* @license
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { __decorate } from "tslib";
import '../../divider/divider.js';
import { html, isServer, LitElement, nothing } from 'lit';
import { property, query, state } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
import { mixinDelegatesAria } from '../../internal/aria/delegate.js';
import { redispatchEvent } from '../../internal/events/redispatch-event.js';
// Separate variable needed for closure.
const dialogBaseClass = mixinDelegatesAria(LitElement);
* A dialog component.
* @fires open {Event} Dispatched when the dialog is opening before any animations.
* @fires opened {Event} Dispatched when the dialog has opened after any animations.
* @fires close {Event} Dispatched when the dialog is closing before any animations.
* @fires closed {Event} Dispatched when the dialog has closed after any animations.
* @fires cancel {Event} Dispatched when the dialog has been canceled by clicking
* on the scrim or pressing Escape.
export class Dialog extends dialogBaseClass {
// We do not use `delegatesFocus: true` due to a Chromium bug with
// selecting text.
// See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=950357
* Opens the dialog when set to `true` and closes it when set to `false`.
get open() {
return this.isOpen;
set open(open) {
if (open === this.isOpen) {
this.isOpen = open;
if (open) {
this.setAttribute('open', '');
else {
constructor() {
* Skips the opening and closing animations.
this.quick = false;
* Gets or sets the dialog's return value, usually to indicate which button
* a user pressed to close it.
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLDialogElement/returnValue
this.returnValue = '';
* Disables focus trapping, which by default keeps keyboard Tab navigation
* within the dialog.
* When disabled, after focusing the last element of a dialog, pressing Tab
* again will release focus from the window back to the browser (such as the
* URL bar).
* Focus trapping is recommended for accessibility, and should not typically
* be disabled. Only turn this off if the use case of a dialog is more
* accessible without focus trapping.
this.noFocusTrap = false;
* Gets the opening animation for a dialog. Set to a new function to customize
* the animation.
this.getOpenAnimation = () => DIALOG_DEFAULT_OPEN_ANIMATION;
* Gets the closing animation for a dialog. Set to a new function to customize
* the animation.
this.getCloseAnimation = () => DIALOG_DEFAULT_CLOSE_ANIMATION;
this.isOpen = false;
this.isOpening = false;
this.isConnectedPromise = this.getIsConnectedPromise();
this.isAtScrollTop = false;
this.isAtScrollBottom = false;
this.nextClickIsFromContent = false;
// Dialogs should not be SSR'd while open, so we can just use runtime checks.
this.hasHeadline = false;
this.hasActions = false;
this.hasIcon = false;
// See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1512224
// Chrome v120 has a bug where escape keys do not trigger cancels. If we get
// a dialog "close" event that is triggered without a "cancel" after an escape
// keydown, then we need to manually trigger our closing logic.
// This bug occurs when pressing escape to close a dialog without first
// interacting with the dialog's content.
// Cleanup tracking:
// https://github.com/material-components/material-web/issues/5330
// This can be removed when full CloseWatcher support added and the above bug
// in Chromium is fixed to fire 'cancel' with one escape press and close with
// multiple.
this.escapePressedWithoutCancel = false;
// This TreeWalker is used to walk through a dialog's children to find
// focusable elements. TreeWalker is faster than `querySelectorAll('*')`.
// We check for isServer because there isn't a "document" during an SSR
// run.
this.treewalker = isServer
? null
: document.createTreeWalker(this, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
if (!isServer) {
this.addEventListener('submit', this.handleSubmit);
* Opens the dialog and fires a cancelable `open` event. After a dialog's
* animation, an `opened` event is fired.
* Add an `autofocus` attribute to a child of the dialog that should
* receive focus after opening.
* @return A Promise that resolves after the animation is finished and the
* `opened` event was fired.
async show() {
this.isOpening = true;
// Dialogs can be opened before being attached to the DOM, so we need to
// wait until we're connected before calling `showModal()`.
await this.isConnectedPromise;
await this.updateComplete;
const dialog = this.dialog;
// Check if already opened or if `dialog.close()` was called while awaiting.
if (dialog.open || !this.isOpening) {
this.isOpening = false;
const preventOpen = !this.dispatchEvent(new Event('open', { cancelable: true }));
if (preventOpen) {
this.open = false;
this.isOpening = false;
// All Material dialogs are modal.
this.open = true;
// Reset scroll position if re-opening a dialog with the same content.
if (this.scroller) {
this.scroller.scrollTop = 0;
// Native modal dialogs ignore autofocus and instead force focus to the
// first focusable child. Override this behavior if there is a child with
// an autofocus attribute.
await this.animateDialog(this.getOpenAnimation());
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('opened'));
this.isOpening = false;
* Closes the dialog and fires a cancelable `close` event. After a dialog's
* animation, a `closed` event is fired.
* @param returnValue A return value usually indicating which button was used
* to close a dialog. If a dialog is canceled by clicking the scrim or
* pressing Escape, it will not change the return value after closing.
