Name: Lit
Short Name: lit
Version: 3.0.2
Revision: N/A
License: BSD 3-Clause
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: no
Shipped: yes
This directory depends on //third_party/node/node_modules/ which actually holds
all Lit related dependencies.
The source git repositories can be found at:
Local Modifications:
This directory contains
1) //third_party/lit/v3_0:build_ts
A ts_library() target, holding .d.ts definition files to be added as a
dependency from any other targets that will be using Lit.
2) A lit.ts file used as input to bundle_js() (after passed through the target
at #1)
3) //third_party/lit/v3_0:build_bundle
A bundle_js() target, along with a custom Rollup config and plugin, used to
create bundled JS file containing all Lit related dependencies. This file is
shipped with the Chrome binary and used by WebUI.
4) //third_party/lit/v3_0:build_min_js
A minify_js() target used to minify the Lit bundle.
5) //third_party/lit/v3_0:build_grdp
A generate_grd() target, referred by other parts of the code, in order to
include lit.rollup.js in the final build.
6) cr_lit_element.ts: A Chromium specific LitElement subclass, to be used as
the superclass for all web components based on Lit. Offers some
functionality that bridges the gap between Polymer and Lit.