// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Declaration of PacketThinnerCalculator.
#include <cmath> // for ceil
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "mediapipe/calculators/core/packet_thinner_calculator.pb.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator_context.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator_framework.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/formats/video_stream_header.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/port/logging.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/port/status.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/tool/options_util.h"
namespace mediapipe {
namespace {
const double kTimebaseUs = 1000000; // Microseconds.
const char* const kOptionsTag = "OPTIONS";
const char* const kPeriodTag = "PERIOD";
} // namespace
// This calculator is used to thin an input stream of Packets.
// An example application would be to sample decoded frames of video
// at a coarser temporal resolution. Unless otherwise stated, all
// timestamps are in units of microseconds.
// Thinning can be accomplished in one of two ways:
// 1) asynchronous thinning (known below as async):
// Algorithm does not rely on a master clock and is parameterized only
// by a single option -- the period. Once a packet is emitted, the
// thinner will discard subsequent packets for the duration of the period
// [Analogous to a refractory period during which packet emission is
// suppressed.]
// Packets arriving before start_time are discarded, as are packets
// arriving at or after end_time.
// 2) synchronous thinning (known below as sync):
// There are two variants of this algorithm, both parameterized by a
// start_time and a period. As in (1), packets arriving before start_time
// or at/after end_time are discarded. Otherwise, at most one packet is
// emitted during a period, centered at timestamps generated by the
// expression:
// start_time + i * period [where i is a non-negative integer]
// During each period, the packet closest to the generated timestamp is
// emitted (latest in the case of ties). In the first variant
// (sync_output_timestamps = true), the emitted packet is output at the
// generated timestamp. In the second variant, the packet is output at
// its original timestamp. Both variants emit exactly the same packets,
// but at different timestamps.
// Thinning period can be provided in the calculator options or via a
// side packet with the tag "PERIOD".
// Calculator options provided optionally with the "OPTIONS" input
// sidepacket tag will be merged with this calculator's node options, i.e.,
// singular fields of the side packet will overwrite the options defined in the
// node, and repeated fields will concatenate.
// Example config:
// node {
// calculator: "PacketThinnerCalculator"
// input_side_packet: "OPTIONS:calculator_options"
// input_stream: "signal"
// output_stream: "output"
// options {
// [mediapipe.PacketThinnerCalculatorOptions.ext] {
// thinner_type: SYNC
// period: 10
// sync_output_timestamps: true
// update_frame_rate: false
// }
// }
// }
class PacketThinnerCalculator : public CalculatorBase {
PacketThinnerCalculator() {}
~PacketThinnerCalculator() override {}
static absl::Status GetContract(CalculatorContract* cc) {
if (cc->InputSidePackets().HasTag(kOptionsTag)) {
if (cc->InputSidePackets().HasTag(kPeriodTag)) {
return absl::OkStatus();
absl::Status Open(CalculatorContext* cc) override;
absl::Status Close(CalculatorContext* cc) override;
absl::Status Process(CalculatorContext* cc) override {
if (cc->InputTimestamp() < start_time_) {
return absl::OkStatus(); // Drop packets before start_time_.
} else if (cc->InputTimestamp() >= end_time_) {
if (!cc->Outputs().Index(0).IsClosed()) {
.Close(); // No more Packets will be output after end_time_.
return absl::OkStatus();
} else {
return thinner_type_ == PacketThinnerCalculatorOptions::ASYNC
? AsyncThinnerProcess(cc)
: SyncThinnerProcess(cc);
// Implementation of ASYNC and SYNC versions of thinner algorithm.
absl::Status AsyncThinnerProcess(CalculatorContext* cc);
absl::Status SyncThinnerProcess(CalculatorContext* cc);
// Cached option.
PacketThinnerCalculatorOptions::ThinnerType thinner_type_;
// Given a Timestamp, finds the closest sync Timestamp
// based on start_time_ and period_. This can be earlier or
// later than given Timestamp, but is guaranteed to be within
// half a period_.
Timestamp NearestSyncTimestamp(Timestamp now) const;
// Cached option used by both async and sync thinners.
TimestampDiff period_; // Interval during which only one packet is emitted.
Timestamp start_time_; // Cached option - default Timestamp::Min()
Timestamp end_time_; // Cached option - default Timestamp::Max()
// Only used by async thinner:
Timestamp next_valid_timestamp_; // Suppress packets until this timestamp.