* @return A Promise that resolves after the animation is finished and the
* `closed` event was fired.
async close(returnValue = this.returnValue) {
this.isOpening = false;
if (!this.isConnected) {
// Disconnected dialogs do not fire close events or animate.
this.open = false;
await this.updateComplete;
const dialog = this.dialog;
// Check if already closed or if `dialog.show()` was called while awaiting.
if (!dialog.open || this.isOpening) {
this.open = false;
const prevReturnValue = this.returnValue;
this.returnValue = returnValue;
const preventClose = !this.dispatchEvent(new Event('close', { cancelable: true }));
if (preventClose) {
this.returnValue = prevReturnValue;
await this.animateDialog(this.getCloseAnimation());
this.open = false;
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('closed'));
connectedCallback() {
disconnectedCallback() {
this.isConnectedPromise = this.getIsConnectedPromise();
render() {
const scrollable = this.open && !(this.isAtScrollTop && this.isAtScrollBottom);
const classes = {
'has-headline': this.hasHeadline,
'has-actions': this.hasActions,
'has-icon': this.hasIcon,
'scrollable': scrollable,
'show-top-divider': scrollable && !this.isAtScrollTop,
'show-bottom-divider': scrollable && !this.isAtScrollBottom,
// The focus trap sentinels are only added after the dialog opens, since
// dialog.showModal() will try to autofocus them, even with tabindex="-1".
const showFocusTrap = this.open && !this.noFocusTrap;
const focusTrap = html `
const { ariaLabel } = this;
return html `
<div class="scrim"></div>
aria-label=${ariaLabel || nothing}
aria-labelledby=${this.hasHeadline ? 'headline' : nothing}
role=${this.type === 'alert' ? 'alertdialog' : nothing}
.returnValue=${this.returnValue || nothing}>
${showFocusTrap ? focusTrap : nothing}
<div class="container" @click=${this.handleContentClick}>
<div class="headline">
<div class="icon" aria-hidden="true">
<slot name="icon" @slotchange=${this.handleIconChange}></slot>
<h2 id="headline" aria-hidden=${!this.hasHeadline || nothing}>
<div class="scroller">
<div class="content">
<div class="top anchor"></div>
<slot name="content"></slot>
<div class="bottom anchor"></div>
<div class="actions">
<slot name="actions" @slotchange=${this.handleActionsChange}></slot>
${showFocusTrap ? focusTrap : nothing}
firstUpdated() {
this.intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
for (const entry of entries) {
}, { root: this.scroller });
handleDialogClick() {
if (this.nextClickIsFromContent) {
// Avoid doing a layout calculation below if we know the click came from
// content.
this.nextClickIsFromContent = false;
// Click originated on the backdrop. Native `<dialog>`s will not cancel,
// but Material dialogs do.
const preventDefault = !this.dispatchEvent(new Event('cancel', { cancelable: true }));
if (preventDefault) {
handleContentClick() {
this.nextClickIsFromContent = true;
handleSubmit(event) {
const form = event.target;
const { submitter } = event;
if (form.method !== 'dialog' || !submitter) {
// Close reason is the submitter's value attribute, or the dialog's
// `returnValue` if there is no attribute.
this.close(submitter.getAttribute('value') ?? this.returnValue);
handleCancel(event) {
if (event.target !== this.dialog) {
// Ignore any cancel events dispatched by content.
this.escapePressedWithoutCancel = false;
const preventDefault = !redispatchEvent(this, event);
// We always prevent default on the original dialog event since we'll
// animate closing it before it actually closes.
if (preventDefault) {
handleClose() {
if (!this.escapePressedWithoutCancel) {
this.escapePressedWithoutCancel = false;
this.dialog?.dispatchEvent(new Event('cancel', { cancelable: true }));
handleKeydown(event) {
if (event.key !== 'Escape') {
// An escape key was pressed. If a "close" event fires next without a
// "cancel" event first, then we know we're in the Chrome v120 bug.
this.escapePressedWithoutCancel = true;
// Wait a full task for the cancel/close event listeners to fire, then
// reset the flag.
setTimeout(() => {
this.escapePressedWithoutCancel = false;
async animateDialog(animation) {
// Always cancel the previous animations. Animations can include `fill`
// modes that need to be cleared when `quick` is toggled. If not, content
// that faded out will remain hidden when a `quick` dialog re-opens after
// previously opening and closing without `quick`.
this.cancelAnimations = new AbortController();
if (this.quick) {
const { dialog, scrim, container, headline, content, actions } = this;
if (!dialog || !scrim || !container || !headline || !content || !actions) {
const { container: containerAnimate, dialog: dialogAnimate, scrim: scrimAnimate, headline: headlineAnimate, content: contentAnimate, actions: actionsAnimate, } = animation;
const elementAndAnimation = [
[dialog, dialogAnimate ?? []],
[scrim, scrimAnimate ?? []],
[container, containerAnimate ?? []],
[headline, headlineAnimate ?? []],
[content, contentAnimate ?? []],
[actions, actionsAnimate ?? []],
const animations = [];
for (const [element, animation] of elementAndAnimation) {
for (const animateArgs of animation) {
const animation = element.animate(...animateArgs);
this.cancelAnimations.signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
await Promise.all(animations.map((animation) => animation.finished.catch(() => {
// Ignore intentional AbortErrors when calling `animation.cancel()`.
