// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator.pb.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator_context.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator_profile.pb.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/deps/clock.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/deps/monotonic_clock.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/executor.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/profiler/graph_tracer.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/profiler/sharded_map.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/validated_graph_config.h"
namespace mediapipe {
class GlProfilingHelper;
struct PacketId {
// Stream name, excluding TAG if available.
std::string stream_name;
// Timestamp of the packet.
int64_t timestamp_usec;
bool operator==(const PacketId& other) const {
return (stream_name == other.stream_name) &&
(timestamp_usec == other.timestamp_usec);
struct PacketInfo {
// Number of remained consumer of this packet.
// This is used to decide if this PacketInfo should be discarded.
int64_t remaining_consumer_count;
// Packet production time based on profiler's clock.
int64_t production_time_usec;
// The time when the Process(), that generated the corresponding source
// packet, was started.
int64_t source_process_start_usec;
// For testing.
bool operator==(const PacketInfo& other) const {
return (remaining_consumer_count == other.remaining_consumer_count) &&
(production_time_usec == other.production_time_usec) &&
(source_process_start_usec == other.source_process_start_usec);
// For testing
class GraphProfilerTestPeer;
// GraphProfiler::CaptureProfile option, see the method for details.
enum class PopulateGraphConfig { kNo, kFull };
// GraphProfiler keeps track of the following in microseconds based on the
// profiler clock, for each calculator
// - Open(), Process(), and Close() runtime.
// - Input stream latency: Time from when a packet was produced to when it was
// consumed by the calculator.
// - Process input latency: How long it took a packet to travel from start of
// the graph (source nodes) to reach the Calculator.
// - Process input latency: Process input latency + process runtime for a
// packet.
// The profiler can be configured in the graph definition:
// profiler_config {
// histogram_interval_size_usec : 2000000
// num_histogram_intervals : 5
// enable_profiler: true
// }
// Because the graph definition affects the stream profiling and the profiler is
// singleton, the profiler can not be used with more than one graph. Thus the
// profiler disables itself and returns an empty stub if Initialize() is called
// more than once.
// The profiler uses the synchronized monotonic clock by default.
// The client can overwrite this by calling SetClock().
class GraphProfiler : public std::enable_shared_from_this<ProfilingContext> {
// Not copyable or movable.
GraphProfiler(const GraphProfiler&) = delete;
GraphProfiler& operator=(const GraphProfiler&) = delete;
// Initializes the profiler based on the input config.
// This should be called before adding any calculator to the profiler.
// Because the graph definition affects the stream profiling and the profiler
// is singleton, the profiler can not be used with more than one graph. Thus
// the profiler disables itself and returns an empty stub if Initialize() is
// called more than once.
void Initialize(const ValidatedGraphConfig& validated_graph_config)
// Sets the profiler clock.
void SetClock(const std::shared_ptr<mediapipe::Clock>& clock)
// Gets the profiler clock.
const std::shared_ptr<mediapipe::Clock> GetClock() const
// Pauses profiling. No-op if already paused.
void Pause();
// Resumes profiling. No-op if already profiling.
void Resume();
// Resets cumulative profiling data. This only resets the information about
// Process() and does NOT affect information for Open() and Close() methods.
void Reset() ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(profiler_mutex_);
// Begins profiling for a single graph run.
absl::Status Start(mediapipe::Executor* executor);
// Ends profiling for a single graph run.
absl::Status Stop();
// Record a tracing event.
void LogEvent(const TraceEvent& event);
// Collects the runtime profile for Open(), Process(), and Close() of each
// calculator in the graph. May be called at any time after the graph has been
// initialized.
absl::Status GetCalculatorProfiles(std::vector<CalculatorProfile>*) const
// Records recent profiling and tracing data. Includes events since the
// previous call to CaptureProfile.
// If `populate_config` is `kFull`, `config` field of the resulting profile
// will contain canonicalized config of the profiled graph, and
// `graph_trace.calculator_name` will contain node names referring to that
// config. Both fields are left empty if the option is set to `kNo`.
absl::Status CaptureProfile(
GraphProfile* result,
PopulateGraphConfig populate_config = PopulateGraphConfig::kNo);
// Writes recent profiling and tracing data to a file specified in the
// ProfilerConfig. Includes events since the previous call to WriteProfile.
absl::Status WriteProfile();
// Returns the trace event buffer.
GraphTracer* tracer() { return packet_tracer_.get(); }
// Creates and returns a GlProfilingHelper interface for a single GLContext.
std::unique_ptr<GlProfilingHelper> CreateGlProfilingHelper();
// Convenience temporary object to record scoped entry and exit.
// Gets start_time_usec_ on construction and records process runtime on
// destruction. The |calculator_context| and |profiler| must not be null.
class Scope {
// Constructs a scope.
// REQUIRES: `calculator_context` and `profiler` are not null, and must both
// outlive this instance.
inline explicit Scope(GraphTrace::EventType event_type,
CalculatorContext* calculator_context,
GraphProfiler* profiler)
: calculator_method_(event_type),
profiler_(profiler) {
start_time_usec_ = profiler_->TimeNowUsec();
if (profiler_->is_tracing_) {
absl::Time time_now = absl::FromUnixMicros(start_time_usec_);
calculator_method_, &calculator_context_, time_now);
inline ~Scope() {
int64_t end_time_usec;
if (profiler_->is_profiling_ || profiler_->is_tracing_) {
end_time_usec = profiler_->TimeNowUsec();
if (profiler_->is_profiling_) {
int64_t end_time_usec = profiler_->TimeNowUsec();
switch (calculator_method_) {
case GraphTrace::OPEN:
profiler_->SetOpenRuntime(calculator_context_, start_time_usec_,
case GraphTrace::PROCESS:
profiler_->AddProcessSample(calculator_context_, start_time_usec_,
case GraphTrace::CLOSE:
profiler_->SetCloseRuntime(calculator_context_, start_time_usec_,
if (profiler_->is_tracing_) {
absl::Time time_now = absl::FromUnixMicros(end_time_usec);
calculator_method_, &calculator_context_, time_now);
const GraphTrace::EventType calculator_method_;
const CalculatorContext& calculator_context_;
GraphProfiler* profiler_;
int64_t start_time_usec_;
const ProfilerConfig& profiler_config() { return profiler_config_; }
// Helper method to expose the config to other profilers.
const ValidatedGraphConfig* GetValidatedGraphConfig() {
return validated_graph_;
// Gets a numerical identifier for this GraphProfiler object.
uint64_t GetGraphId() { return graph_id_; }
// This can be used to add packet info for the input streams to the graph.
// It treats the stream defined by |stream_name| as a stream produced by a
// source calculator and thus uses |timestamp_usec| for the packet production
// time and source production time.
// It is the responsibility of the caller to make sure the |timestamp_usec|
// is valid for profiling.
void AddPacketInfo(const TraceEvent& packet_info)
static void InitializeTimeHistogram(int64_t interval_size_usec,
int64_t num_intervals,
TimeHistogram* histogram);
static void ResetTimeHistogram(TimeHistogram* histogram);
// Add a sample to a time histogram.
static void AddTimeSample(int64_t start_time_usec, int64_t end_time_usec,
TimeHistogram* histogram);
// Add output streams to the stream consumer count map.
// This is neeeded in case an output stream is not consumed by any calculator.
void InitializeOutputStreams(const CalculatorGraphConfig::Node& node_config);
// Initializes input stream profiles for a calculator by adding all the input
// streams.
// Although this adds back edges to the profile to keep the ordering, it does
// not add them to |stream_consumer_counts_| to avoid using them for updating
// |source_process_start_usec| and garbage collection while profiling.
void InitializeInputStreams(const CalculatorGraphConfig::Node& node_config,
int64_t interval_size_usec, int64_t num_intervals,
CalculatorProfile* calculator_profile);
// Returns the input stream back edges for a calculator.
std::set<int> GetBackEdgeIds(const CalculatorGraphConfig::Node& node_config,
const tool::TagMap& input_tag_map);
void AddPacketInfoInternal(const PacketId& packet_id,
int64_t production_time_usec,
int64_t source_process_start_usec);
// Adds packet info for non-empty output packets.
void AddPacketInfoForOutputPackets(
const OutputStreamShardSet& output_stream_shard_set,
int64_t production_time_usec, int64_t source_process_start_usec);
// Updates the production time for outputs and the stream profile for inputs.
int64_t AddStreamLatencies(const CalculatorContext& calculator_context,
int64_t start_time_usec, int64_t end_time_usec,
CalculatorProfile* calculator_profile);
void SetOpenRuntime(const CalculatorContext& calculator_context,
int64_t start_time_usec, int64_t end_time_usec)
void SetCloseRuntime(const CalculatorContext& calculator_context,
int64_t start_time_usec, int64_t end_time_usec)
// Updates the input streams profiles for the calculator and returns the
// minimum |source_process_start_usec| of all input packets, excluding empty
// packets and back-edge packets. Returns -1 if there is no input packets.
int64_t AddInputStreamTimeSamples(const CalculatorContext& calculator_context,
int64_t start_time_usec,
CalculatorProfile* calculator_profile);
// Updates the Process() data for calculator.
// Requires ReaderLock for is_profiling_.
void AddProcessSample(const CalculatorContext& calculator_context,
int64_t start_time_usec, int64_t end_time_usec)
// Helper method to get trace_log_path. If the trace_log_path is empty and
// tracing is enabled, this function returns a default platform dependent
// trace_log_path.
absl::StatusOr<std::string> GetTraceLogPath();
// Helper method to get the clock time in microsecond.
int64_t TimeNowUsec() { return ToUnixMicros(clock_->TimeNow()); }
// The settings for this tracer.
ProfilerConfig profiler_config_;
// If true, the profiler has already been initialized and should not be
// initialized again.
std::atomic_bool is_initialized_;
// If true, the profiler is profiling. Otherwise, it is paused.
std::atomic_bool is_profiling_;
// If true, the tracer records timing events.
std::atomic_bool is_tracing_;
// Stores all the calculator profiles with the calculator name as the key.
using CalculatorProfileMap = ShardedMap<std::string, CalculatorProfile>;
CalculatorProfileMap calculator_profiles_;
// Stores the production time of a packet, based on profiler's clock.
using PacketInfoMap =
ShardedMap<std::string, std::list<std::pair<int64_t, PacketInfo>>>;
PacketInfoMap packets_info_;
// Global mutex for the profiler.
mutable absl::Mutex profiler_mutex_;
// Buffer of recent profile trace events.
std::unique_ptr<GraphTracer> packet_tracer_;
// The clock for time measurement, which must be a monotonic real time clock.
std::shared_ptr<mediapipe::Clock> clock_;
// Inidicates that profiling has started and not yet stopped.
std::atomic_bool is_running_;
// The end time of the previous output log.
absl::Time previous_log_end_time_;
// The index number of the previous output log.
std::atomic<int> previous_log_index_;
// The configuration for the graph being profiled.
const ValidatedGraphConfig* validated_graph_;
// A private resource for creating GraphProfiles.
class GraphProfileBuilder;
std::unique_ptr<GraphProfileBuilder> profile_builder_;
// The globally incrementing identifier for all graphs in a process.
static inline std::atomic_int next_instance_id_ = 0;
// A unique identifier for this object. Only unique within a process.
uint64_t graph_id_;
// For testing.
friend GraphProfilerTestPeer;
// The API class used to access the preferred profiler, such as
// GraphProfiler or GraphProfilerStub. ProfilingContext is defined as
// a class rather than a typedef in order to support clients that refer
// to it only as a forward declaration, such as CalculatorState.
class ProfilingContext : public GraphProfiler {
using GraphProfiler::GraphProfiler;
// For now, OSS always uses GlContextProfilerStub.
// TODO: Switch to GlContextProfiler when GlContext is moved to OSS.
// GlContextProfiler keeps track of all timestamp queries within a specific
// GlContext object. When created, the GlContextProfiler must be initialized
// before marking timestamps. Finally, when GlContext is no longer interested
// in marking timestamps or is about to be destroyed, Finish() must be called
// to complete all pending time queries and detach the timer from the GlContext.
// Note that the GlContextProfiler must be created and initialized within a
// valid GlContext object.
class GlContextProfiler {
explicit GlContextProfiler(
std::shared_ptr<ProfilingContext> profiling_context)
: profiling_context_(profiling_context) {}
// Not copyable or movable.
GlContextProfiler(const GlContextProfiler&) = delete;
GlContextProfiler& operator=(const GlContextProfiler&) = delete;
// Add a GlTimingInfo object to the collection of pending timestamp queries
// associated with a specific graph node_id, packet input_timestamp and mark
// if it is a start or stop event. When a stop event is marked, this function
// blocks on the corresponding start event to complete.
void MarkTimestamp(int node_id, Timestamp input_timestamp, bool is_finish);
// Complete all pending timing queries and detach the timer from the
// GlContext.
void LogAllTimestamps();
// Store GlTimeQuery and the corresponding TraceEvent object that should be
// populated when the query completes together.
struct GlTimingInfo {
GlTimeQuery time_query;
TraceEvent trace_event;
// Setup the timer for marking GPU timestamps. If successful in setup, return
// true otherwise return false to indicate that timing measurment is not
// supported.
bool Initialize();
absl::Time TimeNow();
// Calibrate the GPU timer w.r.t. the CPU clock. If calibration is fails,
// timing_measurement_supported_ is set to false.
void CalibrateTimer(bool recalibrate);
// Log a TraceEvent object to represent if the GPU calibration period has
// started or just ended.
void LogCalibrationEvent(bool started, absl::Time time);
// Log TraceEvent objects for completed time queries. If the parameter wait is
// set to true, wait for all time queries to complete before returning.
void RetireReadyGlTimings(bool wait = false);
// Get the TraceEvent object containing the timestamp recorded by the GPU if
// the provided query was fulfilled. If it is still pending and wait is false,
// return absl::nullopt.
absl::optional<TraceEvent> GetTimeFromQuery(
std::unique_ptr<GlTimingInfo>& query, bool wait);
std::shared_ptr<ProfilingContext> profiling_context_;
GlSimpleTimer gl_timer_;
bool checked_timing_supported_ = false;
bool timing_measurement_supported_ = false;
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<GlTimingInfo>> pending_gl_times_;
std::unique_ptr<GlTimingInfo> gl_start_query_;
// The API class used to access the preferred GlContext profiler, such as
// GlContextProfiler or GlContextProfilerStub. GlProfilingHelper is defined as
// a class rather than a typedef in order to support clients that refer
// to it only as a forward declaration.
class GlProfilingHelper : public GlContextProfiler {
using GlContextProfiler::GlContextProfiler;
class GlContextProfilerStub {
explicit GlContextProfilerStub(
std::shared_ptr<ProfilingContext> profiling_context) {}
// Not copyable or movable.
GlContextProfilerStub(const GlContextProfilerStub&) = delete;
GlContextProfilerStub& operator=(const GlContextProfilerStub&) = delete;
bool Initialze() { return false; }
void MarkTimestamp(int node_id, Timestamp input_timestamp, bool is_finish) {}
void LogAllTimestamps() {}
class GlProfilingHelper : public GlContextProfilerStub {
using GlContextProfilerStub::GlContextProfilerStub;
} // namespace mediapipe