// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Simple classes to handle vectors in 2D, 3D, and 4D.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iostream> // NOLINT(readability/streams)
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/utility/utility.h"
template <typename T>
class Vector2;
template <typename T>
class Vector3;
template <typename T>
class Vector4;
namespace mediapipe {
namespace deps {
namespace internal_vector {
// CRTP base class for all Vector templates.
template <template <typename> class VecTemplate, typename T, std::size_t N>
class BasicVector {
using D = VecTemplate<T>;
// FloatType is the type returned by Norm() and Angle(). These methods are
// special because they return floating-point values even when VType is an
// integer.
typedef typename std::conditional<std::is_integral<T>::value, double, T>::type
using IdxSeqN = typename absl::make_index_sequence<N>;
template <std::size_t I, typename F, typename... As>
static auto Reduce(F f, As*... as) -> decltype(f(as[I]...)) {
return f(as[I]...);
template <typename R = D, std::size_t... Is, typename F, typename... As>
static R GenerateEach(absl::index_sequence<Is...>, F f, As*... as) {
return R(Reduce<Is>(f, as...)...);
// Generate<R>(f,a,b,...) returns an R(...), where the constructor arguments
// are created as a transform. R(f(a[0],b[0],...), f(a[1],b[1],...), ...),
// and with a,b,... all optional.
template <typename R = D, typename F, typename... As>
static R Generate(F f, As&&... as) {
return GenerateEach<R>(IdxSeqN(), f, std::forward<As>(as).Data()...);
enum { SIZE = N };
static int Size() { return SIZE; }
void Clear() { AsD() = D(); }
T& operator[](int b) {
return static_cast<D&>(*this).Data()[b];
T operator[](int b) const {
return static_cast<const D&>(*this).Data()[b];
// TODO: Relationals should be nonmembers.
bool operator==(const D& b) const {
const T* ap = static_cast<const D&>(*this).Data();
return std::equal(ap, ap + this->Size(), b.Data());
bool operator!=(const D& b) const { return !(AsD() == b); }
bool operator<(const D& b) const {
const T* ap = static_cast<const D&>(*this).Data();
const T* bp = b.Data();
return std::lexicographical_compare(ap, ap + this->Size(), bp,
bp + b.Size());
bool operator>(const D& b) const { return b < AsD(); }
bool operator<=(const D& b) const { return !(AsD() > b); }
bool operator>=(const D& b) const { return !(AsD() < b); }
D& operator+=(const D& b) {
PlusEq(static_cast<D&>(*this).Data(), b.Data(), IdxSeqN{});
return static_cast<D&>(*this);
D& operator-=(const D& b) {
MinusEq(static_cast<D&>(*this).Data(), b.Data(), IdxSeqN{});
return static_cast<D&>(*this);
D& operator*=(T k) {
MulEq(static_cast<D&>(*this).Data(), k, IdxSeqN{});
return static_cast<D&>(*this);
D& operator/=(T k) {
DivEq(static_cast<D&>(*this).Data(), k, IdxSeqN{});
return static_cast<D&>(*this);
D operator+(const D& b) const { return D(AsD()) += b; }
D operator-(const D& b) const { return D(AsD()) -= b; }
D operator*(T k) const { return D(AsD()) *= k; }
D operator/(T k) const { return D(AsD()) /= k; }
friend D operator-(const D& a) {
return Generate([](const T& x) { return -x; }, a);
// Convert from another vector type
template <typename T2>
static D Cast(const VecTemplate<T2>& b) {
return Generate([](const T2& x) { return static_cast<T>(x); }, b);
// multiply two vectors component by component
D MulComponents(const D& b) const {
return Generate([](const T& x, const T& y) { return x * y; }, AsD(), b);
// divide two vectors component by component
D DivComponents(const D& b) const {
return Generate([](const T& x, const T& y) { return x / y; }, AsD(), b);
// Element-wise max. {max(a[0],b[0]), max(a[1],b[1]), ...}
friend D Max(const D& a, const D& b) {
return Generate([](const T& x, const T& y) { return std::max(x, y); }, a,
// Element-wise min. {min(a[0],b[0]), min(a[1],b[1]), ...}
friend D Min(const D& a, const D& b) {
return Generate([](const T& x, const T& y) { return std::min(x, y); }, a,
T DotProd(const D& b) const {
return Dot(static_cast<T>(0), static_cast<const D&>(*this).Data(), b.Data(),
// Squared Euclidean norm (the dot product with itself).