handleHeadlineChange(event) {
const slot = event.target;
this.hasHeadline = slot.assignedElements().length > 0;
handleActionsChange(event) {
const slot = event.target;
this.hasActions = slot.assignedElements().length > 0;
handleIconChange(event) {
const slot = event.target;
this.hasIcon = slot.assignedElements().length > 0;
handleAnchorIntersection(entry) {
const { target, isIntersecting } = entry;
if (target === this.topAnchor) {
this.isAtScrollTop = isIntersecting;
if (target === this.bottomAnchor) {
this.isAtScrollBottom = isIntersecting;
getIsConnectedPromise() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.isConnectedPromiseResolve = resolve;
handleFocusTrapFocus(event) {
const [firstFocusableChild, lastFocusableChild] = this.getFirstAndLastFocusableChildren();
if (!firstFocusableChild || !lastFocusableChild) {
// When a dialog does not have focusable children, the dialog itself
// receives focus.
// To determine which child to focus, we need to know which focus trap
// received focus...
const isFirstFocusTrap = event.target === this.firstFocusTrap;
const isLastFocusTrap = !isFirstFocusTrap;
// ...and where the focus came from (what was previously focused).
const focusCameFromFirstChild = event.relatedTarget === firstFocusableChild;
const focusCameFromLastChild = event.relatedTarget === lastFocusableChild;
// Although this is a focus trap, focus can come from outside the trap.
// This can happen when elements are programmatically `focus()`'d. It also
// happens when focus leaves and returns to the window, such as clicking on
// the browser's URL bar and pressing Tab, or switching focus between
// iframes.
const focusCameFromOutsideDialog = !focusCameFromFirstChild && !focusCameFromLastChild;
// Focus the dialog's first child when we reach the end of the dialog and
// focus is moving forward. Or, when focus is moving forwards into the
// dialog from outside of the window.
const shouldFocusFirstChild = (isLastFocusTrap && focusCameFromLastChild) ||
(isFirstFocusTrap && focusCameFromOutsideDialog);
if (shouldFocusFirstChild) {
// Focus the dialog's last child when we reach the beginning of the dialog
// and focus is moving backward. Or, when focus is moving backwards into the
// dialog from outside of the window.
const shouldFocusLastChild = (isFirstFocusTrap && focusCameFromFirstChild) ||
(isLastFocusTrap && focusCameFromOutsideDialog);
if (shouldFocusLastChild) {
// The booleans above are verbose for readability, but code executation
// won't actually reach here.
getFirstAndLastFocusableChildren() {
if (!this.treewalker) {
return [null, null];
let firstFocusableChild = null;
let lastFocusableChild = null;
// Reset the current node back to the root host element.
this.treewalker.currentNode = this.treewalker.root;
while (this.treewalker.nextNode()) {
// Cast as Element since the TreeWalker filter only accepts Elements.
const nextChild = this.treewalker.currentNode;
if (!isFocusable(nextChild)) {
if (!firstFocusableChild) {
firstFocusableChild = nextChild;
lastFocusableChild = nextChild;
// We set lastFocusableChild immediately after finding a
// firstFocusableChild, which means the pair is either both null or both
// non-null. Cast since TypeScript does not recognize this.
return [firstFocusableChild, lastFocusableChild];
property({ type: Boolean })
], Dialog.prototype, "open", null);
property({ type: Boolean })
], Dialog.prototype, "quick", void 0);
property({ attribute: false })
], Dialog.prototype, "returnValue", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "type", void 0);
property({ type: Boolean, attribute: 'no-focus-trap' })
], Dialog.prototype, "noFocusTrap", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "dialog", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "scrim", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "container", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "headline", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "content", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "actions", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "isAtScrollTop", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "isAtScrollBottom", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "scroller", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "topAnchor", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "bottomAnchor", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "firstFocusTrap", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "hasHeadline", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "hasActions", void 0);
], Dialog.prototype, "hasIcon", void 0);
function isFocusable(element) {
// Check if the element is a known built-in focusable element:
// - <a> and <area> with `href` attributes.
// - Form controls that are not disabled.
// - `contenteditable` elements.
// - Anything with a non-negative `tabindex`.
const knownFocusableElements = ':is(button,input,select,textarea,object,:is(a,area)[href],[tabindex],[contenteditable=true])';
const notDisabled = ':not(:disabled,[disabled])';
const notNegativeTabIndex = ':not([tabindex^="-"])';
if (element.matches(knownFocusableElements + notDisabled + notNegativeTabIndex)) {
return true;
const isCustomElement = element.localName.includes('-');
if (!isCustomElement) {
return false;
// If a custom element does not have a tabindex, it may still be focusable
// if it delegates focus with a shadow root. We also need to check again if
// the custom element is a disabled form control.
if (!element.matches(notDisabled)) {
return false;
return element.shadowRoot?.delegatesFocus ?? false;
//# sourceMappingURL=dialog.js.map