
 * @license
 * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * A symbol used to access dispatch hooks on an event.
const dispatchHooks = Symbol('dispatchHooks');
 * Add a hook for an event that is called after the event is dispatched and
 * propagates to other event listeners.
 * This is useful for behaviors that need to check if an event is canceled.
 * The callback is invoked synchronously, which allows for better integration
 * with synchronous platform APIs (like `<form>` or `<label>` clicking).
 * Note: `setupDispatchHooks()` must be called on the element before adding any
 * other event listeners. Call it in the constructor of an element or
 * controller.
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * class MyControl extends LitElement {
 *   constructor() {
 *     super();
 *     setupDispatchHooks(this, 'click');
 *     this.addEventListener('click', event => {
 *       afterDispatch(event, () => {
 *         if (event.defaultPrevented) {
 *           return
 *         }
 *         // ... perform logic
 *       });
 *     });
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * class MyController implements ReactiveController {
 *   constructor(host: ReactiveElement) {
 *     // setupDispatchHooks() may be called multiple times for the same
 *     // element and events, making it safe for multiple controllers to use it.
 *     setupDispatchHooks(host, 'click');
 *     host.addEventListener('click', event => {
 *       afterDispatch(event, () => {
 *         if (event.defaultPrevented) {
 *           return;
 *         }
 *         // ... perform logic
 *       });
 *     });
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @param event The event to add a hook to.
 * @param callback A hook that is called after the event finishes dispatching.
export function afterDispatch(event, callback) {
    const hooks = event[dispatchHooks];
    if (!hooks) {
        throw new Error(`'${event.type}' event needs setupDispatchHooks().`);
    hooks.addEventListener('after', callback);
 * A lookup map of elements and event types that have a dispatch hook listener
 * set up. Used to ensure we don't set up multiple hook listeners on the same
 * element for the same event.
 * Sets up an element to add dispatch hooks to given event types. This must be
 * called before adding any event listeners that need to use dispatch hooks
 * like `afterDispatch()`.
 * This function is safe to call multiple times with the same element or event
 * types. Call it in the constructor of elements, mixins, and controllers to
 * ensure it is set up before external listeners.
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * class MyControl extends LitElement {
 *   constructor() {
 *     super();
 *     setupDispatchHooks(this, 'click');
 *     this.addEventListener('click', this.listenerUsingAfterDispatch);
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @param element The element to set up event dispatch hooks for.
 * @param eventTypes The event types to add dispatch hooks to.
export function setupDispatchHooks(element, ...eventTypes) {
    let typesAlreadySetUp = ELEMENT_DISPATCH_HOOK_TYPES.get(element);
    if (!typesAlreadySetUp) {
        typesAlreadySetUp = new Set();
        ELEMENT_DISPATCH_HOOK_TYPES.set(element, typesAlreadySetUp);
    for (const eventType of eventTypes) {
        // Don't register multiple dispatch hook listeners. A second registration
        // would lead to the second listener re-dispatching a re-dispatched event,
        // which can cause an infinite loop inside the other one.
        if (typesAlreadySetUp.has(eventType)) {
        // When we re-dispatch the event, it's going to immediately trigger this
        // listener again. Use a flag to ignore it.
        let isRedispatching = false;
        element.addEventListener(eventType, (event) => {
            if (isRedispatching) {
            // Do not let the event propagate to any other listener (not just
            // bubbling listeners with `stopPropagation()`).
            // Make a copy.
            const eventCopy = Reflect.construct(event.constructor, [
            // Add hooks onto the event.
            const hooks = new EventTarget();
            eventCopy[dispatchHooks] = hooks;
            // Re-dispatch the event. We can't reuse `redispatchEvent()` since we
            // need to add the hooks to the copy before it's dispatched.
            isRedispatching = true;
            const dispatched = element.dispatchEvent(eventCopy);
            isRedispatching = false;
            if (!dispatched) {
            // Synchronously call afterDispatch() hooks.
            hooks.dispatchEvent(new Event('after'));
        }, {
            // Ensure this listener runs before other listeners.
            // `setupDispatchHooks()` should be called in constructors to also
            // ensure they run before any other externally-added capture listeners.
            capture: true,