
 * @license
 * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { __decorate } from "tslib";
import '../../elevation/elevation.js';
import '../../focus/md-focus-ring.js';
import { LitElement, html, isServer, nothing } from 'lit';
import { property, query, queryAssignedElements, state } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import { classMap } from 'lit/directives/class-map.js';
import { styleMap } from 'lit/directives/style-map.js';
import { EASING, createAnimationSignal } from '../../internal/motion/animation.js';
import { ListController, NavigableKeys, } from '../../list/internal/list-controller.js';
import { getActiveItem, getFirstActivatableItem, getLastActivatableItem, } from '../../list/internal/list-navigation-helpers.js';
import { FocusState, isClosableKey, isElementInSubtree, } from './controllers/shared.js';
import { Corner, SurfacePositionController, } from './controllers/surfacePositionController.js';
import { TypeaheadController } from './controllers/typeaheadController.js';
export { Corner } from './controllers/surfacePositionController.js';
 * The default value for the typeahead buffer time in Milliseconds.
const submenuNavKeys = new Set([
const menuNavKeys = new Set([
 * Gets the currently focused element on the page.
 * @param activeDoc The document or shadowroot from which to start the search.
 *    Defaults to `window.document`
 * @return Returns the currently deeply focused element or `null` if none.
function getFocusedElement(activeDoc = document) {
    let activeEl = activeDoc.activeElement;
    // Check for activeElement in the case that an element with a shadow root host
    // is currently focused.
    while (activeEl && activeEl?.shadowRoot?.activeElement) {
        activeEl = activeEl.shadowRoot.activeElement;
    return activeEl;
 * @fires opening {Event} Fired before the opening animation begins
 * @fires opened {Event} Fired once the menu is open, after any animations
 * @fires closing {Event} Fired before the closing animation begins
 * @fires closed {Event} Fired once the menu is closed, after any animations
export class Menu extends LitElement {
     * Whether the menu is animating upwards or downwards when opening. This is
     * helpful for calculating some animation calculations.
    get openDirection() {
        const menuCornerBlock = this.menuCorner.split('-')[0];
        return menuCornerBlock === 'start' ? 'DOWN' : 'UP';
     * The element which the menu should align to. If `anchor` is set to a
     * non-empty idref string, then `anchorEl` will resolve to the element with
     * the given id in the same root node. Otherwise, `null`.
    get anchorElement() {
        if (this.anchor) {
            return this.getRootNode().querySelector(`#${this.anchor}`);
        return this.currentAnchorElement;
    set anchorElement(element) {
        this.currentAnchorElement = element;
    constructor() {
         * The ID of the element in the same root node in which the menu should align
         * to. Overrides setting `anchorElement = elementReference`.
         * __NOTE__: anchor or anchorElement must either be an HTMLElement or resolve
         * to an HTMLElement in order for menu to open.
        this.anchor = '';
         * Whether the positioning algorithm should calculate relative to the parent
         * of the anchor element (`absolute`), relative to the window (`fixed`), or
         * relative to the document (`document`). `popover` will use the popover API
         * to render the menu in the top-layer. If your browser does not support the
         * popover API, it will fall back to `fixed`.
         * __Examples for `position = 'fixed'`:__
         * - If there is no `position:relative` in the given parent tree and the
         *   surface is `position:absolute`
         * - If the surface is `position:fixed`
         * - If the surface is in the "top layer"
         * - The anchor and the surface do not share a common `position:relative`
         *   ancestor
         * When using `positioning=fixed`, in most cases, the menu should position
         * itself above most other `position:absolute` or `position:fixed` elements
         * when placed inside of them. e.g. using a menu inside of an `md-dialog`.
         * __NOTE__: Fixed menus will not scroll with the page and will be fixed to
         * the window instead.
         * __Examples for `position = 'document'`:__
         * - There is no parent that creates a relative positioning context e.g.
         *   `position: relative`, `position: absolute`, `transform: translate(x, y)`,
         *   etc.
         * - You put the effort into hoisting the menu to the top of the DOM like the
         *   end of the `<body>` to render over everything or in a top-layer.
         * - You are reusing a single `md-menu` element that dynamically renders
         *   content.
         * __Examples for `position = 'popover'`:__
         * - Your browser supports `popover`.
