
 * @license
 * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { isServer } from 'lit';
import { internals } from './element-internals.js';
 * A symbol property used for a callback when validity has been reported.
export const onReportValidity = Symbol('onReportValidity');
// Private symbol members, used to avoid name clashing.
const privateCleanupFormListeners = Symbol('privateCleanupFormListeners');
const privateDoNotReportInvalid = Symbol('privateDoNotReportInvalid');
const privateIsSelfReportingValidity = Symbol('privateIsSelfReportingValidity');
const privateCallOnReportValidity = Symbol('privateCallOnReportValidity');
 * Mixes in a callback for constraint validation when validity should be
 * styled and reported to the user.
 * This is commonly used in text-field-like controls that display error styles
 * and error messages.
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * const baseClass = mixinOnReportValidity(
 *   mixinConstraintValidation(
 *     mixinFormAssociated(mixinElementInternals(LitElement)),
 *   ),
 * );
 * class MyField extends baseClass {
 *   \@property({type: Boolean}) error = false;
 *   \@property() errorMessage = '';
 *   [onReportValidity](invalidEvent: Event | null) {
 *     this.error = !!invalidEvent;
 *     this.errorMessage = this.validationMessage;
 *     // Optionally prevent platform popup from displaying
 *     invalidEvent?.preventDefault();
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * @param base The class to mix functionality into.
 * @return The provided class with `OnReportValidity` mixed in.
export function mixinOnReportValidity(base) {
    var _a, _b, _c;
    class OnReportValidityElement extends base {
        // Mixins must have a constructor with `...args: any[]`
        // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
        constructor(...args) {
             * Used to clean up event listeners when a new form is associated.
            this[_a] = new AbortController();
             * Used to determine if an invalid event should report validity. Invalid
             * events from `checkValidity()` do not trigger reporting.
            this[_b] = false;
             * Used to determine if the control is reporting validity from itself, or
             * if a `<form>` is causing the validity report. Forms have different
             * control focusing behavior.
            this[_c] = false;
            if (isServer) {
            this.addEventListener('invalid', (invalidEvent) => {
                // Listen for invalid events dispatched by a `<form>` when it tries to
                // submit and the element is invalid. We ignore events dispatched when
                // calling `checkValidity()` as well as untrusted events, since the
                // `reportValidity()` and `<form>`-dispatched events are always
                // trusted.
                if (this[privateDoNotReportInvalid] || !invalidEvent.isTrusted) {
                this.addEventListener('invalid', () => {
                    // A normal bubbling phase event listener. By adding it here, we
                    // ensure it's the last event listener that is called during the
                    // bubbling phase.
                }, { once: true });
            }, {
                // Listen during the capture phase, which will happen before the
                // bubbling phase. That way, we can add a final event listener that
                // will run after other event listeners, and we can check if it was
                // default prevented. This works because invalid does not bubble.
                capture: true,
        checkValidity() {
            this[privateDoNotReportInvalid] = true;
            const valid = super.checkValidity();
            this[privateDoNotReportInvalid] = false;
            return valid;
        reportValidity() {
            this[privateIsSelfReportingValidity] = true;
            const valid = super.reportValidity();
            // Constructor's invalid listener will handle reporting invalid events.
            if (valid) {
            this[privateIsSelfReportingValidity] = false;
            return valid;
        [(_a = privateCleanupFormListeners, _b = privateDoNotReportInvalid, _c = privateIsSelfReportingValidity, privateCallOnReportValidity)](invalidEvent) {
            // Since invalid events do not bubble to parent listeners, and because
            // our invalid listeners are added lazily after other listeners, we can
            // reliably read `defaultPrevented` synchronously without worrying
            // about waiting for another listener that could cancel it.
            const wasCanceled = invalidEvent?.defaultPrevented;
            if (wasCanceled) {
            // If an implementation calls invalidEvent.preventDefault() to stop the
            // platform popup from displaying, focusing is also prevented, so we need
            // to manually focus.
            const implementationCanceledFocus = !wasCanceled && invalidEvent?.defaultPrevented;
            if (!implementationCanceledFocus) {
            // The control should be focused when:
            // - `control.reportValidity()` is called (self-reporting).
            // - a form is reporting validity for its controls and this is the first
            //   invalid control.
            if (this[privateIsSelfReportingValidity] ||
                isFirstInvalidControlInForm(this[internals].form, this)) {
        [onReportValidity](invalidEvent) {
            throw new Error('Implement [onReportValidity]');
        formAssociatedCallback(form) {
            // can't use super.formAssociatedCallback?.() due to closure
            if (super.formAssociatedCallback) {
            // Clean up previous form listeners.
            if (!form) {
            this[privateCleanupFormListeners] = new AbortController();
            // Add a listener that fires when the form runs constraint validation and
            // the control is valid, so that it may remove its error styles.
