
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Copyright 2014 Blake Embrey ([email protected])
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file or at

#include "third_party/liburlpattern/utils.h"

#include <string_view>

namespace liburlpattern {

namespace {

constexpr std::string_view kRegexpSpecialCharacters(".+*?^${}()[]|/\\");
constexpr std::string_view kPatternSpecialCharacters("+*?:{}()\\");

void EscapeStringAndAppendInternal(std::string_view input,
                                   std::string& append_target,
                                   std::string_view special_chars) {}

}  // namespace

size_t EscapedRegexpStringLength(std::string_view input) {}

void EscapeRegexpStringAndAppend(std::string_view input,
                                 std::string& append_target) {}

void EscapePatternStringAndAppend(std::string_view input,
                                  std::string& append_target) {}

std::string EscapeRegexpString(std::string_view input) {}

bool IsNameCodepoint(UChar32 c, bool first_codepoint) {}

}  // namespace liburlpattern