         * - Most cases. Once popover is in browsers, this will become the default.
        this.positioning = 'absolute';
         * Skips the opening and closing animations.
        this.quick = false;
         * Displays overflow content like a submenu. Not required in most cases when
         * using `positioning="popover"`.
         * __NOTE__: This may cause adverse effects if you set
         * `md-menu {max-height:...}`
         * and have items overflowing items in the "y" direction.
        this.hasOverflow = false;
         * Opens the menu and makes it visible. Alternative to the `.show()` and
         * `.close()` methods
         */ = false;
         * Offsets the menu's inline alignment from the anchor by the given number in
         * pixels. This value is direction aware and will follow the LTR / RTL
         * direction.
         * e.g. LTR: positive -> right, negative -> left
         *      RTL: positive -> left, negative -> right
        this.xOffset = 0;
         * Offsets the menu's block alignment from the anchor by the given number in
         * pixels.
         * e.g. positive -> down, negative -> up
        this.yOffset = 0;
         * Disable the `flip` behavior that usually happens on the horizontal axis
         * when the surface would render outside the viewport.
        this.noHorizontalFlip = false;
         * Disable the `flip` behavior that usually happens on the vertical axis when
         * the surface would render outside the viewport.
        this.noVerticalFlip = false;
         * The max time between the keystrokes of the typeahead menu behavior before
         * it clears the typeahead buffer.
        this.typeaheadDelay = DEFAULT_TYPEAHEAD_BUFFER_TIME;
         * The corner of the anchor which to align the menu in the standard logical
         * property style of <block>-<inline> e.g. `'end-start'`.
         * NOTE: This value may not be respected by the menu positioning algorithm
         * if the menu would render outisde the viewport.
         * Use `no-horizontal-flip` or `no-vertical-flip` to force the usage of the value
        this.anchorCorner = Corner.END_START;
         * The corner of the menu which to align the anchor in the standard logical
         * property style of <block>-<inline> e.g. `'start-start'`.
         * NOTE: This value may not be respected by the menu positioning algorithm
         * if the menu would render outisde the viewport.
         * Use `no-horizontal-flip` or `no-vertical-flip` to force the usage of the value
        this.menuCorner = Corner.START_START;
         * Keeps the user clicks outside the menu.
         * NOTE: clicking outside may still cause focusout to close the menu so see
         * `stayOpenOnFocusout`.
        this.stayOpenOnOutsideClick = false;
         * Keeps the menu open when focus leaves the menu's composed subtree.
         * NOTE: Focusout behavior will stop propagation of the focusout event. Set
         * this property to true to opt-out of menu's focusout handling altogether.
        this.stayOpenOnFocusout = false;
         * After closing, does not restore focus to the last focused element before
         * the menu was opened.
        this.skipRestoreFocus = false;
         * The element that should be focused by default once opened.
         * NOTE: When setting default focus to 'LIST_ROOT', remember to change
         * `tabindex` to `0` and change md-menu's display to something other than
         * `display: contents` when necessary.
        this.defaultFocus = FocusState.FIRST_ITEM;
         * Turns off navigation wrapping. By default, navigating past the end of the
         * menu items will wrap focus back to the beginning and vice versa. Use this
         * for ARIA patterns that do not wrap focus, like combobox.
        this.noNavigationWrap = false;
        this.typeaheadActive = true;
         * Whether or not the current menu is a submenu and should not handle specific
         * navigation keys.
         * @export
        this.isSubmenu = false;
         * The event path of the last window pointerdown event.
        this.pointerPath = [];
         * Whether or not the menu is repositoining due to window / document resize
        this.isRepositioning = false;
        this.openCloseAnimationSignal = createAnimationSignal();
        this.listController = new ListController({
            isItem: (maybeItem) => {
                return maybeItem.hasAttribute('md-menu-item');
            getPossibleItems: () => this.slotItems,
            isRtl: () => getComputedStyle(this).direction === 'rtl',
            deactivateItem: (item) => {
                item.selected = false;
                item.tabIndex = -1;
            activateItem: (item) => {
                item.selected = true;
                item.tabIndex = 0;
            isNavigableKey: (key) => {
                if (!this.isSubmenu) {
                    return menuNavKeys.has(key);
                const isRtl = getComputedStyle(this).direction === 'rtl';
                // we want md-submenu to handle the submenu's left/right arrow exit
                // key so it can close the menu instead of navigate the list.
