
 * pattern.c: Implemetation of the template match compilation and lookup
 * Reference:
 * See Copyright for the status of this software.
 * [email protected]

 * TODO: handle pathological cases like *[*[@a="b"]]
 * TODO: detect [number] at compilation, optimize accordingly

#define IN_LIBXSLT
#include "libxslt.h"

#include <string.h>

#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include <libxml/valid.h>
#include <libxml/hash.h>
#include <libxml/xmlerror.h>
#include <libxml/parserInternals.h>
#include <libxml/xpath.h>
#include "xslt.h"
#include "xsltInternals.h"
#include "xsltutils.h"
#include "imports.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "keys.h"
#include "pattern.h"
#include "documents.h"


 * Types are private:



struct _xsltStepState {};

struct _xsltStepStates {};

struct _xsltStepOp {};

struct _xsltCompMatch {};

struct _xsltParserContext {};

 *									*
 *			Type functions					*
 *									*

 * xsltNewCompMatch:
 * Create a new XSLT CompMatch
 * Returns the newly allocated xsltCompMatchPtr or NULL in case of error
static xsltCompMatchPtr
xsltNewCompMatch(void) {}

 * xsltFreeCompMatch:
 * @comp:  an XSLT comp
 * Free up the memory allocated by @comp
static void
xsltFreeCompMatch(xsltCompMatchPtr comp) {}

 * xsltFreeCompMatchList:
 * @comp:  an XSLT comp list
 * Free up the memory allocated by all the elements of @comp
xsltFreeCompMatchList(xsltCompMatchPtr comp) {}

static void
xsltFreeCompMatchListEntry(void *payload,
                           const xmlChar *name ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {}

 * xsltNormalizeCompSteps:
 * @payload: pointer to template hash table entry
 * @data: pointer to the stylesheet
 * @name: template match name
 * This is a hashtable scanner function to normalize the compiled
 * steps of an imported stylesheet.
void xsltNormalizeCompSteps(void *payload,
        void *data, const xmlChar *name ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {}

 * xsltNewParserContext:
 * @style:  the stylesheet
 * @ctxt:  the transformation context, if done at run-time
 * Create a new XSLT ParserContext
 * Returns the newly allocated xsltParserContextPtr or NULL in case of error
static xsltParserContextPtr
xsltNewParserContext(xsltStylesheetPtr style, xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt) {}

 * xsltFreeParserContext:
 * @ctxt:  an XSLT parser context
 * Free up the memory allocated by @ctxt
static void
xsltFreeParserContext(xsltParserContextPtr ctxt) {}

 * xsltCompMatchAdd:
 * @comp:  the compiled match expression
 * @op:  an op
 * @value:  the first value
 * @value2:  the second value
 * @novar:  flag to set XML_XPATH_NOVAR
 * Add an step to an XSLT Compiled Match
 * Returns -1 in case of failure, 0 otherwise.
static int
xsltCompMatchAdd(xsltParserContextPtr ctxt, xsltCompMatchPtr comp,
                 xsltOp op, xmlChar * value, xmlChar * value2, int novar)

 * xsltSwapTopCompMatch:
 * @comp:  the compiled match expression
 * reverse the two top steps.
static void
xsltSwapTopCompMatch(xsltCompMatchPtr comp) {}

 * xsltReverseCompMatch:
 * @ctxt: the parser context
 * @comp:  the compiled match expression
 * reverse all the stack of expressions
static void
xsltReverseCompMatch(xsltParserContextPtr ctxt, xsltCompMatchPtr comp) {}

 *									*
 *		The interpreter for the precompiled patterns		*
 *									*

static int
xsltPatPushState(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xsltStepStates *states,
                 int step, xmlNodePtr node) {}

static void
xmlXPathFreeObjectWrapper(void *obj) {}

 * xsltTestCompMatchDirect:
 * @ctxt:  a XSLT process context
 * @comp: the precompiled pattern
 * @node: a node
 * @nsList: the namespaces in scope
 * @nsNr: the number of namespaces in scope
 * Test whether the node matches the pattern, do a direct evalutation
 * and not a step by step evaluation.
 * Returns 1 if it matches, 0 if it doesn't and -1 in case of failure
static int
xsltTestCompMatchDirect(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xsltCompMatchPtr comp,
	                xmlNodePtr node, xmlNsPtr *nsList, int nsNr) {}

