
// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// StrongInt<T> is a simple template class mechanism for defining "logical"
// integer-like class types that support almost all of the same functionality
// as native integer types, but which prevents assignment, construction, and
// other operations from other integer-like types.  In other words, you cannot
// assign from raw integer types or other StrongInt<> types, nor can you do
// most arithmetic or logical operations.  This provides a simple form of
// dimensionality in that you can add two instances of StrongInt<T>, producing
// a StrongInt<T>, but you can not add a StrongInt<T> and a raw T nor can you
// add a StrongInt<T> and a StrongInt<U>.  Details on supported operations are
// below.
// In addition to type strength, StrongInt provides a way to inject (optional)
// validation of the various operations.  This allows you to define StrongInt
// types that check for overflow conditions and react in standard or custom
// ways.
// A StrongInt<T> with a NullStrongIntValidator should compile away to a raw T
// in optimized mode.  What this means is that the generated assembly for:
//   int64_t foo = 123;
//   int64_t bar = 456;
//   int64_t baz = foo + bar;
//   constexpr int64_t fubar = 789;
// ...should be identical to the generated assembly for:
//    DEFINE_STRONG_INT_TYPE(MyStrongInt, int64_t);
//    MyStrongInt foo(123);
//    MyStrongInt bar(456);
//    MyStrongInt baz = foo + bar;
//    constexpr MyStrongInt fubar(789);
// Since the methods are all inline and non-virtual and the class has just
// one data member, the compiler can erase the StrongInt class entirely in its
// code-generation phase.  This also means that you can pass StrongInt<T>
// around by value just as you would a raw T.
// It is important to note that StrongInt does NOT generate compile time
// warnings or errors for overflows on implicit constant conversions.
// Usage:
//  StrongInt<TagType, NativeType, ValidatorType = NullStrongIntValidator>
//    Creates a new StrongInt instance directly.
//     TagType: The unique type which discriminates this StrongInt<T> from
//         other StrongInt<U> types.
//     NativeType: The primitive integral type this StrongInt will hold, as
//         defined by std::is_integral (see <type_traits>).
//     ValidatorType: The type of validation used by this StrongInt type.  A
//         few pre-built validator types are provided here, but the caller can
//         define any custom validator they desire.
// Supported operations:
//     StrongInt<T> = StrongInt<T>
//     !StrongInt<T> => bool
//     ~StrongInt<T> => StrongInt<T>
//     -StrongInt<T> => StrongInt<T>
//     +StrongInt<T> => StrongInt<T>
//     ++StrongInt<T> => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T>++ => StrongInt<T>
//     --StrongInt<T> => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T>-- => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T> + StrongInt<T> => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T> - StrongInt<T> => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T> * (numeric type) => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T> / (numeric type) => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T> % (numeric type) => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T> << (numeric type) => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T> >> (numeric type) => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T> & StrongInt<T> => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T> | StrongInt<T> => StrongInt<T>
//     StrongInt<T> ^ StrongInt<T> => StrongInt<T>
//   For binary operations, the equivalent op-equal (eg += vs. +) operations are
//   also supported.  Other operator combinations should cause compile-time
//   errors.
// Validators:
//   NullStrongIntValidator: Do no validation.  This should be entirely
//       optimized away by the compiler.


#include <cstdint>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <limits>
#include <ostream>
#include <type_traits>

#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_log.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/port/port.h"

namespace mediapipe {
intops  // namespace intops
}  // namespace mediapipe