            // This happens on `form.reportValidity()` and `form.requestSubmit()`
            // (both when the submit fails and passes).
            addFormReportValidListener(this, form, () => {
            }, this[privateCleanupFormListeners].signal);
    return OnReportValidityElement;
 * Add a listener that fires when a form runs constraint validation on a control
 * and it is valid. This is needed to clear previously invalid styles.
 * @param control The control of the form to listen for valid events.
 * @param form The control's form that can run constraint validation.
 * @param onControlValid A listener that is called when the form runs constraint
 *     validation and the control is valid.
 * @param cleanup A cleanup signal to remove the listener.
function addFormReportValidListener(control, form, onControlValid, cleanup) {
    const validateHooks = getFormValidateHooks(form);
    // When a form validates its controls, check if an invalid event is dispatched
    // on the control. If it is not, then inform the control to report its valid
    // state.
    let controlFiredInvalid = false;
    let cleanupInvalidListener;
    let isNextSubmitFromHook = false;
    validateHooks.addEventListener('before', () => {
        isNextSubmitFromHook = true;
        cleanupInvalidListener = new AbortController();
        controlFiredInvalid = false;
        control.addEventListener('invalid', () => {
            controlFiredInvalid = true;
        }, {
            signal: cleanupInvalidListener.signal,
    }, { signal: cleanup });
    validateHooks.addEventListener('after', () => {
        isNextSubmitFromHook = false;
        if (controlFiredInvalid) {
    }, { signal: cleanup });
    // The above hooks handle imperatively submitting the form, but not
    // declaratively submitting the form. This happens when:
    // 1. A non-custom element `<button type="submit">` is clicked.
    // 2. Enter is pressed on a non-custom element text editable `<input>`.
    form.addEventListener('submit', () => {
        // This submit was from `form.requestSubmit()`, which already calls the
        // listener.
        if (isNextSubmitFromHook) {
    }, {
        signal: cleanup,
    // Note: it is a known limitation that we cannot detect if a form tries to
    // submit declaratively, but fails to do so because an unrelated sibling
    // control failed its constraint validation.
    // Since we cannot detect when that happens, a previously invalid control may
    // not clear its error styling when it becomes valid again.
    // To work around this, call `form.reportValidity()` when submitting a form
    // declaratively. This can be down on the `<button type="submit">`'s click or
    // the text editable `<input>`'s 'Enter' keydown.
const FORM_VALIDATE_HOOKS = new WeakMap();
 * Get a hooks `EventTarget` that dispatches 'before' and 'after' events that
 * fire before a form runs constraint validation and immediately after it
 * finishes running constraint validation on its controls.
 * This happens during `form.reportValidity()` and `form.requestSubmit()`.
 * @param form The form to get or set up hooks for.
 * @return A hooks `EventTarget` to add listeners to.
function getFormValidateHooks(form) {
    if (!FORM_VALIDATE_HOOKS.has(form)) {
        // Patch form methods to add event listener hooks. These are needed to react
        // to form behaviors that do not dispatch events, such as a form asking its
        // controls to report their validity.
        // We should only patch the methods once, since multiple controls and other
        // forces may want to patch this method. We cannot reliably clean it up if
        // there are multiple patched and re-patched methods referring holding
        // references to each other.
        // Instead, we never clean up the patch but add and clean up event listeners
        // added to the hooks after the patch.
        const hooks = new EventTarget();
        FORM_VALIDATE_HOOKS.set(form, hooks);
        // Add hooks to support notifying before and after a form has run constraint
        // validation on its controls.
        // Note: `form.submit()` does not run constraint validation per spec.
        for (const methodName of ['reportValidity', 'requestSubmit']) {
            const superMethod = form[methodName];
            form[methodName] = function () {
                hooks.dispatchEvent(new Event('before'));
                const result = Reflect.apply(superMethod, this, arguments);
                hooks.dispatchEvent(new Event('after'));
                return result;
    return FORM_VALIDATE_HOOKS.get(form);
 * Checks if a control is the first invalid control in a form.
 * @param form The control's form. When `null`, the control doesn't have a form
 *     and the method returns true.
 * @param control The control to check.
 * @return True if there is no form or if the control is the form's first
 *     invalid control.
function isFirstInvalidControlInForm(form, control) {
    if (!form) {
        return true;
    let firstInvalidControl;
    for (const element of form.elements) {
        if (element.matches(':invalid')) {
            firstInvalidControl = element;
    return firstInvalidControl === control;