
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "third_party/libxml/chromium/xml_reader.h"

#include <libxml/xmlreader.h>

#include <vector>

#include "third_party/libxml/chromium/libxml_utils.h"


namespace {

// Same as XmlStringToStdString but also frees |xmlstring|.
std::string XmlStringToStdStringWithDelete(xmlChar* xmlstring) {}

enum GetAttributesQueryType {};

// Populates |names| with the names of the attributes or prefix of namespaces
// (depending on |query_type|) for the current node in |reader|.
// Returns true if attribute names/namespace prefixes were retrieved, false
// otherwise.
// Note the strings in |names| are valid as long as |reader| is valid and should
// not be deleted.
bool GetNodeAttributeNames(xmlTextReaderPtr reader,
                           GetAttributesQueryType query_type,
                           std::vector<const xmlChar*>* names) {}

}  // namespace

XmlReader::XmlReader() :{}

XmlReader::~XmlReader() {}

bool XmlReader::Load(const std::string& input) {}

bool XmlReader::LoadFile(const std::string& file_path) {}

bool XmlReader::Read() {}

// Next(), when pointing at an opening tag, advances to the node after
// the matching closing tag.  Returns false on EOF or error.
bool XmlReader::Next() {}

// Return the depth in the tree of the current node.
int XmlReader::Depth() {}

std::string XmlReader::NodeName() {}

std::string XmlReader::NodeFullName() {}

bool XmlReader::NodeAttribute(const char* name, std::string* out) {}

bool XmlReader::GetAllNodeAttributes(
    std::map<std::string, std::string>* attributes) {}

bool XmlReader::GetAllDeclaredNamespaces(
    std::map<std::string, std::string>* namespaces) {}

bool XmlReader::GetTextIfTextElement(std::string* content) {}

bool XmlReader::GetTextIfCDataElement(std::string* content) {}

bool XmlReader::GetTextIfSignificantWhitespaceElement(std::string* content) {}

bool XmlReader::IsElement() {}

bool XmlReader::IsClosingElement() {}

bool XmlReader::IsEmptyElement() {}

bool XmlReader::ReadElementContent(std::string* content) {}

bool XmlReader::SkipToElement() {}

int XmlReader::NodeType() {}

bool XmlReader::GetTextFromNodeIfType(int node_type, std::string* content) {}