// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/mahi.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver_set.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote_set.h"
namespace base {
class UnguessableToken;
} // namespace base
namespace ash {
class MahiBrowserClientWrapper;
// `MahiBrowserDelegateAsh` is the central point to deal with the ChromeOS -
// Chrome browser communication. it is responsible for:
// 1. Being the transfer station of the browser contents related logic between
// ChromeOS and chrome (Ash and Lacros).
// 2. Notify `MahiManagerAsh` any UI action from the browser.
class MahiBrowserDelegateAsh : public crosapi::mojom::MahiBrowserDelegate {
MahiBrowserDelegateAsh(const MahiBrowserDelegateAsh&) = delete;
MahiBrowserDelegateAsh& operator=(const MahiBrowserDelegateAsh&) = delete;
~MahiBrowserDelegateAsh() override;
// Binds a pending receiver connected to a lacros mojo client to the delegate.
void BindReceiver(
mojo::PendingReceiver<crosapi::mojom::MahiBrowserDelegate> receiver);
// Registers an ash-browser client. Non-mojo client needs to manually call
// `UnregisterClient` (e.g., inside its destructor).
void RegisterCppClient(crosapi::mojom::MahiBrowserClient* client,
const base::UnguessableToken& client_id);
// crosapi::mojom::MahiBrowser overrides
void RegisterMojoClient(
mojo::PendingRemote<crosapi::mojom::MahiBrowserClient> client,
const base::UnguessableToken& client_id,
RegisterMojoClientCallback callback) override;
void OnFocusedPageChanged(crosapi::mojom::MahiPageInfoPtr page_info,
OnFocusedPageChangedCallback callback) override;
void OnContextMenuClicked(
crosapi::mojom::MahiContextMenuRequestPtr context_menu_request,
OnContextMenuClickedCallback callback) override;
// Removes entry corresponding to `client_id` from the map. Called by the
// destructor of cpp client (ash browser), and by the disconnect handler on
// `receiver` when the lacros mojo client disconnects.
void UnregisterClient(const base::UnguessableToken& client_id);
// Requests the page content from a particular client.
// Virtual so that it can be overridden in test.
virtual void GetContentFromClient(
const base::UnguessableToken& client_id,
const base::UnguessableToken& page_id,
crosapi::mojom::MahiBrowserClient::GetContentCallback callback);
// An entry is inserted into this map whenever a new client (cpp or mojo) is
// registered on this delegate and deleted upon the destruction (cpp) or
// disconnection (mojo) of this client.
std::map<base::UnguessableToken, MahiBrowserClientWrapper>
mojo::ReceiverSet<crosapi::mojom::MahiBrowserDelegate> receivers_;
} // namespace ash