                // Therefore we need to include all keys but left/right arrow close
                // key
                const arrowOpen = isRtl
                    ? NavigableKeys.ArrowLeft
                    : NavigableKeys.ArrowRight;
                if (key === arrowOpen) {
                    return true;
                return submenuNavKeys.has(key);
            wrapNavigation: () => !this.noNavigationWrap,
         * The element that was focused before the menu opened.
        this.lastFocusedElement = null;
         * Handles typeahead navigation through the menu.
        this.typeaheadController = new TypeaheadController(() => {
            return {
                getItems: () => this.items,
                typeaheadBufferTime: this.typeaheadDelay,
                active: this.typeaheadActive,
        this.currentAnchorElement = null;
        this.internals = 
        // Cast needed for closure
         * Handles positioning the surface and aligning it to the anchor as well as
         * keeping it in the viewport.
        this.menuPositionController = new SurfacePositionController(this, () => {
            return {
                anchorCorner: this.anchorCorner,
                surfaceCorner: this.menuCorner,
                surfaceEl: this.surfaceEl,
                anchorEl: this.anchorElement,
                positioning: this.positioning === 'popover' ? 'document' : this.positioning,
                xOffset: this.xOffset,
                yOffset: this.yOffset,
                disableBlockFlip: this.noVerticalFlip,
                disableInlineFlip: this.noHorizontalFlip,
                onOpen: this.onOpened,
                beforeClose: this.beforeClose,
                onClose: this.onClosed,
                // We can't resize components that have overflow like menus with
                // submenus because the overflow-y will show menu items / content
                // outside the bounds of the menu. Popover API fixes this because each
                // submenu is hoisted to the top-layer and are not considered overflow
                // content.
                repositionStrategy: this.hasOverflow && this.positioning !== 'popover'
                    ? 'move'
                    : 'resize',
        this.onWindowResize = () => {
            if (this.isRepositioning ||
                (this.positioning !== 'document' &&
                    this.positioning !== 'fixed' &&
                    this.positioning !== 'popover')) {
            this.isRepositioning = true;
            this.isRepositioning = false;
        this.handleFocusout = async (event) => {
            const anchorEl = this.anchorElement;
            // Do not close if we focused out by clicking on the anchor element. We
            // can't assume anchor buttons can be the related target because of iOS does
            // not focus buttons.
            if (this.stayOpenOnFocusout ||
                ! ||
                this.pointerPath.includes(anchorEl)) {
            if (event.relatedTarget) {
                // Don't close the menu if we are switching focus between menu,
                // md-menu-item, and md-list or if the anchor was click focused, but check
                // if length of pointerPath is 0 because that means something was at least
                // clicked (shift+tab case).
                if (isElementInSubtree(event.relatedTarget, this) ||
                    (this.pointerPath.length !== 0 &&
                        isElementInSubtree(event.relatedTarget, anchorEl))) {
            else if (this.pointerPath.includes(this)) {
                // If menu tabindex == -1 and the user clicks on the menu or a divider, we
                // want to keep the menu open.
            const oldRestoreFocus = this.skipRestoreFocus;
            // allow focus to continue to the next focused object rather than returning
            this.skipRestoreFocus = true;
            // await for close
            await this.updateComplete;
            // return to previous behavior
            this.skipRestoreFocus = oldRestoreFocus;
         * Saves the last focused element focuses the new element based on
         * `defaultFocus`, and animates open.
        this.onOpened = async () => {
            this.lastFocusedElement = getFocusedElement();
            const items = this.items;
            const activeItemRecord = getActiveItem(items);
            if (activeItemRecord && this.defaultFocus !== FocusState.NONE) {
                activeItemRecord.item.tabIndex = -1;
            let animationAborted = !this.quick;
            if (this.quick) {
                this.dispatchEvent(new Event('opening'));
            else {
                animationAborted = !!(await this.animateOpen());
            // This must come after the opening animation or else it may focus one of
            // the items before the animation has begun and causes the list to slide
            // (block-padding-of-the-menu)px at the end of the animation
            switch (this.defaultFocus) {
                case FocusState.FIRST_ITEM:
                    const first = getFirstActivatableItem(items);
                    if (first) {
                        first.tabIndex = 0;
                        await first.updateComplete;
                case FocusState.LAST_ITEM:
                    const last = getLastActivatableItem(items);
                    if (last) {
                        last.tabIndex = 0;
                        await last.updateComplete;
                case FocusState.LIST_ROOT:
                case FocusState.NONE:
                    // Do nothing.
