* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import { Part, DirectiveParent, CompiledTemplateResult, MaybeCompiledTemplateResult, UncompiledTemplateResult } from './lit-html.js';
import { DirectiveResult, DirectiveClass, PartInfo } from './directive.js';
type Primitive = null | undefined | boolean | number | string | symbol | bigint;
declare const ChildPart: typeof import("./lit-html.js").ChildPart;
type ChildPart = InstanceType<typeof ChildPart>;
* Tests if a value is a primitive value.
* See https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-typeof-operator
export declare const isPrimitive: (value: unknown) => value is Primitive;
export declare const TemplateResultType: {
readonly HTML: 1;
readonly SVG: 2;
export type TemplateResultType = (typeof TemplateResultType)[keyof typeof TemplateResultType];
type IsTemplateResult = {
(val: unknown): val is MaybeCompiledTemplateResult;
<T extends TemplateResultType>(val: unknown, type: T): val is UncompiledTemplateResult<T>;
* Tests if a value is a TemplateResult or a CompiledTemplateResult.
export declare const isTemplateResult: IsTemplateResult;
* Tests if a value is a CompiledTemplateResult.
export declare const isCompiledTemplateResult: (value: unknown) => value is CompiledTemplateResult;
* Tests if a value is a DirectiveResult.
export declare const isDirectiveResult: (value: unknown) => value is DirectiveResult<DirectiveClass>;
* Retrieves the Directive class for a DirectiveResult
export declare const getDirectiveClass: (value: unknown) => DirectiveClass | undefined;
* Tests whether a part has only a single-expression with no strings to
* interpolate between.
* Only AttributePart and PropertyPart can have multiple expressions.
* Multi-expression parts have a `strings` property and single-expression
* parts do not.
export declare const isSingleExpression: (part: PartInfo) => boolean;
* Inserts a ChildPart into the given container ChildPart's DOM, either at the
* end of the container ChildPart, or before the optional `refPart`.
* This does not add the part to the containerPart's committed value. That must
* be done by callers.
* @param containerPart Part within which to add the new ChildPart
* @param refPart Part before which to add the new ChildPart; when omitted the
* part added to the end of the `containerPart`
* @param part Part to insert, or undefined to create a new part
export declare const insertPart: (containerPart: ChildPart, refPart?: ChildPart, part?: ChildPart) => ChildPart;
* Sets the value of a Part.
* Note that this should only be used to set/update the value of user-created
* parts (i.e. those created using `insertPart`); it should not be used
* by directives to set the value of the directive's container part. Directives
* should return a value from `update`/`render` to update their part state.
* For directives that require setting their part value asynchronously, they
* should extend `AsyncDirective` and call `this.setValue()`.
* @param part Part to set
* @param value Value to set
* @param index For `AttributePart`s, the index to set
* @param directiveParent Used internally; should not be set by user
export declare const setChildPartValue: <T extends import("./lit-html.js").ChildPart>(part: T, value: unknown, directiveParent?: DirectiveParent) => T;
* Sets the committed value of a ChildPart directly without triggering the
* commit stage of the part.
* This is useful in cases where a directive needs to update the part such
* that the next update detects a value change or not. When value is omitted,
* the next update will be guaranteed to be detected as a change.
* @param part
* @param value
export declare const setCommittedValue: (part: Part, value?: unknown) => unknown;
* Returns the committed value of a ChildPart.
* The committed value is used for change detection and efficient updates of
* the part. It can differ from the value set by the template or directive in
* cases where the template value is transformed before being committed.
* - `TemplateResult`s are committed as a `TemplateInstance`
* - Iterables are committed as `Array<ChildPart>`
* - All other types are committed as the template value or value returned or
* set by a directive.
* @param part
export declare const getCommittedValue: (part: ChildPart) => unknown;
* Removes a ChildPart from the DOM, including any of its content.
* @param part The Part to remove
export declare const removePart: (part: ChildPart) => void;
export declare const clearPart: (part: ChildPart) => void;
export {};
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