
 * numbers.c: Implementation of the XSLT number functions
 * Reference:
 * See Copyright for the status of this software.
 * [email protected]
 * Bjorn Reese <[email protected]>

#define IN_LIBXSLT
#include "libxslt.h"

#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
#include <libxml/parserInternals.h>
#include <libxml/xpath.h>
#include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>
#include <libxml/encoding.h>
#include "xsltutils.h"
#include "pattern.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "transform.h"
#include "numbersInternals.h"

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE
#define TRUE



#define MAX_TOKENS

struct _xsltFormatToken {};

struct _xsltFormat {};

static char alpha_upper_list[] =;
static char alpha_lower_list[] =;
static xsltFormatToken default_token;

 * **** Start temp insert ****
 * The following routine xsltUTF8Charcmp will be replaced with calls to
 * the corresponding libxml routine at a later date (when other
 * inter-library dependencies require it).

 * xsltUTF8Charcmp
 * @utf1: pointer to first UTF8 char
 * @utf2: pointer to second UTF8 char
 * returns result of comparing the two UCS4 values
 * as with xmlStrncmp
static int
xsltUTF8Charcmp(xmlChar *utf1, xmlChar *utf2) {}

static int
xsltIsLetterDigit(int val) {}

/***** Stop temp insert *****/
 *									*
 *			Utility functions				*
 *									*

#define IS_SPECIAL(self,letter)

#define IS_DIGIT_ZERO(x)
#define IS_DIGIT_ONE(x)

static int
xsltIsDigitZero(int ch)

static void
xsltNumberFormatDecimal(xmlBufferPtr buffer,
			double number,
			int digit_zero,
			int width,
			int digitsPerGroup,
			int groupingCharacter,
			int groupingCharacterLen)

static void
xsltNumberFormatAlpha(xsltNumberDataPtr data,
		      xmlBufferPtr buffer,
		      double number,
		      int is_upper)

static void
xsltNumberFormatRoman(xsltNumberDataPtr data,
		      xmlBufferPtr buffer,
		      double number,
		      int is_upper)

static void
xsltNumberFormatTokenize(const xmlChar *format,
			 xsltFormatPtr tokens)

static void
xsltNumberFormatInsertNumbers(xsltNumberDataPtr data,
			      double *numbers,
			      int numbers_max,
			      xsltFormatPtr tokens,
			      xmlBufferPtr buffer)

static int
xsltTestCompMatchCount(xsltTransformContextPtr context,
                       xmlNodePtr node,
                       xsltCompMatchPtr countPat,
                       xmlNodePtr cur)

static int
xsltNumberFormatGetAnyLevel(xsltTransformContextPtr context,
			    xmlNodePtr node,
			    xsltCompMatchPtr countPat,
			    xsltCompMatchPtr fromPat,
			    double *array)

static int
xsltNumberFormatGetMultipleLevel(xsltTransformContextPtr context,
				 xmlNodePtr node,
				 xsltCompMatchPtr countPat,
				 xsltCompMatchPtr fromPat,
				 double *array,
				 int max)

static int
xsltNumberFormatGetValue(xmlXPathContextPtr context,
			 xmlNodePtr node,
			 const xmlChar *value,
			 double *number)

 * xsltNumberFormat:
 * @ctxt: the XSLT transformation context
 * @data: the formatting information
 * @node: the data to format
 * Convert one number.
xsltNumberFormat(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
		 xsltNumberDataPtr data,
		 xmlNodePtr node)

static int
xsltFormatNumberPreSuffix(xsltDecimalFormatPtr self, xmlChar **format, xsltFormatNumberInfoPtr info)

 * xsltFormatNumberConversion:
 * @self: the decimal format
 * @format: the format requested
 * @number: the value to format
 * @result: the place to output the result
 * format-number() uses the JDK 1.1 DecimalFormat class:
 * Structure:
 *   pattern    := subpattern{;subpattern}
 *   subpattern := {prefix}integer{.fraction}{suffix}
 *   prefix     := '\\u0000'..'\\uFFFD' - specialCharacters
 *   suffix     := '\\u0000'..'\\uFFFD' - specialCharacters
 *   integer    := '#'* '0'* '0'
 *   fraction   := '0'* '#'*
 *   Notation:
 *    X*       0 or more instances of X
 *    (X | Y)  either X or Y.
 *    X..Y     any character from X up to Y, inclusive.
 *    S - T    characters in S, except those in T
 * Special Characters:
 *   Symbol Meaning
 *   0      a digit
 *   #      a digit, zero shows as absent
 *   .      placeholder for decimal separator
 *   ,      placeholder for grouping separator.
 *   ;      separates formats.
 *   -      default negative prefix.
 *   %      multiply by 100 and show as percentage
 *   ?      multiply by 1000 and show as per mille
 *   X      any other characters can be used in the prefix or suffix
 *   '      used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix.
 * Returns a possible XPath error
xsltFormatNumberConversion(xsltDecimalFormatPtr self,
			   xmlChar *format,
			   double number,
			   xmlChar **result)