            if (!animationAborted) {
                this.dispatchEvent(new Event('opened'));
         * Animates closed.
        this.beforeClose = async () => {
   = false;
            if (!this.skipRestoreFocus) {
            if (!this.quick) {
                await this.animateClose();
         * Focuses the last focused element.
        this.onClosed = () => {
            if (this.quick) {
                this.dispatchEvent(new Event('closing'));
                this.dispatchEvent(new Event('closed'));
        this.onWindowPointerdown = (event) => {
            this.pointerPath = event.composedPath();
         * We cannot listen to window click because Safari on iOS will not bubble a
         * click event on window if the item clicked is not a "clickable" item such as
         * <body>
        this.onDocumentClick = (event) => {
            if (! {
            const path = event.composedPath();
            if (!this.stayOpenOnOutsideClick &&
                !path.includes(this) &&
                !path.includes(this.anchorElement)) {
       = false;
        if (!isServer) {
            this.internals.role = 'menu';
            this.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeydown);
            // Capture so that we can grab the event before it reaches the menu item
            // istelf. Specifically useful for the case where typeahead encounters a
            // space and we don't want the menu item to close the menu.
            this.addEventListener('keydown', this.captureKeydown, { capture: true });
            this.addEventListener('focusout', this.handleFocusout);
     * The menu items associated with this menu. The items must be `MenuItem`s and
     * have both the `md-menu-item` and `md-list-item` attributes.
    get items() {
        return this.listController.items;
    willUpdate(changed) {
        if (!changed.has('open')) {
        if ( {
        this.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
    update(changed) {
        if (changed.has('open')) {
            if ( {
            else {
        // Firefox does not support popover. Fall-back to using fixed.
        if (changed.has('positioning') &&
            this.positioning === 'popover' &&
            // type required for Google JS conformance
            !this.showPopover) {
            this.positioning = 'fixed';
    connectedCallback() {
        if ( {
    disconnectedCallback() {
    getBoundingClientRect() {
        if (!this.surfaceEl) {
            return super.getBoundingClientRect();
        return this.surfaceEl.getBoundingClientRect();
    getClientRects() {
        if (!this.surfaceEl) {
            return super.getClientRects();
        return this.surfaceEl.getClientRects();
    render() {
        return this.renderSurface();
     * Renders the positionable surface element and its contents.
    renderSurface() {
        return html `
        class="menu ${classMap(this.getSurfaceClasses())}"
        popover=${this.positioning === 'popover' ? 'manual' : nothing}>
        <div class="items">
          <div class="item-padding"> ${this.renderMenuItems()} </div>
     * Renders the menu items' slot
    renderMenuItems() {
        return html `<slot
     * Renders the elevation component.
    renderElevation() {
        return html `<md-elevation part="elevation"></md-elevation>`;
    getSurfaceClasses() {
        return {
            fixed: this.positioning === 'fixed',
            'has-overflow': this.hasOverflow,
    captureKeydown(event) {
        if ( === this &&
            !event.defaultPrevented &&
            isClosableKey(event.code)) {
     * Performs the opening animation:
     * @return A promise that resolve to `true` if the animation was aborted,
     *     `false` if it was not aborted.
    async animateOpen() {
        const surfaceEl = this.surfaceEl;
        const slotEl = this.slotEl;
        if (!surfaceEl || !slotEl)
            return true;
        const openDirection = this.openDirection;
        this.dispatchEvent(new Event('opening'));
        // needs to be imperative because we don't want to mix animation and Lit
        // render timing
        surfaceEl.classList.toggle('animating', true);
        const signal = this.openCloseAnimationSignal.start();
        const height = surfaceEl.offsetHeight;
        const openingUpwards = openDirection === 'UP';
        const children = this.items;
        const FULL_DURATION = 500;
        const SURFACE_OPACITY_DURATION = 50;
        const ITEM_OPACITY_DURATION = 250;
        // We want to fit every child fade-in animation within the full duration of
        // the animation.
