
 * @license
 * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Indicies to access the TypeaheadRecord tuple type.
export const TYPEAHEAD_RECORD = {
    INDEX: 0,
    ITEM: 1,
    TEXT: 2,
 * This controller listens to `keydown` events and searches the header text of
 * an array of `MenuItem`s with the corresponding entered keys within the buffer
 * time and activates the item.
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * const typeaheadController = new TypeaheadController(() => ({
 *   typeaheadBufferTime: 50,
 *   getItems: () => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('md-menu-item'))
 * }));
 * html`
 *   <div
 *       @keydown=${typeaheadController.onKeydown}
 *       tabindex="0"
 *       class="activeItemText">
 *     <!-- focusable element that will receive keydown events -->
 *     Apple
 *   </div>
 *   <div>
 *     <md-menu-item active header="Apple"></md-menu-item>
 *     <md-menu-item header="Apricot"></md-menu-item>
 *     <md-menu-item header="Banana"></md-menu-item>
 *     <md-menu-item header="Olive"></md-menu-item>
 *     <md-menu-item header="Orange"></md-menu-item>
 *   </div>
 * `;
 * ```
export class TypeaheadController {
     * @param getProperties A function that returns the options of the typeahead
     * controller:
     * {
     *   getItems: A function that returns an array of menu items to be searched.
     *   typeaheadBufferTime: The maximum time between each keystroke to keep the
     *       current type buffer alive.
     * }
    constructor(getProperties) {
        this.getProperties = getProperties;
         * Array of tuples that helps with indexing.
        this.typeaheadRecords = [];
         * Currently-typed text since last buffer timeout
        this.typaheadBuffer = '';
         * The timeout id from the current buffer's setTimeout
        this.cancelTypeaheadTimeout = 0;
         * If we are currently "typing"
        this.isTypingAhead = false;
         * The record of the last active item.
        this.lastActiveRecord = null;
         * Apply this listener to the element that will receive `keydown` events that
         * should trigger this controller.
         * @param event The native browser `KeyboardEvent` from the `keydown` event.
        this.onKeydown = (event) => {
            if (this.isTypingAhead) {
            else {
         * Ends the current typeahead and clears the buffer.
        this.endTypeahead = () => {
            this.isTypingAhead = false;
            this.typaheadBuffer = '';
            this.typeaheadRecords = [];
    get items() {
        return this.getProperties().getItems();
    get active() {
        return this.getProperties().active;
     * Sets up typingahead
    beginTypeahead(event) {
        if (! {
        // We don't want to typeahead if the _beginning_ of the typeahead is a menu
        // navigation, or a selection. We will handle "Space" only if it's in the
        // middle of a typeahead
        if (event.code === 'Space' ||
            event.code === 'Enter' ||
            event.code.startsWith('Arrow') ||
            event.code === 'Escape') {
        this.isTypingAhead = true;
        // Generates the record array data structure which is the index, the element
        // and a normalized header.
        this.typeaheadRecords =, index) => [
        this.lastActiveRecord =
            this.typeaheadRecords.find((record) => record[TYPEAHEAD_RECORD.ITEM].tabIndex === 0) ?? null;
        if (this.lastActiveRecord) {
            this.lastActiveRecord[TYPEAHEAD_RECORD.ITEM].tabIndex = -1;
     * Performs the typeahead. Based on the normalized items and the current text
     * buffer, finds the _next_ item with matching text and activates it.
     * @example
     * items: Apple, Banana, Olive, Orange, Cucumber
     * buffer: ''
     * user types: o
     * activates Olive
     * @example
     * items: Apple, Banana, Olive (active), Orange, Cucumber
     * buffer: 'o'
     * user types: l
     * activates Olive
     * @example
     * items: Apple, Banana, Olive (active), Orange, Cucumber
     * buffer: ''
     * user types: o
     * activates Orange
     * @example
     * items: Apple, Banana, Olive, Orange (active), Cucumber
     * buffer: ''
     * user types: o
     * activates Olive
    typeahead(event) {
        if (event.defaultPrevented)
        // Stop typingahead if one of the navigation or selection keys (except for
        // Space) are pressed
        if (event.code === 'Enter' ||
            event.code.startsWith('Arrow') ||
            event.code === 'Escape') {
            if (this.lastActiveRecord) {
                this.lastActiveRecord[TYPEAHEAD_RECORD.ITEM].tabIndex = -1;
        // If Space is pressed, prevent it from selecting and closing the menu
        if (event.code === 'Space') {
        // Start up a new keystroke buffer timeout
        this.cancelTypeaheadTimeout = setTimeout(this.endTypeahead, this.getProperties().typeaheadBufferTime);
        this.typaheadBuffer += event.key.toLowerCase();
        const lastActiveIndex = this.lastActiveRecord
            ? this.lastActiveRecord[TYPEAHEAD_RECORD.INDEX]
            : -1;
        const numRecords = this.typeaheadRecords.length;
         * Sorting function that will resort the items starting with the given index
         * @example
         * this.typeaheadRecords =
         * 0: [0, <reference>, 'apple']
         * 1: [1, <reference>, 'apricot']
         * 2: [2, <reference>, 'banana']
         * 3: [3, <reference>, 'olive'] <-- lastActiveIndex
         * 4: [4, <reference>, 'orange']
         * 5: [5, <reference>, 'strawberry']
         * this.typeaheadRecords.sort((a,b) => rebaseIndexOnActive(a)
         *                                       - rebaseIndexOnActive(b)) ===
         * 0: [3, <reference>, 'olive'] <-- lastActiveIndex
         * 1: [4, <reference>, 'orange']
         * 2: [5, <reference>, 'strawberry']
         * 3: [0, <reference>, 'apple']
         * 4: [1, <reference>, 'apricot']
         * 5: [2, <reference>, 'banana']
        const rebaseIndexOnActive = (record) => {
            return ((record[TYPEAHEAD_RECORD.INDEX] + numRecords - lastActiveIndex) %
        // records filtered and sorted / rebased around the last active index
        const matchingRecords = this.typeaheadRecords
            .filter((record) => !record[TYPEAHEAD_RECORD.ITEM].disabled &&
            .sort((a, b) => rebaseIndexOnActive(a) - rebaseIndexOnActive(b));
        // Just leave if there's nothing that matches. Native select will just
        // choose the first thing that starts with the next letter in the alphabet
        // but that's out of scope and hard to localize
        if (matchingRecords.length === 0) {
            if (this.lastActiveRecord) {
                this.lastActiveRecord[TYPEAHEAD_RECORD.ITEM].tabIndex = -1;
        const isNewQuery = this.typaheadBuffer.length === 1;
        let nextRecord;
        // This is likely the case that someone is trying to "tab" through different
        // entries that start with the same letter
        if (this.lastActiveRecord === matchingRecords[0] && isNewQuery) {
            nextRecord = matchingRecords[1] ?? matchingRecords[0];
        else {
            nextRecord = matchingRecords[0];
        if (this.lastActiveRecord) {
            this.lastActiveRecord[TYPEAHEAD_RECORD.ITEM].tabIndex = -1;
        this.lastActiveRecord = nextRecord;
        nextRecord[TYPEAHEAD_RECORD.ITEM].tabIndex = 0;