* @license
* Copyright 2017 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import { Disconnectable, Part } from './lit-html.js';
export { AttributePart, BooleanAttributePart, ChildPart, ElementPart, EventPart, Part, PropertyPart, } from './lit-html.js';
export interface DirectiveClass {
new (part: PartInfo): Directive;
* This utility type extracts the signature of a directive class's render()
* method so we can use it for the type of the generated directive function.
export type DirectiveParameters<C extends Directive> = Parameters<C['render']>;
* A generated directive function doesn't evaluate the directive, but just
* returns a DirectiveResult object that captures the arguments.
export interface DirectiveResult<C extends DirectiveClass = DirectiveClass> {
export declare const PartType: {
readonly ATTRIBUTE: 1;
readonly CHILD: 2;
readonly PROPERTY: 3;
readonly EVENT: 5;
readonly ELEMENT: 6;
export type PartType = (typeof PartType)[keyof typeof PartType];
export interface ChildPartInfo {
readonly type: typeof PartType.CHILD;
export interface AttributePartInfo {
readonly type: typeof PartType.ATTRIBUTE | typeof PartType.PROPERTY | typeof PartType.BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE | typeof PartType.EVENT;
readonly strings?: ReadonlyArray<string>;
readonly name: string;
readonly tagName: string;
export interface ElementPartInfo {
readonly type: typeof PartType.ELEMENT;
* Information about the part a directive is bound to.
* This is useful for checking that a directive is attached to a valid part,
* such as with directive that can only be used on attribute bindings.
export type PartInfo = ChildPartInfo | AttributePartInfo | ElementPartInfo;
* Creates a user-facing directive function from a Directive class. This
* function has the same parameters as the directive's render() method.
export declare const directive: <C extends DirectiveClass>(c: C) => (...values: Parameters<InstanceType<C>["render"]>) => DirectiveResult<C>;
* Base class for creating custom directives. Users should extend this class,
* implement `render` and/or `update`, and then pass their subclass to
* `directive`.
export declare abstract class Directive implements Disconnectable {
constructor(_partInfo: PartInfo);
get _$isConnected(): boolean;
abstract render(...props: Array<unknown>): unknown;
update(_part: Part, props: Array<unknown>): unknown;
//# sourceMappingURL=directive.d.ts.map