        const surfaceHeightAnimation = surfaceEl.animate([{ height: '0px' }, { height: `${height}px` }], {
            duration: FULL_DURATION,
            easing: EASING.EMPHASIZED,
        // When we are opening upwards, we want to make sure the last item is always
        // in view, so we need to translate it upwards the opposite direction of the
        // height animation
        const upPositionCorrectionAnimation = slotEl.animate([
            { transform: openingUpwards ? `translateY(-${height}px)` : '' },
            { transform: '' },
        ], { duration: FULL_DURATION, easing: EASING.EMPHASIZED });
        const surfaceOpacityAnimation = surfaceEl.animate([{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1 }], SURFACE_OPACITY_DURATION);
        const childrenAnimations = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
            // If we are animating upwards, then reverse the children list.
            const directionalIndex = openingUpwards ? children.length - 1 - i : i;
            const child = children[directionalIndex];
            const animation = child.animate([{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1 }], {
                duration: ITEM_OPACITY_DURATION,
                delay: DELAY_BETWEEN_ITEMS * i,
            // Make them all initially hidden and then clean up at the end of each
            // animation.
            child.classList.toggle('md-menu-hidden', true);
            animation.addEventListener('finish', () => {
                child.classList.toggle('md-menu-hidden', false);
            childrenAnimations.push([child, animation]);
        let resolveAnimation = (value) => { };
        const animationFinished = new Promise((resolve) => {
            resolveAnimation = resolve;
        signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
            childrenAnimations.forEach(([child, animation]) => {
                child.classList.toggle('md-menu-hidden', false);
        surfaceHeightAnimation.addEventListener('finish', () => {
            surfaceEl.classList.toggle('animating', false);
        return await animationFinished;
     * Performs the closing animation:
    animateClose() {
        let resolve;
        // This promise blocks the surface position controller from setting
        // display: none on the surface which will interfere with this animation.
        const animationEnded = new Promise((res) => {
            resolve = res;
        const surfaceEl = this.surfaceEl;
        const slotEl = this.slotEl;
        if (!surfaceEl || !slotEl) {
            return animationEnded;
        const openDirection = this.openDirection;
        const closingDownwards = openDirection === 'UP';
        this.dispatchEvent(new Event('closing'));
        // needs to be imperative because we don't want to mix animation and Lit
        // render timing
        surfaceEl.classList.toggle('animating', true);
        const signal = this.openCloseAnimationSignal.start();
        const height = surfaceEl.offsetHeight;
        const children = this.items;
        const FULL_DURATION = 150;
        const SURFACE_OPACITY_DURATION = 50;
        // The surface fades away at the very end
        const ITEM_OPACITY_DURATION = 50;
        const ITEM_OPACITY_INITIAL_DELAY = 50;
        const END_HEIGHT_PERCENTAGE = 0.35;
        // We want to fit every child fade-out animation within the full duration of
        // the animation.
        // The mock has the animation shrink to 35%
        const surfaceHeightAnimation = surfaceEl.animate([
            { height: `${height}px` },
            { height: `${height * END_HEIGHT_PERCENTAGE}px` },
        ], {
            duration: FULL_DURATION,
        // When we are closing downwards, we want to make sure the last item is
        // always in view, so we need to translate it upwards the opposite direction
        // of the height animation
        const downPositionCorrectionAnimation = slotEl.animate([
            { transform: '' },
                transform: closingDownwards
                    ? `translateY(-${height * (1 - END_HEIGHT_PERCENTAGE)}px)`
                    : '',
        ], { duration: FULL_DURATION, easing: EASING.EMPHASIZED_ACCELERATE });
        const surfaceOpacityAnimation = surfaceEl.animate([{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0 }], { duration: SURFACE_OPACITY_DURATION, delay: SURFACE_OPACITY_DELAY });
        const childrenAnimations = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
            // If the animation is closing upwards, then reverse the list of
            // children so that we animate in the opposite direction.
            const directionalIndex = closingDownwards ? i : children.length - 1 - i;
            const child = children[directionalIndex];
            const animation = child.animate([{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0 }], {
                duration: ITEM_OPACITY_DURATION,
            // Make sure the items stay hidden at the end of each child animation.