T Norm2() const { return DotProd(AsD()); }
// Euclidean norm. For integer T, correct only if Norm2 does not overflow.
FloatType Norm() const {
using std::sqrt;
return sqrt(Norm2());
// Normalized vector if the norm is nonzero. Not for integer types.
D Normalize() const {
static_assert(!std::is_integral<T>::value, "must be floating point");
T n = Norm();
if (n != T(0.0)) {
n = T(1.0) / n;
return D(AsD()) *= n;
// Compose a vector from the sqrt of each component.
D Sqrt() const {
return Generate(
[](const T& x) {
using std::sqrt;
return sqrt(x);
// Take the floor of each component.
D Floor() const {
return Generate([](const T& x) { return floor(x); }, AsD());
// Take the ceil of each component.
D Ceil() const {
return Generate([](const T& x) { return ceil(x); }, AsD());
// Round of each component.
D FRound() const {
using std::rint;
return Generate([](const T& x) { return rint(x); }, AsD());
// Round of each component and return an integer vector.
VecTemplate<int> IRound() const {
using std::lrint;
return Generate<VecTemplate<int>>([](const T& x) { return lrint(x); },
// True if any of the components is not a number.
bool IsNaN() const {
bool r = false;
const T* ap = AsD().Data();
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) r = r || isnan(ap[i]);
return r;
// A Vector populated with all NaN values.
static D NaN() {
return Generate([] { return std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN(); });
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const D& v) {
out << "[";
const char* sep = "";
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
out << sep;
Print(out, v[i]);
sep = ", ";
return out << "]";
// These are only public for technical reasons.
template <typename K>
D MulScalarInternal(const K& k) const {
return Generate([k](const T& x) { return k * x; }, AsD());
template <typename K>
D DivScalarInternal(const K& k) const {
return Generate([k](const T& x) { return k / x; }, AsD());
const D& AsD() const { return static_cast<const D&>(*this); }
D& AsD() { return static_cast<D&>(*this); }
// ostream << uint8 prints the ASCII character, which is not useful.
// Cast to int so that numbers will be printed instead.
template <typename U>
static void Print(std::ostream& out, const U& v) {
out << v;
static void Print(std::ostream& out, uint8_t v) {
out << static_cast<int>(v);
// Ignores its arguments so that side-effects of variadic unpacking can occur.
static void Ignore(std::initializer_list<bool>) {}
template <std::size_t... Is>
static T Dot(T sum, const T* a, const T* b, absl::index_sequence<Is...>) {
Ignore({(sum += a[Is] * b[Is], true)...});
return sum;
template <std::size_t... Is>
static void PlusEq(T* a, const T* b, absl::index_sequence<Is...>) {
Ignore({(a[Is] += b[Is], true)...});
template <std::size_t... Is>
static void MinusEq(T* a, const T* b, absl::index_sequence<Is...>) {
Ignore({(a[Is] -= b[Is], true)...});
template <std::size_t... Is>
static void MulEq(T* a, T b, absl::index_sequence<Is...>) {
Ignore({(a[Is] *= b, true)...});
template <std::size_t... Is>
static void DivEq(T* a, T b, absl::index_sequence<Is...>) {
Ignore({(a[Is] /= b, true)...});
// These templates must be defined outside of BasicVector so that the
// template specialization match algorithm must deduce 'a'.
