// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <deque>
#include "mediapipe/framework/api2/node.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator_framework.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/port/ret_check.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/port/status.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/timestamp.h"
namespace mediapipe {
namespace api2 {
// PreviousLoopbackCalculator is useful when a graph needs to process an input
// together with some previous output.
// For the first packet that arrives on the MAIN input, the timestamp bound is
// advanced on the PREV_LOOP. Downstream calculators will see this as an empty
// packet. This way they are not kept waiting for the previous output, which
// for the first iteration does not exist.
// Thereafter,
// - Each non-empty MAIN packet results in:
// a) a PREV_LOOP packet with contents of the LOOP packet received at the
// timestamp of the previous non-empty MAIN packet
// b) or in a PREV_LOOP timestamp bound update if the LOOP packet was empty.
// - Each empty MAIN packet indicating timestamp bound update results in a
// PREV_LOOP timestamp bound update.
// Example config:
// node {
// calculator: "PreviousLoopbackCalculator"
// input_stream: "MAIN:input"
// input_stream: "LOOP:output"
// input_stream_info: { tag_index: 'LOOP' back_edge: true }
// output_stream: "PREV_LOOP:prev_output"
// }
// node {
// calculator: "FaceTracker"
// input_stream: "VIDEO:input"
// input_stream: "PREV_TRACK:prev_output"
// output_stream: "TRACK:output"
// }
class PreviousLoopbackCalculator : public Node {
static constexpr Input<AnyType> kMain{"MAIN"};
static constexpr Input<AnyType> kLoop{"LOOP"};
static constexpr Output<SameType<kLoop>> kPrevLoop{"PREV_LOOP"};
// TODO: an optional PREV_TIMESTAMP output could be added to
// carry the original timestamp of the packet on PREV_LOOP.
static absl::Status UpdateContract(CalculatorContract* cc) {
// Process() function is invoked in response to MAIN/LOOP stream timestamp
// bound updates.
return absl::OkStatus();
absl::Status Open(CalculatorContext* cc) final {
return absl::OkStatus();
absl::Status Process(CalculatorContext* cc) final {
// Non-empty packets and empty packets indicating timestamp bound updates
// are guaranteed to have timestamps greater than timestamps of previous
// packets within the same stream. Calculator tracks and operates on such
// packets.
const PacketBase& main_packet = kMain(cc).packet();
if (prev_main_ts_ < main_packet.timestamp()) {
Timestamp loop_timestamp;
if (!main_packet.IsEmpty()) {
loop_timestamp = prev_non_empty_main_ts_;
prev_non_empty_main_ts_ = main_packet.timestamp();
} else {
// Calculator advances PREV_LOOP timestamp bound in response to empty
// MAIN packet, hence not caring about corresponding loop packet.
loop_timestamp = Timestamp::Unset();
main_packet_specs_.push_back({main_packet.timestamp(), loop_timestamp});
prev_main_ts_ = main_packet.timestamp();
const PacketBase& loop_packet = kLoop(cc).packet();
if (prev_loop_ts_ < loop_packet.timestamp()) {
prev_loop_ts_ = loop_packet.timestamp();
while (!main_packet_specs_.empty() && !loop_packets_.empty()) {
// The earliest MAIN packet.
MainPacketSpec main_spec = main_packet_specs_.front();
// The earliest LOOP packet.
const PacketBase& loop_candidate = loop_packets_.front();
// Match LOOP and MAIN packets.
if (main_spec.loop_timestamp < loop_candidate.timestamp()) {
// No LOOP packet can match the MAIN packet under review.
kPrevLoop(cc).SetNextTimestampBound(main_spec.timestamp + 1);
} else if (main_spec.loop_timestamp > loop_candidate.timestamp()) {
// No MAIN packet can match the LOOP packet under review.
} else {
// Exact match found.
if (loop_candidate.IsEmpty()) {
// However, LOOP packet is empty.
kPrevLoop(cc).SetNextTimestampBound(main_spec.timestamp + 1);
} else {
// Avoids sending leftovers to a stream that's already closed.
if (!kPrevLoop(cc).IsClosed()) {
// We can close PREV_LOOP output stream as soon as we processed last
// possible MAIN packet. That can happen in two cases:
// a) Non-empty MAIN packet has been received with Timestamp::Max()
// b) Empty MAIN packet has been received with Timestamp::Max() indicating
// MAIN is done.
if (main_spec.timestamp == Timestamp::Done().PreviousAllowedInStream()) {
return absl::OkStatus();
struct MainPacketSpec {
Timestamp timestamp;
// Expected timestamp of the packet from LOOP stream that corresponds to the
// packet from MAIN stream descirbed by this spec.
Timestamp loop_timestamp;
// Contains specs for MAIN packets which only can be:
// - non-empty packets
// - empty packets indicating timestamp bound updates
// Sorted according to packet timestamps.
std::deque<MainPacketSpec> main_packet_specs_;
Timestamp prev_main_ts_ = Timestamp::Unstarted();
Timestamp prev_non_empty_main_ts_ = Timestamp::Unstarted();
// Contains LOOP packets which only can be:
// - the very first empty packet
// - non empty packets
// - empty packets indicating timestamp bound updates
// Sorted according to packet timestamps.
std::deque<PacketBase> loop_packets_;
// Using "Timestamp::Unset" instead of "Timestamp::Unstarted" in order to
// allow addition of the very first empty packet (which doesn't indicate
// timestamp bound change necessarily).
Timestamp prev_loop_ts_ = Timestamp::Unset();
} // namespace api2
} // namespace mediapipe