* @license
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
export declare const deepArrayEquals: <T extends readonly unknown[]>(oldArgs: T, newArgs: T) => boolean;
* Recursively checks two objects for equality.
* This function handles the following cases:
* - Primitives: primitives compared with Object.is()
* - Objects: to be equal, two objects must:
* - have the same constructor
* - have same set of own property names
* - have each own property be deeply equal
* - Arrays, Maps, Sets, and RegExps
* - Objects with custom valueOf() (ex: Date)
* - Objects with custom toString() (ex: URL)
* Important: Objects must be free of cycles, otherwise this function will
* run infinitely!
export declare const deepEquals: (a: unknown, b: unknown) => boolean;
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