template <typename K, template <typename> class VT2, typename T2,
std::size_t N2>
VT2<T2> operator*(const K& k, const BasicVector<VT2, T2, N2>& a) {
return a.MulScalarInternal(k);
template <typename K, template <typename> class VT2, typename T2,
std::size_t N2>
VT2<T2> operator/(const K& k, const BasicVector<VT2, T2, N2>& a) {
return a.DivScalarInternal(k);
} // namespace internal_vector
} // namespace deps
} // namespace mediapipe
// ======================================================================
template <typename T>
class Vector2
: public mediapipe::deps::internal_vector::BasicVector<Vector2, T, 2> {
using Base = mediapipe::deps::internal_vector::BasicVector<::Vector2, T, 2>;
using VType = T;
typedef VType BaseType;
using FloatType = typename Base::FloatType;
using Base::SIZE;
Vector2() : c_() {}
Vector2(T x, T y) {
c_[0] = x;
c_[1] = y;
explicit Vector2(const Vector3<T>& b) : Vector2(b.x(), b.y()) {}
explicit Vector2(const Vector4<T>& b) : Vector2(b.x(), b.y()) {}
T* Data() { return c_; }
const T* Data() const { return c_; }
void x(T v) { c_[0] = v; }
void y(T v) { c_[1] = v; }
T x() const { return c_[0]; }
T y() const { return c_[1]; }
bool aequal(const Vector2& vb, FloatType margin) const {
using std::fabs;
return (fabs(c_[0] - vb.c_[0]) < margin) &&
(fabs(c_[1] - vb.c_[1]) < margin);
void Set(T x, T y) { *this = Vector2(x, y); }
// Cross product. Be aware that if T is an integer type, the high bits
// of the result are silently discarded.
T CrossProd(const Vector2& vb) const {
return c_[0] * vb.c_[1] - c_[1] * vb.c_[0];
// Returns the angle between "this" and v in radians. If either vector is
// zero-length, or nearly zero-length, the result will be zero, regardless of
// the other value.
FloatType Angle(const Vector2& v) const {
using std::atan2;
return atan2(CrossProd(v), this->DotProd(v));
// return a vector orthogonal to the current one
// with the same norm and counterclockwise to it
Vector2 Ortho() const { return Vector2(-c_[1], c_[0]); }
// TODO: unify Fabs/Abs between all Vector classes.
Vector2 Fabs() const {
using std::fabs;
return Vector2(fabs(c_[0]), fabs(c_[1]));
Vector2 Abs() const {
static_assert(std::is_integral<VType>::value, "use Fabs for float_types");
static_assert(static_cast<VType>(-1) == -1, "type must be signed");
static_assert(sizeof(c_[0]) <= sizeof(int), "Abs truncates to int");
return Vector2(abs(c_[0]), abs(c_[1]));
VType c_[SIZE];
template <typename T>
class Vector3
: public mediapipe::deps::internal_vector::BasicVector<Vector3, T, 3> {
using Base = mediapipe::deps::internal_vector::BasicVector<::Vector3, T, 3>;
using VType = T;
typedef VType BaseType;
using FloatType = typename Base::FloatType;
using Base::SIZE;
Vector3() : c_() {}
Vector3(T x, T y, T z) {
c_[0] = x;
c_[1] = y;
c_[2] = z;
Vector3(const Vector2<T>& b, T z) : Vector3(b.x(), b.y(), z) {}
explicit Vector3(const Vector4<T>& b) : Vector3(b.x(), b.y(), b.z()) {}
T* Data() { return c_; }
const T* Data() const { return c_; }
void x(const T& v) { c_[0] = v; }
void y(const T& v) { c_[1] = v; }
void z(const T& v) { c_[2] = v; }
T x() const { return c_[0]; }
T y() const { return c_[1]; }
T z() const { return c_[2]; }
bool aequal(const Vector3& vb, FloatType margin) const {
using std::abs;
return (abs(c_[0] - vb.c_[0]) < margin) &&
(abs(c_[1] - vb.c_[1]) < margin) && (abs(c_[2] - vb.c_[2]) < margin);
void Set(T x, T y, T z) { *this = Vector3(x, y, z); }
// Cross product. Be aware that if VType is an integer type, the high bits
// of the result are silently discarded.
Vector3 CrossProd(const Vector3& vb) const {
return Vector3(c_[1] * vb.c_[2] - c_[2] * vb.c_[1],
c_[2] * vb.c_[0] - c_[0] * vb.c_[2],
c_[0] * vb.c_[1] - c_[1] * vb.c_[0]);
// Returns a unit vector orthogonal to this one.
Vector3 Ortho() const {
int k = LargestAbsComponent() - 1;
if (k < 0) k = 2;
Vector3 temp;
temp[k] = T(1);
return CrossProd(temp).Normalize();
// Returns the angle between two vectors in radians. If either vector is
// zero-length, or nearly zero-length, the result will be zero, regardless of
// the other value.
