<%page args="x, y=_('Page arg 1'), z=_('Page arg 2')"/>
import random
def gettext(message): return message
_ = gettext
def ungettext(s, p, c):
if c == 1:
return s
return p
top = gettext('Begin')
# TRANSLATOR: Hi there!
hithere = _('Hi there!')
# TRANSLATOR: you should not be seeing this in the .po
rows = [[v for v in range(0,10)] for row in range(0,10)]
hello = _('Hello')
<div id="header">
% for row in (hithere, hello, _('Yo')):
% endfor
<div id="main">
## TRANSLATOR: Ensure so and
## so, thanks
${_('The')} fuzzy ${ungettext('bunny', 'bunnies', random.randint(1, 2))}
<div id="footer">
## TRANSLATOR: Good bye
<%def name="makerow(row=_('Babel'), count=1)">
<!-- ${ungettext('hella', 'hellas', count)} -->
% for i in range(count):
% for name in row:
% endfor
% endfor
<%def name="comment()">
<!-- ${caller.body()} -->
<%block name="foo">
## TRANSLATOR: Ensure so and
## so, thanks
${_('The')} fuzzy ${ungettext('bunny', 'bunnies', random.randint(1, 2))}
<%call expr="comment">
${_('Goodbye, really!')}
<!-- ${_('P.S. byebye')} -->
<div id="end">
<a href="#top">
## TRANSLATOR: you won't see this either
<%def name="panel()">
${_(u'foo')} <%self:block_tpl title="#123", name="_('baz')" value="${_('hoho')}" something="hi'there" somethingelse='hi"there'>
## TRANSLATOR: <p> tag is ok?
<p>${_("Inside a p tag")}</p>
## TRANSLATOR: also this
<p>${even_with_other_code_first()} - ${_("Later in a p tag")}</p>
## TRANSLATOR: we still ignore comments too far from the string
<p>${_("No action at a distance.")}</p>
## TRANSLATOR: nothing to extract from these blocks
% if 1==1:
<p>One is one!</p>
% elif 1==2:
<p>One is two!</p>
% else:
<p>How much is one?</p>
% endif
% for i in range(10):
<p>${i} squared is ${i*i}</p>
% else:
<p>Done with squares!</p>
% endfor
% while random.randint(1,6) != 6:
<p>Not 6!</p>
% endwhile
## TRANSLATOR: for now, try/except blocks are ignored
% try:
<% 1/0 %>
% except:
% endtry
## TRANSLATOR: this should not cause a parse error
${ 1 }