// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Defines CalculatorRunner which can be used to run a Calculator in
// isolation. This is useful for testing.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator_framework.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/port/status.h"
namespace mediapipe {
class CalculatorGraph;
// The class for running the Calculator with given inputs and examining outputs.
class CalculatorRunner {
// A representation of input or output stream contents.
struct StreamContents {
// The Packets in the stream.
std::vector<Packet> packets;
// Stream header.
Packet header;
// A collection of StreamContents by either index or tag.
typedef internal::Collection<StreamContents> StreamContentsSet;
// Preferred constructor.
// All the needed information comes from the node config.
// Example:
// CalculatorRunner runner(R"(
// calculator: "ScaleImageCalculator"
// input_stream: "ycbcr_frames"
// output_stream: "FRAMES:srgb_frames"
// output_stream: "VIDEO_HEADER:srgb_frames_header"
// options {
// [mediapipe.ScaleImageCalculatorOptions.ext] {
// target_height: 10
// preserve_aspect_ratio: true
// output_format: SRGB
// algorithm: AREA
// }
// }
// )");
explicit CalculatorRunner(const CalculatorGraphConfig::Node& node_config);
// Convenience constructor which takes a node_config string directly.
explicit CalculatorRunner(const std::string& node_config_string);
// Convenience constructor to initialize a calculator which uses indexes
// (not tags) for all its fields.
// NOTE: This constructor calls proto_ns::TextFormat::ParseFromString(), which
// is not available when using lite protos.
CalculatorRunner(const std::string& calculator_type,
const std::string& options_string, int num_inputs,
int num_outputs, int num_side_packets);
// Minimal constructor which requires additional calls to define inputs,
// outputs, and input side packets. Prefer using another constructor.
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Initialize CalculatorRunner with a proto instead.")
CalculatorRunner(const std::string& calculator_type,
const CalculatorOptions& options);
CalculatorRunner(const CalculatorRunner&) = delete;
CalculatorRunner& operator=(const CalculatorRunner&) = delete;
// Sets the number of input streams, output streams, or input side packets,
// respectively. May not be called after Run() has been called.
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Initialize CalculatorRunner with a proto instead.")
void SetNumInputs(int n);
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Initialize CalculatorRunner with a proto instead.")
void SetNumOutputs(int n);
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Initialize CalculatorRunner with a proto instead.")
void SetNumInputSidePackets(int n);
// Initializes the inputs, outputs, or side packets using a
// TagAndNameInfo. This sets the corresponding section of node_config_.
// May not be called after Run() has been called.
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Initialize CalculatorRunner with a proto instead.")
void InitializeInputs(const tool::TagAndNameInfo& info);
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Initialize CalculatorRunner with a proto instead.")
void InitializeOutputs(const tool::TagAndNameInfo& info);
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Initialize CalculatorRunner with a proto instead.")
void InitializeInputSidePackets(const tool::TagAndNameInfo& info);
// Returns mutable access to the input stream contents.
StreamContentsSet* MutableInputs() { return inputs_.get(); }
// Returns mutable access to the input side packets.
PacketSet* MutableSidePackets() { return input_side_packets_.get(); }
// Runs the calculator, by calling Open(), Process() with the
// inputs provided via mutable_inputs(), and Close(). Returns the
// absl::Status from CalculatorGraph::Run(). Internally, Run()
// constructs a CalculatorGraph in the first call, and calls
// CalculatorGraph::Run(). A single instance of CalculatorRunner
// uses the same instance of CalculatorGraph for all runs.
absl::Status Run();
// Returns the vector of contents of the output streams. The .header
// field contains the stream header and the .packets field contains
// the Packets from the stream, unless SetOutputPacketCallback()
// has been called with non-nullptr, in which case .packets will be empty.
const StreamContentsSet& Outputs() const { return *outputs_; }
// Returns the access to the output side packets.
const PacketSet& OutputSidePackets() { return *output_side_packets_; }
// Returns a graph counter.
mediapipe::Counter* GetCounter(const std::string& name);
// Returns all graph counters values.
std::map<std::string, int64_t> GetCountersValues();
static const char kSourcePrefix[];
static const char kSinkPrefix[];
// Initialize using a node config (does the constructor's work).
absl::Status InitializeFromNodeConfig(
const CalculatorGraphConfig::Node& node_config);
// Builds the graph if one does not already exist.
absl::Status BuildGraph();
CalculatorGraphConfig::Node node_config_;
// Log the calculator proto after it is created from the provided
// parameters. This aids users in migrating to the recommended
// constructor.
bool log_calculator_proto_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<StreamContentsSet> inputs_;
std::unique_ptr<StreamContentsSet> outputs_;
std::unique_ptr<PacketSet> input_side_packets_;
std::unique_ptr<PacketSet> output_side_packets_;
std::unique_ptr<CalculatorGraph> graph_;
} // namespace mediapipe