FloatType Angle(const Vector3& va) const {
using std::atan2;
return atan2(CrossProd(va).Norm(), this->DotProd(va));
Vector3 Fabs() const { return Abs(); }
Vector3 Abs() const {
!std::is_integral<VType>::value || static_cast<VType>(-1) == -1,
"type must be signed");
using std::abs;
return Vector3(abs(c_[0]), abs(c_[1]), abs(c_[2]));
// return the index of the largest component (fabs)
int LargestAbsComponent() const {
Vector3 temp = Abs();
return temp[0] > temp[1] ? temp[0] > temp[2] ? 0 : 2
: temp[1] > temp[2] ? 1
: 2;
// return the index of the smallest, median ,largest component of the vector
Vector3<int> ComponentOrder() const {
using std::swap;
Vector3<int> temp(0, 1, 2);
if (c_[temp[0]] > c_[temp[1]]) swap(temp[0], temp[1]);
if (c_[temp[1]] > c_[temp[2]]) swap(temp[1], temp[2]);
if (c_[temp[0]] > c_[temp[1]]) swap(temp[0], temp[1]);
return temp;
VType c_[SIZE];
template <typename T>
class Vector4
: public mediapipe::deps::internal_vector::BasicVector<Vector4, T, 4> {
using Base = mediapipe::deps::internal_vector::BasicVector<::Vector4, T, 4>;
using VType = T;
typedef VType BaseType;
using FloatType = typename Base::FloatType;
using Base::SIZE;
Vector4() : c_() {}
Vector4(T x, T y, T z, T w) {
c_[0] = x;
c_[1] = y;
c_[2] = z;
c_[3] = w;
Vector4(const Vector2<T>& b, T z, T w) : Vector4(b.x(), b.y(), z, w) {}
Vector4(const Vector2<T>& a, const Vector2<T>& b)
: Vector4(a.x(), a.y(), b.x(), b.y()) {}
Vector4(const Vector3<T>& b, T w) : Vector4(b.x(), b.y(), b.z(), w) {}
T* Data() { return c_; }
const T* Data() const { return c_; }
bool aequal(const Vector4& vb, FloatType margin) const {
using std::fabs;
return (fabs(c_[0] - vb.c_[0]) < margin) &&
(fabs(c_[1] - vb.c_[1]) < margin) &&
(fabs(c_[2] - vb.c_[2]) < margin) &&
(fabs(c_[3] - vb.c_[3]) < margin);
void x(const T& v) { c_[0] = v; }
void y(const T& v) { c_[1] = v; }
void z(const T& v) { c_[2] = v; }
void w(const T& v) { c_[3] = v; }
T x() const { return c_[0]; }
T y() const { return c_[1]; }
T z() const { return c_[2]; }
T w() const { return c_[3]; }
void Set(T x, T y, T z, T w) { *this = Vector4(x, y, z, w); }
Vector4 Fabs() const {
using std::fabs;
return Vector4(fabs(c_[0]), fabs(c_[1]), fabs(c_[2]), fabs(c_[3]));
Vector4 Abs() const {
static_assert(std::is_integral<VType>::value, "use Fabs for float types");
static_assert(static_cast<VType>(-1) == -1, "type must be signed");
static_assert(sizeof(c_[0]) <= sizeof(int), "Abs truncates to int");
return Vector4(abs(c_[0]), abs(c_[1]), abs(c_[2]), abs(c_[3]));
VType c_[SIZE];
typedef Vector2<uint8_t> Vector2_b;
typedef Vector2<int16_t> Vector2_s;
typedef Vector2<int> Vector2_i;
typedef Vector2<float> Vector2_f;
typedef Vector2<double> Vector2_d;
typedef Vector3<uint8_t> Vector3_b;
typedef Vector3<int16_t> Vector3_s;
typedef Vector3<int> Vector3_i;
typedef Vector3<float> Vector3_f;
typedef Vector3<double> Vector3_d;
typedef Vector4<uint8_t> Vector4_b;
typedef Vector4<int16_t> Vector4_s;
typedef Vector4<int> Vector4_i;
typedef Vector4<float> Vector4_f;
typedef Vector4<double> Vector4_d;