
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

 * @fileoverview Liblouis wrapper.

 * A utility class that acts as a memory pool and wraps the wasm module.
function WasmMemPool(module) {
  this.module = module;

  this.ptrs_ = [];

WasmMemPool.prototype = {
  malloc: function(bytes) {
    const ptr = this.module._malloc(bytes);
    return ptr;

  allocate: function(array, type) {
    const ptr = this.module.allocate(array, this.module.ALLOC_NORMAL);
    return ptr;

  freeAll: function() {
    this.ptrs_.forEach((ptr) => {
    this.ptrs_ = [];

function LiblouisWrapper() {
  self.addEventListener('message', (message) => {
    const command = JSON.parse(;
    switch (command.command) {
      case 'CheckTable':
      case 'Translate':
      case 'BackTranslate':
      case 'load':


LiblouisWrapper.prototype = {
  initWasm: function(message) {
    if (!self.liblouisBuild) {
      setTimeout(this.initWasm.bind(this, message), 20);
    liblouisBuild().then((module) => {
      this.module = module;
      this.pool_ = new WasmMemPool(this.module);

      const reply = {
        loaded: true,
        success: true,
        in_reply_to: message['message_id']

  checkTable: function(command) {
    // Free any loaded tables.

    const tableNames = command['table_names'];
    const tableNamesPtr =
    const tableCount = this.module._lou_checkTable(tableNamesPtr);
    const msg = {in_reply_to: command['message_id'], success: tableCount > 0};

  translate: function(command) {
        command['table_names'], command['text'], command['message_id'],

  backTranslate: function(command) {
        command['table_names'], command['cells'], command['message_id'], null,

  translateOrBackTranslate_: function(
      tableNames, contents, messageId, formTypeMap, backTranslate) {
    const tableNamesPtr =

    let formTypeMapPtr = 0;
    if (formTypeMap) {
      formTypeMapPtr = this.pool_.malloc(formTypeMap.length * 4);
      for (let i = 0; i < formTypeMap.length; i++) {
        this.module.setValue(formTypeMapPtr + i * 4, formTypeMap[i], 'i32');

    // |tableNamesPtr| is a char* natively.

    // The backtranslated string is encoded as 2-hex characters, which equal one
    // byte. The forward translated string is an ordinary js string. Both
    // require a null terminator.
    const inLen =
        backTranslate ? (contents.length / 2 + 1) : (contents.length + 1);

    // |inBufPtr| and |outBufPtr| are both widechar*. (i.e. 2-byte characters).
    const inBufPtr = this.pool_.malloc(inLen * 2);

    if (backTranslate) {
      // |contents| is a hex encoded string. Two characters encodes a byte.
      if (contents.length % 2 != 0) {
        throw 'Expected contents to be of even length.';

      for (let i = 0; i < contents.length; i = i + 2) {
        // Always set the high order bit to ensure empty cells are not ignored.
        let twoBytes = 0x8000;
        twoBytes |= parseInt(contents[i], 16) << 4;
        twoBytes |= parseInt(contents[i + 1], 16);
        this.module.setValue(inBufPtr + i, twoBytes, 'i16');
    } else {
      // This method takes its length in bytes.
      this.module.stringToUTF16(contents, inBufPtr, inLen * 2);

    // Liblouis expects a null terminator.
    this.module.setValue(inBufPtr + (inLen - 1) * 2, 0, 'i16');

    // LibLouis writes how many characters of |inBuf| are consumed into this int
    // pointer.
    const inLenPtr = this.pool_.malloc(4);

    // We need to gradually increase |outLen| since we can't precompute the
    // length given by liblouis.
    let outLen = inLen;
    const maxAlloc = (inLen + 1) * 8;
    let msg;
    while (outLen < maxAlloc) {
      // This is required as consecutive tries to [back]Translate requires
      // resetting the value of this int pointer.
      this.module.setValue(inLenPtr, inLen, 'i32');

      // A widechar*.
      const outBufPtr = this.pool_.malloc(outLen * 2);
      const outLenPtr = this.pool_.malloc(4);
      this.module.setValue(outLenPtr, outLen, 'i32');
      let brailleToTextPtr;
      let textToBraillePtr;
      if (backTranslate) {
            tableNamesPtr, inBufPtr, inLenPtr, outBufPtr, outLenPtr, 0, 0,
            4 /* dots */);
      } else {
        // These two refer to an array of integers.
        brailleToTextPtr = this.pool_.malloc(outLen * 4);
        textToBraillePtr = this.pool_.malloc(outLen * 4);

            tableNamesPtr, inBufPtr, inLenPtr, outBufPtr, outLenPtr,
            formTypeMapPtr, 0, textToBraillePtr, brailleToTextPtr, 0,
            4 /* dots */);

      // If the entire inBuf was not consumed, it means outBuf was not large
      // enough, so we need to try again. LibLouis is loose with its |inLenPtr|
      // values. It sometimes consumes the null terminator, it sometimes
      // doesn't.
      const actualInLen = this.module.getValue(inLenPtr, 'i32');
      const actualOutLen = this.module.getValue(outLenPtr, 'i32');
      if ((inLen - 1) <= actualInLen && actualOutLen > 0) {
        msg = {in_reply_to: messageId, success: true};
        if (backTranslate) {
          let outBuf = '';
          for (let i = 0; i < actualOutLen; i++) {
            outBuf += String.fromCharCode(
                this.module.getValue(outBufPtr + i * 2, 'i16'));
          msg['text'] = outBuf;
        } else {
          msg['cells'] = this.getHexEncoding_(outBufPtr, actualOutLen);
          msg['text_to_braille'] =
              this.getIntArray(textToBraillePtr, actualInLen);
          msg['braille_to_text'] =
              this.getIntArray(brailleToTextPtr, actualOutLen);

        // TODO(accessibility): this check controls a workaround for a
        // regression in LibLouis 3.21. It used to work in 3.19. The issue is
        // that sometimes, LibLouis sets an empty translation result which
        // appears to be valid, but requires us to increase our output buffer
        // size to get the non-empty braille translation. Try removing on the
        // next uprev to LibLouis.
        if (backTranslate || actualInLen !== 1 || actualOutLen !== 1 ||
            msg['cells'] !== '00') {

      outLen = outLen * 2;

    if (msg) {


  getHexEncoding_: function(bufPtr, len) {
    let ret = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      // Note that pointer arithmetic here is in bytes. Each cell is encoded in
      // 16-bits.
      let byte = this.module.getValue(bufPtr + i * 2);

      // Ignore the high order bits.
      byte &= 0x00ff;
      ret += LiblouisWrapper.BYTE_TO_HEX[byte >> 4];
      ret += LiblouisWrapper.BYTE_TO_HEX[byte & 0x0f];

    return ret;

  getIntArray: function(ptr, len) {
    const ret = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      ret.push(this.module.getValue(ptr + i * 4, 'i32'));
    return ret;

LiblouisWrapper.BYTE_TO_HEX = '0123456789abcdef';

new LiblouisWrapper();