"""Outputs a FileDescriptorSet with all transitive dependencies.
Copied from tools/build_defs/proto/descriptor_set.bzl.
TransitiveDescriptorInfo = provider(
"The transitive descriptors from a set of protos.",
fields = ["descriptors"],
DirectDescriptorInfo = provider(
"The direct descriptors from a set of protos.",
fields = ["descriptors"],
def calculate_transitive_descriptor_set(actions, deps, output):
"""Calculates the transitive dependencies of the deps.
actions: the actions (typically ctx.actions) used to run commands
deps: the deps to get the transitive dependencies of
output: the output file the data will be written to
The same output file passed as the input arg, for convenience.
# Join all proto descriptors in a single file.
transitive_descriptor_sets = depset(transitive = [
dep[ProtoInfo].transitive_descriptor_sets if ProtoInfo in dep else dep[TransitiveDescriptorInfo].descriptors
for dep in deps
args = actions.args()
args.use_param_file(param_file_arg = "--arg-file=%s")
# Because `xargs` must take its arguments before the command to execute,
# we cannot simply put a reference to the argument list at the end, as in the
# case of param file spooling, since the entire argument list will get
# replaced by "--arg-file=bazel-out/..." which needs to be an `xargs`
# argument rather than a `cat` argument.
# We look to see if the first argument begins with a '--arg-file=' and
# selectively choose xargs vs. just supplying the arguments to `cat`.
outputs = [output],
inputs = transitive_descriptor_sets,
progress_message = "Joining descriptors.",
command = ("if [[ \"$1\" =~ ^--arg-file=.* ]]; then xargs \"$1\" cat; " +
"else cat \"$@\"; fi >{output}".format(output = output.path)),
arguments = [args],
return output
def _transitive_descriptor_set_impl(ctx):
"""Combine descriptors for all transitive proto dependencies into one file.
Warning: Concatenating all of the descriptor files with a single `cat` command
could exceed system limits (1MB+). For example, a dependency on gwslog.proto
will trigger this edge case.
When writing new code, prefer to accept a list of descriptor files instead of
just one so that this limitation won't impact you.
output = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.attr.name + "-transitive-descriptor-set.proto.bin")
calculate_transitive_descriptor_set(ctx.actions, ctx.attr.deps, output)
return DefaultInfo(
files = depset([output]),
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = [output]),
# transitive_descriptor_set outputs a single file containing a binary
# FileDescriptorSet with all transitive dependencies of the given proto
# dependencies.
# Example usage:
# transitive_descriptor_set(
# name = "my_descriptors",
# deps = [":my_proto"],
# )
transitive_descriptor_set = rule(
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(providers = [[ProtoInfo], [TransitiveDescriptorInfo]]),
outputs = {
"out": "%{name}-transitive-descriptor-set.proto.bin",
implementation = _transitive_descriptor_set_impl,
def calculate_direct_descriptor_set(actions, deps, output):
"""Calculates the direct dependencies of the deps.
actions: the actions (typically ctx.actions) used to run commands
deps: the deps to get the direct dependencies of
output: the output file the data will be written to
The same output file passed as the input arg, for convenience.
descriptor_set = depset(
[dep[ProtoInfo].direct_descriptor_set for dep in deps if ProtoInfo in dep],
transitive = [dep[DirectDescriptorInfo].descriptors for dep in deps if ProtoInfo not in dep],
outputs = [output],
inputs = descriptor_set,
progress_message = "Joining direct descriptors.",
command = ("cat %s > %s") % (
" ".join([d.path for d in descriptor_set.to_list()]),
return output
def _direct_descriptor_set_impl(ctx):
calculate_direct_descriptor_set(ctx.actions, ctx.attr.deps, ctx.outputs.out)
# direct_descriptor_set outputs a single file containing a binary
# FileDescriptorSet with all direct, non transitive dependencies of
# the given proto dependencies.
# Example usage:
# direct_descriptor_set(
# name = "my_direct_descriptors",
# deps = [":my_proto"],
# )
direct_descriptor_set = rule(
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(providers = [[ProtoInfo], [DirectDescriptorInfo]]),
outputs = {
"out": "%{name}-direct-descriptor-set.proto.bin",
implementation = _direct_descriptor_set_impl,