
 * @license
 * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { __decorate } from "tslib";
import { html, LitElement, nothing, render, } from 'lit';
import { property, query, queryAssignedElements, state } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
import { EASING } from '../../internal/motion/animation.js';
 * A field component.
export class Field extends LitElement {
    constructor() {
        this.disabled = false;
        this.error = false;
        this.focused = false;
        this.label = '';
        this.noAsterisk = false;
        this.populated = false;
        this.required = false;
        this.resizable = false;
        this.supportingText = '';
        this.errorText = '';
        this.count = -1;
        this.max = -1;
         * Whether or not the field has leading content.
        this.hasStart = false;
         * Whether or not the field has trailing content.
        this.hasEnd = false;
        this.isAnimating = false;
         * When set to true, the error text's `role="alert"` will be removed, then
         * re-added after an animation frame. This will re-announce an error message
         * to screen readers.
        this.refreshErrorAlert = false;
        this.disableTransitions = false;
    get counterText() {
        // Count and max are typed as number, but can be set to null when Lit removes
        // their attributes. These getters coerce back to a number for calculations.
        const countAsNumber = this.count ?? -1;
        const maxAsNumber = this.max ?? -1;
        // Counter does not show if count is negative, or max is negative or 0.
        if (countAsNumber < 0 || maxAsNumber <= 0) {
            return '';
        return `${countAsNumber} / ${maxAsNumber}`;
    get supportingOrErrorText() {
        return this.error && this.errorText ? this.errorText : this.supportingText;
     * Re-announces the field's error supporting text to screen readers.
     * Error text announces to screen readers anytime it is visible and changes.
     * Use the method to re-announce the message when the text has not changed,
     * but announcement is still needed (such as for `reportValidity()`).
    reannounceError() {
        this.refreshErrorAlert = true;
    update(props) {
        // Client-side property updates
        const isDisabledChanging = props.has('disabled') && props.get('disabled') !== undefined;
        if (isDisabledChanging) {
            this.disableTransitions = true;
        // When disabling, remove focus styles if focused.
        if (this.disabled && this.focused) {
            props.set('focused', true);
            this.focused = false;
        // Animate if focused or populated change.
            wasFocused: props.get('focused'),
            wasPopulated: props.get('populated'),
    render() {
        const floatingLabel = this.renderLabel(/*isFloating*/ true);
        const restingLabel = this.renderLabel(/*isFloating*/ false);
        const outline = this.renderOutline?.(floatingLabel);
        const classes = {
            'disabled': this.disabled,
            'disable-transitions': this.disableTransitions,
            'error': this.error && !this.disabled,
            'focused': this.focused,
            'with-start': this.hasStart,
            'with-end': this.hasEnd,
            'populated': this.populated,
            'resizable': this.resizable,
            'required': this.required,
            'no-label': !this.label,
        return html `
      <div class="field ${classMap(classes)}">
        <div class="container-overflow">
          ${this.renderBackground?.()} ${this.renderIndicator?.()} ${outline}
          <div class="container">
            <div class="start">
              <slot name="start"></slot>
            <div class="middle">
              <div class="label-wrapper">
                ${restingLabel} ${outline ? nothing : floatingLabel}
              <div class="content">
            <div class="end">
              <slot name="end"></slot>
    updated(changed) {
        if (changed.has('supportingText') ||
            changed.has('errorText') ||
            changed.has('count') ||
            changed.has('max')) {
        if (this.refreshErrorAlert) {
            // The past render cycle removed the role="alert" from the error message.
            // Re-add it after an animation frame to re-announce the error.
            requestAnimationFrame(() => {
                this.refreshErrorAlert = false;
        if (this.disableTransitions) {
            requestAnimationFrame(() => {
                this.disableTransitions = false;
    renderSupportingText() {
        const { supportingOrErrorText, counterText } = this;
        if (!supportingOrErrorText && !counterText) {
            return nothing;
        // Always render the supporting text span so that our `space-around`
        // container puts the counter at the end.
        const start = html `<span>${supportingOrErrorText}</span>`;
        // Conditionally render counter so we don't render the extra `gap`.
        // TODO(b/244473435): add aria-label and announcements
        const end = counterText
            ? html `<span class="counter">${counterText}</span>`
            : nothing;
        // Announce if there is an error and error text visible.
        // If refreshErrorAlert is true, do not announce. This will remove the
        // role="alert" attribute. Another render cycle will happen after an
        // animation frame to re-add the role.
        const shouldErrorAnnounce = this.error && this.errorText && !this.refreshErrorAlert;
        const role = shouldErrorAnnounce ? 'alert' : nothing;
        return html `
      <div class="supporting-text" role=${role}>${start}${end}</div>
    updateSlottedAriaDescribedBy() {
        for (const element of this.slottedAriaDescribedBy) {
            render(html `${this.supportingOrErrorText} ${this.counterText}`, element);
            element.setAttribute('hidden', '');
    renderLabel(isFloating) {
        if (!this.label) {
            return nothing;
        let visible;
        if (isFloating) {
            // Floating label is visible when focused/populated or when animating.