            // We clean this up at the end of the overall animation.
            animation.addEventListener('finish', () => {
                child.classList.toggle('md-menu-hidden', true);
            childrenAnimations.push([child, animation]);
        signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
            childrenAnimations.forEach(([child, animation]) => {
                child.classList.toggle('md-menu-hidden', false);
        surfaceHeightAnimation.addEventListener('finish', () => {
            surfaceEl.classList.toggle('animating', false);
            childrenAnimations.forEach(([child]) => {
                child.classList.toggle('md-menu-hidden', false);
            this.dispatchEvent(new Event('closed'));
        return animationEnded;
    handleKeydown(event) {
        // At any key event, the pointer interaction is done so we need to clear our
        // cached pointerpath. This handles the case where the user clicks on the
        // anchor, and then hits shift+tab
        this.pointerPath = [];
    setUpGlobalEventListeners() {
        document.addEventListener('click', this.onDocumentClick, { capture: true });
        window.addEventListener('pointerdown', this.onWindowPointerdown);
        document.addEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize, { passive: true });
        window.addEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize, { passive: true });
    cleanUpGlobalEventListeners() {
        document.removeEventListener('click', this.onDocumentClick, {
            capture: true,
        window.removeEventListener('pointerdown', this.onWindowPointerdown);
        document.removeEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize);
        window.removeEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize);
    onCloseMenu() {
    onDeactivateItems(event) {
    onRequestActivation(event) {
    handleDeactivateTypeahead(event) {
        // stopPropagation so that this does not deactivate any typeaheads in menus
        // nested above it e.g. md-sub-menu
        this.typeaheadActive = false;
    handleActivateTypeahead(event) {
        // stopPropagation so that this does not activate any typeaheads in menus
        // nested above it e.g. md-sub-menu
        this.typeaheadActive = true;
    handleStayOpenOnFocusout(event) {
        this.stayOpenOnFocusout = true;
    handleCloseOnFocusout(event) {
        this.stayOpenOnFocusout = false;
    close() { = false;
        const maybeSubmenu = this.slotItems;
        maybeSubmenu.forEach((item) => {
    show() { = true;
     * Activates the next item in the menu. If at the end of the menu, the first
     * item will be activated.
     * @return The activated menu item or `null` if there are no items.
    activateNextItem() {
        return this.listController.activateNextItem() ?? null;
     * Activates the previous item in the menu. If at the start of the menu, the
     * last item will be activated.
     * @return The activated menu item or `null` if there are no items.
    activatePreviousItem() {
        return this.listController.activatePreviousItem() ?? null;
     * Repositions the menu if it is open.
     * Useful for the case where document or window-positioned menus have their
     * anchors moved while open.
    reposition() {
        if ( {
], Menu.prototype, "surfaceEl", void 0);
], Menu.prototype, "slotEl", void 0);
], Menu.prototype, "anchor", void 0);
], Menu.prototype, "positioning", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean })
], Menu.prototype, "quick", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean, attribute: 'has-overflow' })
], Menu.prototype, "hasOverflow", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean, reflect: true })
], Menu.prototype, "open", void 0);
    property({ type: Number, attribute: 'x-offset' })
], Menu.prototype, "xOffset", void 0);
    property({ type: Number, attribute: 'y-offset' })
], Menu.prototype, "yOffset", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean, attribute: 'no-horizontal-flip' })
], Menu.prototype, "noHorizontalFlip", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean, attribute: 'no-vertical-flip' })
], Menu.prototype, "noVerticalFlip", void 0);
    property({ type: Number, attribute: 'typeahead-delay' })
], Menu.prototype, "typeaheadDelay", void 0);
    property({ attribute: 'anchor-corner' })
], Menu.prototype, "anchorCorner", void 0);
    property({ attribute: 'menu-corner' })
], Menu.prototype, "menuCorner", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean, attribute: 'stay-open-on-outside-click' })
], Menu.prototype, "stayOpenOnOutsideClick", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean, attribute: 'stay-open-on-focusout' })
], Menu.prototype, "stayOpenOnFocusout", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean, attribute: 'skip-restore-focus' })
], Menu.prototype, "skipRestoreFocus", void 0);
    property({ attribute: 'default-focus' })
], Menu.prototype, "defaultFocus", void 0);
    property({ type: Boolean, attribute: 'no-navigation-wrap' })
], Menu.prototype, "noNavigationWrap", void 0);
    queryAssignedElements({ flatten: true })
], Menu.prototype, "slotItems", void 0);
], Menu.prototype, "typeaheadActive", void 0);