 * xsltTestStepMatch:
 * @ctxt:  a XSLT process context
 * @node: a node
 * @step:  the step
 * Test whether the node matches the step.
 * Returns 1 if it matches, 0 if it doesn't and -1 in case of failure
static int
xsltTestStepMatch(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node,
                  xsltStepOpPtr step) {}

 * xsltTestPredicateMatch:
 * @ctxt: a XSLT process context
 * @comp: the precompiled pattern
 * @node: a node
 * @step: the predicate step
 * @sel:  the previous step
 * Test whether the node matches the predicate
 * Returns 1 if it matches, 0 if it doesn't and -1 in case of failure
static int
xsltTestPredicateMatch(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xsltCompMatchPtr comp,
                       xmlNodePtr node, xsltStepOpPtr step,
                       xsltStepOpPtr sel) {}

 * xsltTestCompMatch:
 * @ctxt:  a XSLT process context
 * @comp: the precompiled pattern
 * @node: a node
 * @mode:  the mode name or NULL
 * @modeURI:  the mode URI or NULL
 * Test whether the node matches the pattern
 * Returns 1 if it matches, 0 if it doesn't and -1 in case of failure
static int
xsltTestCompMatch(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xsltCompMatchPtr comp,
	          xmlNodePtr matchNode, const xmlChar *mode,
		  const xmlChar *modeURI) {}

 * xsltTestCompMatchList:
 * @ctxt:  a XSLT process context
 * @node: a node
 * @comp: the precompiled pattern list
 * Test whether the node matches one of the patterns in the list
 * Returns 1 if it matches, 0 if it doesn't and -1 in case of failure
xsltTestCompMatchList(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node,
	              xsltCompMatchPtr comp) {}

 * xsltCompMatchClearCache:
 * @ctxt:  a XSLT process context
 * @comp: the precompiled pattern list
 * Clear pattern match cache.
xsltCompMatchClearCache(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xsltCompMatchPtr comp) {}

 *									*
 *			Dedicated parser for templates			*
 *									*

#define CUR
#define SKIP(val)
#define NXT(val)
#define CUR_PTR


#define CURRENT
#define NEXT

#define PUSH(op, val, val2, novar)

#define SWAP()

#define XSLT_ERROR(X)

#define XSLT_ERROR0(X)

 * xsltScanLiteral:
 * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
 * Parse an XPath Litteral:
 * [29] Literal ::= '"' [^"]* '"'
 *                | "'" [^']* "'"
 * Returns the Literal parsed or NULL

static xmlChar *
xsltScanLiteral(xsltParserContextPtr ctxt) {}

 * xsltScanNCName:
 * @ctxt:  the XPath Parser context
 * Parses a non qualified name
 * Returns the Name parsed or NULL

static xmlChar *
xsltScanNCName(xsltParserContextPtr ctxt) {}

 * xsltCompileIdKeyPattern:
 * @ctxt:  the compilation context
 * @name:  a preparsed name
 * @aid:  whether id/key are allowed there
 * @novar:  flag to prohibit xslt var
 * Compile the XSLT LocationIdKeyPattern
 * [3] IdKeyPattern ::= 'id' '(' Literal ')'
 *                    | 'key' '(' Literal ',' Literal ')'
 * also handle NodeType and PI from:
 * [7]  NodeTest ::= NameTest
 *                 | NodeType '(' ')'
 *                 | 'processing-instruction' '(' Literal ')'
static void
xsltCompileIdKeyPattern(xsltParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlChar *name,
		int aid, int novar, xsltAxis axis) {}

 * xsltCompileStepPattern:
 * @ctxt:  the compilation context
 * @token:  a posible precompiled name
 * @novar: flag to prohibit xslt variables from pattern
 * Compile the XSLT StepPattern and generates a precompiled
 * form suitable for fast matching.
 * [5] StepPattern ::= ChildOrAttributeAxisSpecifier NodeTest Predicate*
 * [6] ChildOrAttributeAxisSpecifier ::= AbbreviatedAxisSpecifier
 *                                     | ('child' | 'attribute') '::'
 * from XPath
 * [7]  NodeTest ::= NameTest
 *                 | NodeType '(' ')'
 *                 | 'processing-instruction' '(' Literal ')'
 * [8] Predicate ::= '[' PredicateExpr ']'
 * [9] PredicateExpr ::= Expr
 * [13] AbbreviatedAxisSpecifier ::= '@'?
 * [37] NameTest ::= '*' | NCName ':' '*' | QName

static void
xsltCompileStepPattern(xsltParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlChar *token, int novar) {}

