* @license
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { LitElement } from 'lit';
import { SegmentedButton } from '../../segmentedbutton/internal/segmented-button.js';
declare const segmentedButtonSetBaseClass: import("../../behaviors/mixin.js").MixinReturn<typeof LitElement>;
* SegmentedButtonSet is the parent component for two or more
* `SegmentedButton` components. **Only** `SegmentedButton` components may be
* used as children.
* @fires segmented-button-set-selection {CustomEvent<{button: SegmentedButton, selected: boolean, index: number}>}
* Dispatched when a button is selected programattically with the
* `setButtonSelected` or the `toggleSelection` methods as well as on user
* interaction. --bubbles --composed
export declare class SegmentedButtonSet extends segmentedButtonSetBaseClass {
multiselect: boolean;
buttons: SegmentedButton[];
getButtonDisabled(index: number): boolean;
setButtonDisabled(index: number, disabled: boolean): void;
getButtonSelected(index: number): boolean;
setButtonSelected(index: number, selected: boolean): void;
private handleSegmentedButtonInteraction;
private toggleSelection;
private indexOutOfBounds;
private emitSelectionEvent;
protected render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>;
protected getRenderClasses(): {};
export {};