// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
class PrefService;
namespace ash::dns_over_https {
// An interface used to retrieve the DNS over HTTPS (DoH) provider
// URLs to be used for DNS queries.
class TemplatesUriResolver {
TemplatesUriResolver() = default;
virtual ~TemplatesUriResolver() = default;
// Evaluates the effective and the display secure DNS templates URI from the
// pref values of `pref_service` at the time of execution of this function.
// The results of the last evaluation are available through the getter methods
// of the class.
virtual void Update(PrefService* pref_service) = 0;
// Checks whether the DoH system is configured to provide DoH identifiers in
// the DNS URL.
virtual bool GetDohWithIdentifiersActive() = 0;
// Returns the templates with identifiers to be used for actual DNS lookups.
// The identifiers are hashed using a salt value.
virtual std::string GetEffectiveTemplates() = 0;
// This method is similar to `GetEffectiveTemplates`, but the identifiers are
// displayed in plain text. Used to display the templates URI in the UI.
virtual std::string GetDisplayTemplates() = 0;
} // namespace ash::dns_over_https