
from mako.template import Template
from mako.testing.assertions import eq_
from mako.testing.fixtures import TemplateTest
from mako.testing.helpers import flatten_result
from mako.testing.helpers import result_lines

class CallTest(TemplateTest):
    def test_call(self):
        t = Template(
        <%def name="foo()">
            hi im foo ${caller.body(y=5)}

        <%call expr="foo()" args="y, **kwargs">
            this is the body, y is ${y}
        assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
            "hi im foo",
            "this is the body, y is 5",

    def test_compound_call(self):
        t = Template(

        <%def name="bar()">
            this is bar

        <%def name="comp1()">
            this comp1 should not be called

        <%def name="foo()">
            foo calling comp1: ${caller.comp1(x=5)}
            foo calling body: ${caller.body()}

        <%call expr="foo()">
            <%def name="comp1(x)">
                this is comp1, ${x}
            this is the body, ${comp1(6)}

        assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
            "foo calling comp1:",
            "this is comp1, 5",
            "foo calling body:",
            "this is the body,",
            "this is comp1, 6",
            "this is bar",

    def test_new_syntax(self):
        """test foo:bar syntax, including multiline args and expression

        # note the trailing whitespace in the bottom ${} expr, need to strip
        # that off < python 2.7

        t = Template(
            <%def name="foo(x, y, q, z)">
                ${",".join("%s->%s" % (a, b) for a, b in z)}

            <%self:foo x="this is x" y="${'some ' + 'y'}" q="

                (1, 2),
                (3, 4),
                (5, 6)


            ["this is x", "some y", "this", "is", "q", "1->2,3->4,5->6"],

    def test_ccall_caller(self):
        t = Template(
        <%def name="outer_func()">
            <%call expr="caller.inner_func()">
                INNER CALL
        OUTER END

        <%call expr="outer_func()">
            <%def name="inner_func()">
                INNER BEGIN
                INNER END

        # print t.code
        assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
            "OUTER BEGIN",
            "INNER BEGIN",
            "INNER CALL",
            "INNER END",
            "OUTER END",

    def test_stack_pop(self):
        t = Template(
        <%def name="links()" buffered="True">
           Some links

        <%def name="wrapper(links)">

        ## links() pushes a stack frame on.  when complete,
        ## 'nextcaller' must be restored
        <%call expr="wrapper(links())">
           Some title


        assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
            "Some title",
            "Some links",

    def test_conditional_call(self):
        """test that 'caller' is non-None only if the immediate <%def> was
        called via <%call>"""

        t = Template(
        <%def name="a()">
        % if caller:
        ${ caller.body() } \\
        % endif
        ${ b() }

        <%def name="b()">
        % if caller:
        ${ caller.body() } \\
        % endif
        ${ c() }

        <%def name="c()">
        % if caller:
        ${ caller.body() } \\
        % endif

        <%call expr="a()">

        assert result_lines(t.render()) == ["CALL", "AAA", "BBB", "CCC"]

    def test_chained_call(self):
        """test %calls that are chained through their targets"""
        t = Template(
            <%def name="a()">
                this is a.
                <%call expr="b()">
                    this is a's ccall.  heres my body: ${caller.body()}
            <%def name="b()">
                this is b.  heres  my body: ${caller.body()}
                whats in the body's caller's body ?

            <%call expr="a()">
                heres the main templ call

        assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
            "this is a.",
            "this is b. heres my body:",
            "this is a's ccall. heres my body:",
            "heres the main templ call",
            "whats in the body's caller's body ?",
            "heres the main templ call",

    def test_nested_call(self):
        """test %calls that are nested inside each other"""
        t = Template(
            <%def name="foo()">

            x is ${x}
            <%def name="bar()">
                bar: ${caller.body()}

            <%call expr="foo()" args="x">
                this is foo body: ${x}

                <%call expr="bar()">
                    this is bar body: ${x}
        assert result_lines(t.render(x=5)) == [
            "x is 5",
            "this is foo body: 10",
            "this is bar body: 10",

    def test_nested_call_2(self):
        t = Template(
            x is ${x}
            <%def name="foo()">

