
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


# Public configuration exported to users of the libavif target.
config("avif_public_config") {
  if (is_component_build) {
    defines += [ "AVIF_DLL" ]

# Private configuration used in building libavif.
config("avif_config") {
  include_dirs = [ "src/include/" ]
  defines = [ "AVIF_LIBYUV_ENABLED" ]
  if (is_component_build) {
    defines += [ "AVIF_BUILDING_SHARED_LIBS" ]

  if (enable_dav1d_decoder) {
    include_dirs += [ "../dav1d/libdav1d/include/" ]
    defines += [ "AVIF_CODEC_DAV1D" ]

libavif_decoder_sources = [

component("libavif") {
  public = [ "src/include/avif/avif.h" ]
  public_configs = [ ":avif_public_config" ]

  sources = libavif_decoder_sources

  configs += [ ":avif_config" ]

  deps = [ "//third_party/libyuv" ]

  if (enable_dav1d_decoder) {
    sources += [ "src/src/codec_dav1d.c" ]
    deps += [ "//third_party/dav1d" ]

# Note only the decoder fuzzers are enabled as only the decoder is being used
# in Chrome. avif_fuzztest_read_image is not enabled due to libpng not having
config("avif_fuzztest_config") {
  include_dirs = [

# This is used to satisfy dependencies in avif_fuzztest_helpers. The encoder
# functions are not used.
component("libavif_enc") {
  public = [ "src/include/avif/avif.h" ]
  public_configs = [ ":avif_public_config" ]

  sources = libavif_decoder_sources + [ "src/src/write.c" ]
  testonly = true

  configs += [ ":avif_config" ]

  deps = [

  if (enable_dav1d_decoder) {
    sources += [ "src/src/codec_dav1d.c" ]
    deps += [ "//third_party/dav1d" ]

source_set("avif_apps_shared") {
  sources = [
  testonly = true
  configs += [ ":avif_fuzztest_config" ]
  deps = [ ":libavif_enc" ]

source_set("avif_fuzztest_helpers") {
  sources = [
  testonly = true
  configs += [ ":avif_fuzztest_config" ]
  deps = [

# TODO: b/308013905 - These tests require seeds from
# third_party/libavif/src/tests/data which
# aren't available in the fuzzing environment. These targets can be enabled if
# they are made hermetic.
# test("avif_fuzztest_dec") {
#   sources = [ "src/tests/gtest/" ]
#   fuzztests = [ "DecodeAvifTest.Decode" ]
#   configs += [ ":avif_fuzztest_config" ]
#   deps = [
#     ":avif_fuzztest_helpers",
#     ":libavif_enc",
#     "//third_party/fuzztest:fuzztest_gtest_main",
#   ]
# }
# test("avif_fuzztest_dec_incr") {
#   sources = [ "src/tests/gtest/" ]
#   fuzztests = [ "DecodeAvifFuzzTest.DecodeIncr" ]
#   configs += [ ":avif_fuzztest_config" ]
#   deps = [
#     ":avif_fuzztest_helpers",
#     ":libavif_enc",
#     "//third_party/fuzztest:fuzztest_gtest_main",
#   ]
# }

test("avif_fuzztest_yuvrgb") {
  sources = [ "src/tests/gtest/" ]
  fuzztests = [ "YuvRgbFuzzTest.Convert" ]
  configs += [ ":avif_fuzztest_config" ]
  deps = [