// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/network/network_state_handler_observer.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace ash {
class NetworkState;
class NetworkStateHandler;
class TestMobileActivator;
// This class performs mobile plan activation process.
// There are two types of activation flow:
// 1. Over-the-air Service Provision (OTASP) activation
// a. Call shill Activate() to partially activate modem so it can
// connect to the network.
// b. Enable auto-connect on the modem so it will connect to the network
// in the next step.
// c. Call shill Activate() again which resets the modem, when the modem
// comes back, it will auto-connect to the network.
// d. Navigate to the payment portal.
// e. Activate the modem using OTASP via shill Activate().
// 2. Simple activation - used by non-cellular activation and over-the-air
// (OTA) activation.
// a. Ensure there's a network connection.
// a. Navigate to payment portal.
// b. Activate the modem via shill CompletetActivation().
class MobileActivator : public NetworkStateHandlerObserver {
// Activation state.
enum class PlanActivationState {
// Activation WebUI page is loading, activation not started.
kPageLoading = -1,
// Activation process started.
kStart = 0,
// Initial over the air activation attempt.
kTryingOTASP = 1,
// Performing pre-activation process.
kInitiatingActivation = 3,
// Reconnecting to network. Used for networks activated over cellular
// connection.
kReconnecting = 4,
// Passively waiting for a network connection. Used for networks activated
// over non-cellular network.
kWaitingForConnection = 5,
// Loading payment portal page.
kPaymentPortalLoading = 6,
// Showing payment portal page.
kShowingPayment = 7,
// Decides whether to load the portal again or call us done.
kReconnectingPayment = 8,
// Delaying activation until payment portal catches up.
kDelayOTASP = 9,
// Starting post-payment activation attempt.
kStartOTASP = 10,
// Attempting activation.
kOTASP = 11,
// Finished activation.
kDone = 12,
// Error occurred during activation process.
kError = 0xFF,
// Set of errors encountered during activation.
enum class ActivationError {
// No error.
// Activation encountered an error.
// Mobile data was disabled.
// Cellular device not present.
// Cellular service not present.
// Activation process observer.
class Observer {
// Signals activation |state| change for given |network|.
virtual void OnActivationStateChanged(const NetworkState* network,
PlanActivationState state,
ActivationError error) = 0;
Observer() = default;
virtual ~Observer() = default;
MobileActivator(const MobileActivator&) = delete;
MobileActivator& operator=(const MobileActivator&) = delete;
static MobileActivator* GetInstance();
// Add/remove activation process observer.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Activation is in process.
bool RunningActivation() const;
// Activation state.
PlanActivationState state() const { return state_; }
// Initiates activation process. Can only be called from the UI thread.
void InitiateActivation(const std::string& service_path);
// Terminates activation process if already started.
void TerminateActivation();
// Process portal load attempt status.
void OnPortalLoaded(bool success);
// Process payment transaction status.
void OnSetTransactionStatus(bool success);
// For unit tests.
void set_state_for_test(PlanActivationState state) { state_ = state; }
virtual const NetworkState* GetNetworkState(const std::string& service_path);
virtual const NetworkState* GetDefaultNetwork();
friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<MobileActivator>;
friend class TestMobileActivator;
friend class MobileActivatorTest;
~MobileActivator() override;
// NetworkStateHandlerObserver overrides.
void DefaultNetworkChanged(const NetworkState* network) override;
void NetworkPropertiesUpdated(const NetworkState* network) override;
void OnShuttingDown() override;
void GetPropertiesFailure(const std::string& error_name,
base::Value error_data);
// Handles the signal that the payment portal has finished loading.
void HandlePortalLoaded(bool success);
// Handles the signal that the user has finished with the portal.
void HandleSetTransactionStatus(bool success);
// Starts activation.
void StartActivation();
// Starts activation over non-cellular network.
void StartActivationOverNonCellularNetwork();
// Starts OTA activation.
void StartActivationOTA();
// Starts OTASP activation.
void StartActivationOTASP();
// Called after we delay our OTASP (after payment).
void RetryOTASP();
// Continues activation process. This method is called after we disconnect
// due to detected connectivity issue to kick off reconnection.
void ContinueConnecting();
// Starts OTASP process.
void StartOTASP();
// Called when an OTASP attempt times out.
void HandleOTASPTimeout();
// Connect to network.
virtual void ConnectNetwork(const NetworkState* network);
// Forces disconnect / reconnect when we detect portal connectivity issues.
void ForceReconnect(const NetworkState* network,
PlanActivationState next_state);
// Called when ForceReconnect takes too long to reconnect.
void ReconnectTimedOut();
// Called on default network changes to update cellular network activation
// state.
void RefreshCellularNetworks();
// Verify the state of cellular network and modify internal state.
virtual void EvaluateCellularNetwork(const NetworkState* network);
// PickNextState selects the desired state based on the current state of the
// modem and the activator. It does not transition to this state however.
PlanActivationState PickNextState(const NetworkState* network) const;
// One of PickNext*State are called in PickNextState based on whether the
// modem is online or not.
PlanActivationState PickNextOnlineState(const NetworkState* network) const;
PlanActivationState PickNextOfflineState(const NetworkState* network) const;
// Changes internal state.
virtual void ChangeState(const NetworkState* network,
PlanActivationState new_state,
ActivationError error);
// Resets network devices after cellular activation process.
void CompleteActivation();
// Starts the OTASP timeout timer. If the timer fires, we'll force a
// disconnect/reconnect cycle on this network.
virtual void StartOTASPTimer();
// Records information that cellular plan payment has happened.
virtual void SignalCellularPlanPayment();
// Returns true if cellular plan payment has been recorded recently.
virtual bool HasRecentCellularPlanPayment() const;
static const char* GetStateDescription(PlanActivationState state);
// Internal handler state.
PlanActivationState state_;
// MEID of cellular device to activate.
std::string meid_;
// ICCID of the SIM card on cellular device to activate.
std::string iccid_;
// Service path of network being activated. Note that the path can change
// during the activation process while still representing the same service.
std::string service_path_;
// Device on which the network service is activated. While the service path
// can change during activation due to modem resets, the device path stays
// the same.
std::string device_path_;
// True if activation process has been terminated.
bool terminated_;
// Connection retry counter.
int connection_retry_count_;
// Counters for how many times we've tried each OTASP step.
int initial_OTASP_attempts_;
int trying_OTASP_attempts_;
int final_OTASP_attempts_;
// Payment portal reload/reconnect attempt count.
int payment_reconnect_count_;
// Timer that monitors how long we spend in error-prone states.
base::RepeatingTimer state_duration_timer_;
// State we will return to if we are disconnected.
PlanActivationState post_reconnect_state_;
// Called to continue the reconnect attempt.
base::RepeatingTimer continue_reconnect_timer_;
// Called when the reconnect attempt times out.
base::OneShotTimer reconnect_timeout_timer_;
// Cellular plan payment time.
base::Time cellular_plan_payment_time_;
base::ScopedObservation<NetworkStateHandler, NetworkStateHandlerObserver>
base::ObserverList<Observer>::Unchecked observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MobileActivator> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash