
// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Forked from
// mediapipe/framework/formats/image_format.proto
// The forked proto must remain identical to the original proto and should be
// ONLY used by mediapipe open source project.
// Defines an enum describing supported raw image formats.

syntax = "proto2";

package mediapipe;

option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "ImageFormatProto";

message ImageFormat {
  enum Format {
    // The format is unknown.  It is not valid for an ImageFrame to be
    // initialized with this value.
    UNKNOWN = 0;

    // sRGB, interleaved: one byte for R, then one byte for G, then one
    // byte for B for each pixel.
    SRGB = 1;

    // sRGBA, interleaved: one byte for R, one byte for G, one byte for B,
    // one byte for alpha or unused.
    SRGBA = 2;

    // Grayscale, one byte per pixel.
    GRAY8 = 3;

    // Grayscale, one uint16 per pixel.
    GRAY16 = 4;

    // YCbCr420P (1 bpp for Y, 0.25 bpp for U and V).
    // NOTE: NOT a valid ImageFrame format, but intended for
    // ScaleImageCalculatorOptions, VideoHeader, etc. to indicate that
    // YUVImage is used in place of ImageFrame.
    YCBCR420P = 5;

    // Similar to YCbCr420P, but the data is represented as the lower 10bits of
    // a uint16. Like YCbCr420P, this is NOT a valid ImageFrame, and the data is
    // carried within a YUVImage.
    YCBCR420P10 = 6;

    // sRGB, interleaved, each component is a uint16.
    SRGB48 = 7;

    // sRGBA, interleaved, each component is a uint16.
    SRGBA64 = 8;

    // One float per pixel.
    VEC32F1 = 9;

    // Two floats per pixel.
    VEC32F2 = 12;

    // Four floats per pixel.
    VEC32F4 = 13;

    // LAB, interleaved: one byte for L, then one byte for a, then one
    // byte for b for each pixel.
    LAB8 = 10;

    // sBGRA, interleaved: one byte for B, one byte for G, one byte for R,
    // one byte for alpha or unused. This is the N32 format for Skia.
    SBGRA = 11;