
 * @license
 * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
 * Overview:
 * This module is designed to add support for an async `setValue` API and
 * `disconnected` callback to directives with the least impact on the core
 * runtime or payload when that feature is not used.
 * The strategy is to introduce a `AsyncDirective` subclass of
 * `Directive` that climbs the "parent" tree in its constructor to note which
 * branches of lit-html's "logical tree" of data structures contain such
 * directives and thus need to be crawled when a subtree is being cleared (or
 * manually disconnected) in order to run the `disconnected` callback.
 * The "nodes" of the logical tree include Parts, TemplateInstances (for when a
 * TemplateResult is committed to a value of a ChildPart), and Directives; these
 * all implement a common interface called `DisconnectableChild`. Each has a
 * `_$parent` reference which is set during construction in the core code, and a
 * `_$disconnectableChildren` field which is initially undefined.
 * The sparse tree created by means of the `AsyncDirective` constructor
 * crawling up the `_$parent` tree and placing a `_$disconnectableChildren` Set
 * on each parent that includes each child that contains a
 * `AsyncDirective` directly or transitively via its children. In order to
 * notify connection state changes and disconnect (or reconnect) a tree, the
 * `_$notifyConnectionChanged` API is patched onto ChildParts as a directive
 * climbs the parent tree, which is called by the core when clearing a part if
 * it exists. When called, that method iterates over the sparse tree of
 * Set<DisconnectableChildren> built up by AsyncDirectives, and calls
 * `_$notifyDirectiveConnectionChanged` on any directives that are encountered
 * in that tree, running the required callbacks.
 * A given "logical tree" of lit-html data-structures might look like this:
 *  ChildPart(N1) _$dC=[D2,T3]
 *   ._directive
 *     AsyncDirective(D2)
 *   ._value // user value was TemplateResult
 *     TemplateInstance(T3) _$dC=[A4,A6,N10,N12]
 *      ._$parts[]
 *        AttributePart(A4) _$dC=[D5]
 *         ._directives[]
 *           AsyncDirective(D5)
 *        AttributePart(A6) _$dC=[D7,D8]
 *         ._directives[]
 *           AsyncDirective(D7)
 *           Directive(D8) _$dC=[D9]
 *            ._directive
 *              AsyncDirective(D9)
 *        ChildPart(N10) _$dC=[D11]
 *         ._directive
 *           AsyncDirective(D11)
 *         ._value
 *           string
 *        ChildPart(N12) _$dC=[D13,N14,N16]
 *         ._directive
 *           AsyncDirective(D13)
 *         ._value // user value was iterable
 *           Array<ChildPart>
 *             ChildPart(N14) _$dC=[D15]
 *              ._value
 *                string
 *             ChildPart(N16) _$dC=[D17,T18]
 *              ._directive
 *                AsyncDirective(D17)
 *              ._value // user value was TemplateResult
 *                TemplateInstance(T18) _$dC=[A19,A21,N25]
 *                 ._$parts[]
 *                   AttributePart(A19) _$dC=[D20]
 *                    ._directives[]
 *                      AsyncDirective(D20)
 *                   AttributePart(A21) _$dC=[22,23]
 *                    ._directives[]
 *                      AsyncDirective(D22)
 *                      Directive(D23) _$dC=[D24]
 *                       ._directive
 *                         AsyncDirective(D24)
 *                   ChildPart(N25) _$dC=[D26]
 *                    ._directive
 *                      AsyncDirective(D26)
 *                    ._value
 *                      string
 * Example 1: The directive in ChildPart(N12) updates and returns `nothing`. The
 * ChildPart will _clear() itself, and so we need to disconnect the "value" of
 * the ChildPart (but not its directive). In this case, when `_clear()` calls
 * `_$notifyConnectionChanged()`, we don't iterate all of the
 * _$disconnectableChildren, rather we do a value-specific disconnection: i.e.
 * since the _value was an Array<ChildPart> (because an iterable had been
 * committed), we iterate the array of ChildParts (N14, N16) and run
 * `setConnected` on them (which does recurse down the full tree of
 * `_$disconnectableChildren` below it, and also removes N14 and N16 from N12's
 * `_$disconnectableChildren`). Once the values have been disconnected, we then
 * check whether the ChildPart(N12)'s list of `_$disconnectableChildren` is empty
 * (and would remove it from its parent TemplateInstance(T3) if so), but since
 * it would still contain its directive D13, it stays in the disconnectable
 * tree.
 * Example 2: In the course of Example 1, `setConnected` will reach
 * ChildPart(N16); in this case the entire part is being disconnected, so we
 * simply iterate all of N16's `_$disconnectableChildren` (D17,T18) and
 * recursively run `setConnected` on them. Note that we only remove children
 * from `_$disconnectableChildren` for the top-level values being disconnected
 * on a clear; doing this bookkeeping lower in the tree is wasteful since it's
 * all being thrown away.
 * Example 3: If the LitElement containing the entire tree above becomes
 * disconnected, it will run `childPart.setConnected()` (which calls
 * `childPart._$notifyConnectionChanged()` if it exists); in this case, we
 * recursively run `setConnected()` over the entire tree, without removing any
 * children from `_$disconnectableChildren`, since this tree is required to
 * re-connect the tree, which does the same operation, simply passing
 * `isConnected: true` down the tree, signaling which callback to run.
import { Disconnectable, Part } from './lit-html.js';
import { Directive } from './directive.js';
export * from './directive.js';
 * An abstract `Directive` base class whose `disconnected` method will be
 * called when the part containing the directive is cleared as a result of
 * re-rendering, or when the user calls `part.setConnected(false)` on
 * a part that was previously rendered containing the directive (as happens
 * when e.g. a LitElement disconnects from the DOM).
 * If `part.setConnected(true)` is subsequently called on a
 * containing part, the directive's `reconnected` method will be called prior
 * to its next `update`/`render` callbacks. When implementing `disconnected`,
 * `reconnected` should also be implemented to be compatible with reconnection.
 * Note that updates may occur while the directive is disconnected. As such,
 * directives should generally check the `this.isConnected` flag during
 * render/update to determine whether it is safe to subscribe to resources
 * that may prevent garbage collection.
export declare abstract class AsyncDirective extends Directive {
     * The connection state for this Directive.
    isConnected: boolean;
     * Initialize the part with internal fields
     * @param part
     * @param parent
     * @param attributeIndex
    _$initialize(part: Part, parent: Disconnectable, attributeIndex: number | undefined): void;
     * Sets the value of the directive's Part outside the normal `update`/`render`
     * lifecycle of a directive.
     * This method should not be called synchronously from a directive's `update`
     * or `render`.
     * @param directive The directive to update
     * @param value The value to set
    setValue(value: unknown): void;
     * User callbacks for implementing logic to release any resources/subscriptions
     * that may have been retained by this directive. Since directives may also be
     * re-connected, `reconnected` should also be implemented to restore the
     * working state of the directive prior to the next render.
    protected disconnected(): void;
    protected reconnected(): void;