Name: libusbx
Version: 1.0.17
Revision: 0c3d17c9b1c96afe6889ae4595abb22072fc1c0d
CPEPrefix: cpe:/a:libusb:libusb:1.0.17:rc1
License: LGPL 2.1
License File: src/COPYING
Security Critical: yes
Shipped: yes
libusbx provides a platform-agnostic API for accessing the USB subsystem on Mac,
Windows, and Linux systems. All the unused files are removed.
Local Modifications:
- License headers fixed.
- config.h has been created to satisfy includes within the tree.
- Exposing an API (libusb_interrupt_handle_event) to explicitly interrupt
- windows-build.patch has been applied.
- darwin-sigfpe.patch has been applied.
- upstream-tick147.patch has been applied.
- linux-udev.patch has been applied.
- composite-hid-close.patch has been applied.
- assign-endpoints-checks.patch has been applied.
- open-fd.patch has been applied.
- Added libusb_get_raw_config_descriptor and libusb_get_active_config_value
methods to avoid using the built-in parser.
- Removed OSAtomic calls from darwin_usb.c for macOS compatibility by
backporting and simplifying the 10.12 branch of the upstream
as the 10.12 branch works fine on all previous OSes.
- cherry-picked upstream 8d7616886e062
- os-priv-alignment.patch has been applied, which is a backport of upstream's
- unsigned-shifts.patch has been applied, which is a partial backport of
upstream's 8a05a3f4e7424eb2071e4dbe1796cff3b660a141