// Proto messages related to latency measurement for Soapbox.
syntax = "proto2";
// TODO: Switch to package mediapipe.
package mediapipe;
// Contains the latency information for a packet stream in mediapipe. The
// following are provided
// 1. current latency
// 2. running average
// 3. histogram of latencies observed
// 4. cumulative sum of latencies observed
// NextId: 13
message PacketLatency {
// Reserved tags.
reserved 1, 3 to 6;
// Current latency (delay in microseconds wrt a reference packet).
optional int64 current_latency_usec = 8;
// The latency histogram which stores the count recorded for each specified
// interval.
repeated int64 counts = 9;
// Number of intervals for the latency histogram output.
optional int64 num_intervals = 10 [default = 10];
// Size of the histogram intervals (in microseconds). The first interval is
// [0, interval_size_usec). The last interval extends to +inf.
optional int64 interval_size_usec = 11 [default = 10000];
// Running average of latencies observed so far.
optional int64 avg_latency_usec = 2;
// An identifier label for the packet.
optional string label = 7;
// Cumulative sum of individual packet latencies of all the packets output so
// far.
optional int64 sum_latency_usec = 12;