// Only used by sync thinner:
Packet saved_packet_; // Best packet not yet emitted.
bool sync_output_timestamps_; // Cached option.
namespace {
TimestampDiff abs(TimestampDiff t) { return t < 0 ? -t : t; }
} // namespace
absl::Status PacketThinnerCalculator::Open(CalculatorContext* cc) {
PacketThinnerCalculatorOptions options = mediapipe::tool::RetrieveOptions(
cc->Options<PacketThinnerCalculatorOptions>(), cc->InputSidePackets(),
thinner_type_ = options.thinner_type();
// This check enables us to assume only two thinner types exist in Process()
ABSL_CHECK(thinner_type_ == PacketThinnerCalculatorOptions::ASYNC ||
thinner_type_ == PacketThinnerCalculatorOptions::SYNC)
<< "Unsupported thinner type.";
if (thinner_type_ == PacketThinnerCalculatorOptions::ASYNC) {
// ASYNC thinner outputs packets with the same timestamp as their input so
// its safe to SetOffset(0). SYNC thinner manipulates timestamps of its
// output so we don't do this for that case.
if (cc->InputSidePackets().HasTag(kPeriodTag)) {
period_ =
} else {
period_ = TimestampDiff(options.period());
ABSL_CHECK_LT(TimestampDiff(0), period_)
<< "Specified period must be positive.";
if (options.has_start_time()) {
start_time_ = Timestamp(options.start_time());
} else if (thinner_type_ == PacketThinnerCalculatorOptions::ASYNC) {
start_time_ = Timestamp::Min();
} else {
start_time_ = Timestamp(0);
end_time_ =
options.has_end_time() ? Timestamp(options.end_time()) : Timestamp::Max();
ABSL_CHECK_LT(start_time_, end_time_)
<< "Invalid PacketThinner: start_time must be earlier than end_time";
sync_output_timestamps_ = options.sync_output_timestamps();
next_valid_timestamp_ = start_time_;
// Drop packets until this time.
if (!cc->Inputs().Index(0).Header().IsEmpty()) {
if (options.update_frame_rate()) {
const VideoHeader& video_header =
double new_frame_rate;
if (thinner_type_ == PacketThinnerCalculatorOptions::ASYNC) {
new_frame_rate =
video_header.frame_rate /
ceil(video_header.frame_rate * options.period() / kTimebaseUs);
} else {
const double sampling_rate = kTimebaseUs / options.period();
new_frame_rate = video_header.frame_rate < sampling_rate
? video_header.frame_rate
: sampling_rate;
std::unique_ptr<VideoHeader> header(new VideoHeader);
header->format = video_header.format;
header->width = video_header.width;
header->height = video_header.height;
header->duration = video_header.duration;
header->frame_rate = new_frame_rate;
} else {
return absl::OkStatus();
absl::Status PacketThinnerCalculator::Close(CalculatorContext* cc) {
// Emit any saved packets before quitting.
if (!saved_packet_.IsEmpty()) {
// Only sync thinner should have saved packets.
ABSL_CHECK_EQ(PacketThinnerCalculatorOptions::SYNC, thinner_type_);
if (sync_output_timestamps_) {
} else {
return absl::OkStatus();
absl::Status PacketThinnerCalculator::AsyncThinnerProcess(
CalculatorContext* cc) {
if (cc->InputTimestamp() >= next_valid_timestamp_) {
cc->Inputs().Index(0).Value()); // Emit current packet.
next_valid_timestamp_ = cc->InputTimestamp() + period_;
// Guaranteed not to emit packets seen during refractory period.
return absl::OkStatus();
absl::Status PacketThinnerCalculator::SyncThinnerProcess(
CalculatorContext* cc) {
if (saved_packet_.IsEmpty()) {
// If no packet has been saved, store the current packet.
saved_packet_ = cc->Inputs().Index(0).Value();
sync_output_timestamps_ ? NearestSyncTimestamp(cc->InputTimestamp())
: cc->InputTimestamp());
} else {
// Saved packet exists -- update or emit.
const Timestamp saved = saved_packet_.Timestamp();
const Timestamp saved_sync = NearestSyncTimestamp(saved);
const Timestamp now = cc->InputTimestamp();
const Timestamp now_sync = NearestSyncTimestamp(now);
ABSL_CHECK_LE(saved_sync, now_sync);
if (saved_sync == now_sync) {
// Saved Packet is in same interval as current packet.
// Replace saved packet with current if it is at least as
// central as the saved packet wrt temporal interval.
// [We break ties in favor of fresher packets]
if (abs(now - now_sync) <= abs(saved - saved_sync)) {
saved_packet_ = cc->Inputs().Index(0).Value();
} else {
// Saved packet is the best packet from earlier interval: emit!
if (sync_output_timestamps_) {
} else {
// Current packet is the first one we've seen from new interval -- save!
saved_packet_ = cc->Inputs().Index(0).Value();
return absl::OkStatus();
Timestamp PacketThinnerCalculator::NearestSyncTimestamp(Timestamp now) const {
ABSL_CHECK_NE(start_time_, Timestamp::Unset())
<< "Method only valid for sync thinner calculator.";
// Computation is done using int64 arithmetic. No easy way to avoid
// since Timestamps don't support div and multiply.
const int64_t now64 = now.Value();
const int64_t start64 = start_time_.Value();
const int64_t period64 = period_.Value();
ABSL_CHECK_LE(0, period64);
// Round now64 to its closest interval (units of period64).
int64_t sync64 =
(now64 - start64 + period64 / 2) / period64 * period64 + start64;
ABSL_CHECK_LE(abs(now64 - sync64), period64 / 2)
<< "start64: " << start64 << "; now64: " << now64
<< "; sync64: " << sync64;
return Timestamp(sync64);
} // namespace mediapipe