 * xsltCompileRelativePathPattern:
 * @comp:  the compilation context
 * @token:  a posible precompiled name
 * @novar:  flag to prohibit xslt variables
 * Compile the XSLT RelativePathPattern and generates a precompiled
 * form suitable for fast matching.
 * [4] RelativePathPattern ::= StepPattern
 *                           | RelativePathPattern '/' StepPattern
 *                           | RelativePathPattern '//' StepPattern
static void
xsltCompileRelativePathPattern(xsltParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlChar *token, int novar) {}

 * xsltCompileLocationPathPattern:
 * @ctxt:  the compilation context
 * @novar:  flag to prohibit xslt variables
 * Compile the XSLT LocationPathPattern and generates a precompiled
 * form suitable for fast matching.
 * [2] LocationPathPattern ::= '/' RelativePathPattern?
 *                           | IdKeyPattern (('/' | '//') RelativePathPattern)?
 *                           | '//'? RelativePathPattern
static void
xsltCompileLocationPathPattern(xsltParserContextPtr ctxt, int novar) {}

 * xsltCompilePatternInternal:
 * @pattern: an XSLT pattern
 * @doc:  the containing document
 * @node:  the containing element
 * @style:  the stylesheet
 * @runtime:  the transformation context, if done at run-time
 * @novar:  flag to prohibit xslt variables
 * Compile the XSLT pattern and generates a list of precompiled form suitable
 * for fast matching.
 * [1] Pattern ::= LocationPathPattern | Pattern '|' LocationPathPattern
 * Returns the generated pattern list or NULL in case of failure

static xsltCompMatchPtr
xsltCompilePatternInternal(const xmlChar *pattern, xmlDocPtr doc,
	           xmlNodePtr node, xsltStylesheetPtr style,
		   xsltTransformContextPtr runtime, int novar) {}

 * xsltCompilePattern:
 * @pattern: an XSLT pattern
 * @doc:  the containing document
 * @node:  the containing element
 * @style:  the stylesheet
 * @runtime:  the transformation context, if done at run-time
 * Compile the XSLT pattern and generates a list of precompiled form suitable
 * for fast matching.
 * [1] Pattern ::= LocationPathPattern | Pattern '|' LocationPathPattern
 * Returns the generated pattern list or NULL in case of failure

xsltCompilePattern(const xmlChar *pattern, xmlDocPtr doc,
	           xmlNodePtr node, xsltStylesheetPtr style,
		   xsltTransformContextPtr runtime) {}

 *									*
 *			Module interfaces				*
 *									*

 * xsltAddTemplate:
 * @style: an XSLT stylesheet
 * @cur: an XSLT template
 * @mode:  the mode name or NULL
 * @modeURI:  the mode URI or NULL
 * Register the XSLT pattern associated to @cur
 * Returns -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise
xsltAddTemplate(xsltStylesheetPtr style, xsltTemplatePtr cur,
	        const xmlChar *mode, const xmlChar *modeURI) {}

static int
xsltComputeAllKeys(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr contextNode)

 * xsltGetTemplate:
 * @ctxt:  a XSLT process context
 * @node:  the node being processed
 * @style:  the current style
 * Finds the template applying to this node, if @style is non-NULL
 * it means one needs to look for the next imported template in scope.
 * Returns the xsltTemplatePtr or NULL if not found
xsltGetTemplate(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node,
	        xsltStylesheetPtr style)

 * xsltCleanupTemplates:
 * @style: an XSLT stylesheet
 * Cleanup the state of the templates used by the stylesheet and
 * the ones it imports.
xsltCleanupTemplates(xsltStylesheetPtr style ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {}

 * xsltFreeTemplateHashes:
 * @style: an XSLT stylesheet
 * Free up the memory used by xsltAddTemplate/xsltGetTemplate mechanism
xsltFreeTemplateHashes(xsltStylesheetPtr style) {}