+[[:space:]]+[01]" "${CFG}/win/x64/config/aom_config.h" \
  | awk '{print "%define " $2 " " $3}' > "${CFG}/win/x64/config/aom_config.asm"

reset_dirs linux/arm
gen_config_files linux/arm \
  "${toolchain}/armv7-linux-gcc.cmake -DENABLE_NEON=0 ${all_platforms}"

reset_dirs linux/arm-neon
gen_config_files linux/arm-neon \
  "${toolchain}/armv7-linux-gcc.cmake -DCONFIG_RUNTIME_CPU_DETECT=0 \

reset_dirs linux/arm-neon-cpu-detect
gen_config_files linux/arm-neon-cpu-detect \
  "${toolchain}/armv7-linux-gcc.cmake ${all_platforms}"

reset_dirs linux/arm64-cpu-detect
gen_config_files linux/arm64-cpu-detect \
  "${toolchain}/arm64-linux-gcc.cmake ${all_platforms}"

# Copy linux configurations and modify for Windows.
reset_dirs win/arm64-cpu-detect
cp "${CFG}/linux/arm64-cpu-detect/config"/* \
convert_to_windows "${CFG}/win/arm64-cpu-detect/config/aom_config.h"


git cl format > /dev/null \
  || echo "ERROR: 'git cl format' failed. Please run 'git cl format' manually."