            <%def name="bar()">
                bar: ${caller.barsub()}

            <%call expr="foo()">
                <%def name="foosub(x)">
                this is foo body: ${x}

                <%call expr="bar()">
                    <%def name="barsub()">
                    this is bar body: ${x}


        assert result_lines(t.render(x=5)) == [
            "x is 5",
            "this is foo body: 10",
            "this is bar body: 10",

    def test_nested_call_3(self):
        template = Template(
        <%def name="A()">

        <%def name="B()">

        <%call expr="A()">
          <%call expr="B()">
            <%def name="foo()">

        assert flatten_result(template.render()) == "foo"

    def test_nested_call_4(self):
        base = """
        <%def name="A()">

        <%def name="B()">

        template = Template(
            + """
        <%def name="C()">


            "C_def B_def A_def A_body B_body C_body",

        template = Template(
            + """
        <%def name="C()">


            "C_def B_def B_body C_body A_def A_body",

    def test_chained_call_in_nested(self):
        t = Template(
            <%def name="embedded()">
            <%def name="a()">
                this is a.
                <%call expr="b()">
                    this is a's ccall.  heres my body: ${caller.body()}
            <%def name="b()">
                this is b.  heres  my body: ${caller.body()}
                whats in the body's caller's body ? """

            <%call expr="a()">
                heres the main templ call
        # print t.code
        # print result_lines(t.render())
        assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
            "this is a.",
            "this is b. heres my body:",
            "this is a's ccall. heres my body:",
            "heres the main templ call",
            "whats in the body's caller's body ?",
            "heres the main templ call",

    def test_call_in_nested(self):
        t = Template(
            <%def name="a()">
                this is a ${b()}
                <%def name="b()">
                    this is b
                    <%call expr="c()">
                        this is the body in b's call
                <%def name="c()">
                    this is c: ${caller.body()}
        assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
            "this is a",
            "this is b",
            "this is c:",
            "this is the body in b's call",

    def test_composed_def(self):
        t = Template(
            <%def name="f()"><f>${caller.body()}</f></%def>
            <%def name="g()"><g>${caller.body()}</g></%def>
            <%def name="fg()">
        assert result_lines(t.render()) == ["<f><g>fgbody</g></f>"]

    def test_regular_defs(self):
        t = Template(
            def a(context):
                context.write("this is a")
                if context['caller']:
                context.write("a is done")
                return ''

        <%def name="b()">
            this is b
            our body: ${caller.body()}
        test 1
        <%call expr="a(context)">
            this is the body
        test 2
        <%call expr="b()">
            this is the body
        test 3
        <%call expr="b()">
            this is the body
            <%call expr="b()">
                this is the nested body

        assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
            "test 1",
            "this is a",
            "this is the body",
            "a is done",
            "test 2",
            "this is b",
            "our body:",
            "this is the body",
            "this is aa is done",
            "test 3",
            "this is b",
            "our body:",
            "this is the body",
            "this is b",
            "our body:",
            "this is the nested body",
            "this is aa is done",
            "this is aa is done",

    def test_call_in_nested_2(self):
        t = Template(
            <%def name="a()">
                <%def name="d()">
                    not this d
                this is a ${b()}
                <%def name="b()">
                    <%def name="d()">
                        not this d either
                    this is b
                    <%call expr="c()">
                        <%def name="d()">
                            this is d
                        this is the body in b's call
                <%def name="c()">
                    this is c: ${caller.body()}
                    the embedded "d" is: ${caller.d()}
        assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
            "this is a",
            "this is b",
            "this is c:",
            "this is the body in b's call",
            'the embedded "d" is:',
            "this is d",

class SelfCacheTest(TemplateTest):
    """this test uses a now non-public API."""

    def test_basic(self):
        t = Template(
            cached = None
        <%def name="foo()">
                global cached
                if cached:
                    return "cached: " + cached
                __M_writer = context._push_writer()
            this is foo
                buf, __M_writer = context._pop_buffer_and_writer()
                cached = buf.getvalue()
                return cached

        assert result_lines(t.render()) == [
            "this is foo",
            "this is foo",