
 * @license
 * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Accessibility Object Model reflective aria property name types.
export type ARIAProperty = keyof ARIAMixin;
 * Accessibility Object Model reflective aria properties.
export declare const ARIA_PROPERTIES: ARIAProperty[];
 * Accessibility Object Model aria attribute name types.
export type ARIAAttribute = ARIAPropertyToAttribute<ARIAProperty>;
 * Accessibility Object Model aria attributes.
export declare const ARIA_ATTRIBUTES: ("role" | "aria-hidden" | "aria-atomic" | "aria-autocomplete" | "aria-busy" | "aria-checked" | "aria-colcount" | "aria-colindex" | "aria-colspan" | "aria-current" | "aria-disabled" | "aria-expanded" | "aria-haspopup" | "aria-invalid" | "aria-keyshortcuts" | "aria-label" | "aria-level" | "aria-live" | "aria-modal" | "aria-multiline" | "aria-multiselectable" | "aria-orientation" | "aria-placeholder" | "aria-posinset" | "aria-pressed" | "aria-readonly" | "aria-required" | "aria-roledescription" | "aria-rowcount" | "aria-rowindex" | "aria-rowspan" | "aria-selected" | "aria-setsize" | "aria-sort" | "aria-valuemax" | "aria-valuemin" | "aria-valuenow" | "aria-valuetext")[];
 * Checks if an attribute is one of the AOM aria attributes.
 * @example
 * isAriaAttribute('aria-label'); // true
 * @param attribute The attribute to check.
 * @return True if the attribute is an aria attribute, or false if not.
export declare function isAriaAttribute(attribute: string): attribute is ARIAAttribute;
 * Converts an AOM aria property into its corresponding attribute.
 * @example
 * ariaPropertyToAttribute('ariaLabel'); // 'aria-label'
 * @param property The aria property.
 * @return The aria attribute.
export declare function ariaPropertyToAttribute<K extends ARIAProperty>(property: K): ARIAPropertyToAttribute<K>;
type ARIAPropertyToAttribute<K extends string> = K extends `aria${infer Suffix}Element${infer OptS}` ? `aria-${Lowercase<Suffix>}` : K extends `aria${infer Suffix}` ? `aria-${Lowercase<Suffix>}` : K;
 * An extension of `ARIAMixin` that enforces strict value types for aria
 * properties.
 * This is needed for correct typing in render functions with lit analyzer.
 * @example
 * render() {
 *   const {ariaLabel} = this as ARIAMixinStrict;
 *   return html`
 *     <button aria-label=${ariaLabel || nothing}>
 *       <slot></slot>
 *     </button>
 *   `;
 * }
export interface ARIAMixinStrict extends ARIAMixin {
    ariaAtomic: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaAutoComplete: 'none' | 'inline' | 'list' | 'both' | null;
    ariaBusy: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaChecked: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaColCount: `${number}` | null;
    ariaColIndex: `${number}` | null;
    ariaColSpan: `${number}` | null;
    ariaCurrent: 'page' | 'step' | 'location' | 'date' | 'time' | 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaDisabled: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaExpanded: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaHasPopup: 'false' | 'true' | 'menu' | 'listbox' | 'tree' | 'grid' | 'dialog' | null;
    ariaHidden: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaInvalid: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaKeyShortcuts: string | null;
    ariaLabel: string | null;
    ariaLevel: `${number}` | null;
    ariaLive: 'assertive' | 'off' | 'polite' | null;
    ariaModal: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaMultiLine: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaMultiSelectable: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaOrientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'undefined' | null;
    ariaPlaceholder: string | null;
    ariaPosInSet: `${number}` | null;
    ariaPressed: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaReadOnly: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaRequired: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaRoleDescription: string | null;
    ariaRowCount: `${number}` | null;
    ariaRowIndex: `${number}` | null;
    ariaRowSpan: `${number}` | null;
    ariaSelected: 'true' | 'false' | null;
    ariaSetSize: `${number}` | null;
    ariaSort: 'ascending' | 'descending' | 'none' | 'other' | null;
    ariaValueMax: `${number}` | null;
    ariaValueMin: `${number}` | null;
    ariaValueNow: `${number}` | null;
    ariaValueText: string | null;
    role: ARIARole | null;
 * Valid values for `role`.
export type ARIARole = 'alert' | 'alertdialog' | 'button' | 'checkbox' | 'dialog' | 'gridcell' | 'link' | 'log' | 'marquee' | 'menuitem' | 'menuitemcheckbox' | 'menuitemradio' | 'option' | 'progressbar' | 'radio' | 'scrollbar' | 'searchbox' | 'slider' | 'spinbutton' | 'status' | 'switch' | 'tab' | 'tabpanel' | 'textbox' | 'timer' | 'tooltip' | 'treeitem' | 'combobox' | 'grid' | 'listbox' | 'menu' | 'menubar' | 'radiogroup' | 'tablist' | 'tree' | 'treegrid' | 'application' | 'article' | 'cell' | 'columnheader' | 'definition' | 'directory' | 'document' | 'feed' | 'figure' | 'group' | 'heading' | 'img' | 'list' | 'listitem' | 'math' | 'none' | 'note' | 'presentation' | 'region' | 'row' | 'rowgroup' | 'rowheader' | 'separator' | 'table' | 'term' | 'text' | 'toolbar' | 'banner' | 'complementary' | 'contentinfo' | 'form' | 'main' | 'navigation' | 'region' | 'search' | 'doc-abstract' | 'doc-acknowledgments' | 'doc-afterword' | 'doc-appendix' | 'doc-backlink' | 'doc-biblioentry' | 'doc-bibliography' | 'doc-biblioref' | 'doc-chapter' | 'doc-colophon' | 'doc-conclusion' | 'doc-cover' | 'doc-credit' | 'doc-credits' | 'doc-dedication' | 'doc-endnote' | 'doc-endnotes' | 'doc-epigraph' | 'doc-epilogue' | 'doc-errata' | 'doc-example' | 'doc-footnote' | 'doc-foreword' | 'doc-glossary' | 'doc-glossref' | 'doc-index' | 'doc-introduction' | 'doc-noteref' | 'doc-notice' | 'doc-pagebreak' | 'doc-pagelist' | 'doc-part' | 'doc-preface' | 'doc-prologue' | 'doc-pullquote' | 'doc-qna' | 'doc-subtitle' | 'doc-tip' | 'doc-toc';
export {};