            visible = this.focused || this.populated || this.isAnimating;
        else {
            // Resting label is visible when unfocused. It is never visible while
            // animating.
            visible = !this.focused && !this.populated && !this.isAnimating;
        const classes = {
            'hidden': !visible,
            'floating': isFloating,
            'resting': !isFloating,
        // Add '*' if a label is present and the field is required
        const labelText = `${this.label}${this.required && !this.noAsterisk ? '*' : ''}`;
        return html `
      <span class="label ${classMap(classes)}" aria-hidden=${!visible}
    animateLabelIfNeeded({ wasFocused, wasPopulated, }) {
        if (!this.label) {
        wasFocused ??= this.focused;
        wasPopulated ??= this.populated;
        const wasFloating = wasFocused || wasPopulated;
        const shouldBeFloating = this.focused || this.populated;
        if (wasFloating === shouldBeFloating) {
        this.isAnimating = true;
        // Only one label is visible at a time for clearer text rendering.
        // The floating label is visible and used during animation. At the end of
        // the animation, it will either remain visible (if floating) or hide and
        // the resting label will be shown.
        // We don't use forward filling because if the dimensions of the text field
        // change (leading icon removed, density changes, etc), then the animation
        // will be inaccurate.
        // Re-calculating the animation each time will prevent any visual glitches
        // from appearing.
        // TODO(b/241113345): use animation tokens
        this.labelAnimation = this.floatingLabelEl?.animate(this.getLabelKeyframes(), { duration: 150, easing: EASING.STANDARD });
        this.labelAnimation?.addEventListener('finish', () => {
            // At the end of the animation, update the visible label.
            this.isAnimating = false;
    getLabelKeyframes() {
        const { floatingLabelEl, restingLabelEl } = this;
        if (!floatingLabelEl || !restingLabelEl) {
            return [];
        const { x: floatingX, y: floatingY, height: floatingHeight, } = floatingLabelEl.getBoundingClientRect();
        const { x: restingX, y: restingY, height: restingHeight, } = restingLabelEl.getBoundingClientRect();
        const floatingScrollWidth = floatingLabelEl.scrollWidth;
        const restingScrollWidth = restingLabelEl.scrollWidth;
        // Scale by width ratio instead of font size since letter-spacing will scale
        // incorrectly. Using the width we can better approximate the adjusted
        // scale and compensate for tracking and overflow.
        // (use scrollWidth instead of width to account for clipped labels)
        const scale = restingScrollWidth / floatingScrollWidth;
        const xDelta = restingX - floatingX;
        // The line-height of the resting and floating label are different. When
        // we move the floating label down to the resting label's position, it won't
        // exactly match because of this. We need to adjust by half of what the
        // final scaled floating label's height will be.
        const yDelta = restingY -
            floatingY +
            Math.round((restingHeight - floatingHeight * scale) / 2);
        // Create the two transforms: floating to resting (using the calculations
        // above), and resting to floating (re-setting the transform to initial
        // values).
        const restTransform = `translateX(${xDelta}px) translateY(${yDelta}px) scale(${scale})`;
        const floatTransform = `translateX(0) translateY(0) scale(1)`;
        // Constrain the floating labels width to a scaled percentage of the
        // resting label's width. This will prevent long clipped labels from
        // overflowing the container.
        const restingClientWidth = restingLabelEl.clientWidth;
        const isRestingClipped = restingScrollWidth > restingClientWidth;
        const width = isRestingClipped ? `${restingClientWidth / scale}px` : '';
        if (this.focused || this.populated) {
            return [
                { transform: restTransform, width },
                { transform: floatTransform, width },
        return [
            { transform: floatTransform, width },
            { transform: restTransform, width },
    getSurfacePositionClientRect() {
        return this.containerEl.getBoundingClientRect();
    property({ type: Boolean })
], Field.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean })
], Field.prototype, "error", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean })
], Field.prototype, "focused", void 0);
], Field.prototype, "label", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean, attribute: 'no-asterisk' })
], Field.prototype, "noAsterisk", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean })
], Field.prototype, "populated", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean })
], Field.prototype, "required", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean })
], Field.prototype, "resizable", void 0);
    property({ attribute: 'supporting-text' })
], Field.prototype, "supportingText", void 0);
    property({ attribute: 'error-text' })
], Field.prototype, "errorText", void 0);
    property({ type: Number })
], Field.prototype, "count", void 0);
    property({ type: Number })
], Field.prototype, "max", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean, attribute: 'has-start' })
], Field.prototype, "hasStart", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean, attribute: 'has-end' })
], Field.prototype, "hasEnd", void 0);
    queryAssignedElements({ slot: 'aria-describedby' })
], Field.prototype, "slottedAriaDescribedBy", void 0);
], Field.prototype, "isAnimating", void 0);
], Field.prototype, "refreshErrorAlert", void 0);
], Field.prototype, "disableTransitions", void 0);
], Field.prototype, "floatingLabelEl", void 0);
], Field.prototype, "restingLabelEl", void 0);
], Field.prototype, "containerEl", void 0);