
# copyright 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of astroid.
# astroid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
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"""visitor doing some postprocessing on the astroid tree.
Try to resolve definitions (namespace) dictionary, relationship...

This module has been imported from pyreverse

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from os.path import dirname

import astroid
from astroid.exceptions import InferenceError
from astroid.utils import LocalsVisitor
from astroid.modutils import get_module_part, is_relative, is_standard_module

class IdGeneratorMixIn(object):
    Mixin adding the ability to generate integer uid
    def __init__(self, start_value=0):
        self.id_count = start_value

    def init_counter(self, start_value=0):
        """init the id counter
        self.id_count = start_value

    def generate_id(self):
        """generate a new identifier
        self.id_count += 1
        return self.id_count

class Linker(IdGeneratorMixIn, LocalsVisitor):
    walk on the project tree and resolve relationships.

    According to options the following attributes may be added to visited nodes:

    * uid,
      a unique identifier for the node (on astroid.Project, astroid.Module,
      astroid.Class and astroid.locals_type). Only if the linker has been instantiated
      with tag=True parameter (False by default).

    * Function
      a mapping from locals names to their bounded value, which may be a
      constant like a string or an integer, or an astroid node (on astroid.Module,
      astroid.Class and astroid.Function).

    * instance_attrs_type
      as locals_type but for klass member attributes (only on astroid.Class)

    * implements,
      list of implemented interface _objects_ (only on astroid.Class nodes)

    def __init__(self, project, inherited_interfaces=0, tag=False):
        # take inherited interface in consideration or not
        self.inherited_interfaces = inherited_interfaces
        # tag nodes or not
        self.tag = tag
        # visited project
        self.project = project

    def visit_project(self, node):
        """visit an astroid.Project node

         * optionally tag the node with a unique id
        if self.tag:
            node.uid = self.generate_id()
        for module in node.modules:

    def visit_package(self, node):
        """visit an astroid.Package node

         * optionally tag the node with a unique id
        if self.tag:
            node.uid = self.generate_id()
        for subelmt in node.values():

    def visit_module(self, node):
        """visit an astroid.Module node

         * set the locals_type mapping
         * set the depends mapping
         * optionally tag the node with a unique id
        if hasattr(node, 'locals_type'):
        node.locals_type = {}
        node.depends = []
        if self.tag:
            node.uid = self.generate_id()

    def visit_class(self, node):
        """visit an astroid.Class node

         * set the locals_type and instance_attrs_type mappings
         * set the implements list and build it
         * optionally tag the node with a unique id
        if hasattr(node, 'locals_type'):
        node.locals_type = {}
        if self.tag:
            node.uid = self.generate_id()
        # resolve ancestors
        for baseobj in node.ancestors(recurs=False):
            specializations = getattr(baseobj, 'specializations', [])
            baseobj.specializations = specializations
        # resolve instance attributes
        node.instance_attrs_type = {}
        for assattrs in node.instance_attrs.values():
            for assattr in assattrs:
                self.handle_assattr_type(assattr, node)
        # resolve implemented interface
            node.implements = list(node.interfaces(self.inherited_interfaces))
        except InferenceError:
            node.implements = ()

    def visit_function(self, node):
        """visit an astroid.Function node

         * set the locals_type mapping
         * optionally tag the node with a unique id
        if hasattr(node, 'locals_type'):
        node.locals_type = {}
        if self.tag:
            node.uid = self.generate_id()

    link_project = visit_project
    link_module = visit_module
    link_class = visit_class
    link_function = visit_function

    def visit_assname(self, node):
        """visit an astroid.AssName node

        handle locals_type
        # avoid double parsing done by different Linkers.visit
        # running over the same project:
        if hasattr(node, '_handled'):
        node._handled = True
        if in node.frame():
            frame = node.frame()
            # the name has been defined as 'global' in the frame and belongs
            # there. Btw the frame is not yet visited as the name is in the
            # root locals; the frame hence has no locals_type attribute
            frame = node.root()
            values = node.infered()
                already_infered = frame.locals_type[]
                for valnode in values:
                    if not valnode in already_infered:
            except KeyError:
                frame.locals_type[] = values
        except astroid.InferenceError:

    def handle_assattr_type(self, node, parent):
        """handle an astroid.AssAttr node

        handle instance_attrs_type
            values = list(node.infer())
                already_infered = parent.instance_attrs_type[node.attrname]
                for valnode in values:
                    if not valnode in already_infered:
            except KeyError:
                parent.instance_attrs_type[node.attrname] = values
        except astroid.InferenceError:

    def visit_import(self, node):
        """visit an astroid.Import node

        resolve module dependencies
        context_file = node.root().file
        for name in node.names:
            relative = is_relative(name[0], context_file)
            self._imported_module(node, name[0], relative)

    def visit_from(self, node):
        """visit an astroid.From node

        resolve module dependencies
        basename = node.modname
        context_file = node.root().file
        if context_file is not None:
            relative = is_relative(basename, context_file)
            relative = False
        for name in node.names:
            if name[0] == '*':
            # analyze dependencies
            fullname = '%s.%s' % (basename, name[0])
            if fullname.find('.') > -1:
                    # XXX: don't use get_module_part, missing package precedence
                    fullname = get_module_part(fullname, context_file)
                except ImportError:
            if fullname != basename:
                self._imported_module(node, fullname, relative)

    def compute_module(self, context_name, mod_path):
        """return true if the module should be added to dependencies"""
        package_dir = dirname(self.project.path)
        if context_name == mod_path:
            return 0
        elif is_standard_module(mod_path, (package_dir,)):
            return 1
        return 0

    # protected methods ########################################################

    def _imported_module(self, node, mod_path, relative):
        """notify an imported module, used to analyze dependencies
        module = node.root()
        context_name =
        if relative:
            mod_path = '%s.%s' % ('.'.join(context_name.split('.')[:-1]),
        if self.compute_module(context_name, mod_path):
            # handle dependencies
            if not hasattr(module, 'depends'):
                module.depends = []
            mod_paths = module.depends
            if not mod_path in mod_paths: