syntax = "proto2";
package mediapipe;
import "mediapipe/framework/calculator.proto";
import "mediapipe/framework/calculator_options.proto";
import "mediapipe/framework/deps/proto_descriptor.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "GraphTemplateProto";
// A template rule or a template rule argument expression.
message TemplateExpression {
// A template parameter name or a literal value.
optional string param = 1;
// A template rule operation or a template expression operation.
optional string op = 2;
// Nested template expressions, which define the operation args.
// TODO: Rename this field to avoid collision with TemplateDict::arg.
repeated TemplateExpression arg = 3;
// The path within the protobuf to the modified field values.
optional string path = 4;
// The FieldDescriptor::Type of the modified field.
optional mediapipe.FieldDescriptorProto.Type field_type = 5;
// The FieldDescriptor::Type of each map key in the path.
repeated mediapipe.FieldDescriptorProto.Type key_type = 6;
// Alternative value for the modified field, in protobuf binary format.
optional string field_value = 7;
// A protobuf extension defining a list of template rules.
message CalculatorGraphTemplate {
// The base configuration.
optional CalculatorGraphConfig config = 1;
// The list of template rules.
repeated TemplateExpression rule = 2;
// The value for a template parameter.
// The value can be either a simple value, a dictionary, or a list.
message TemplateArgument {
oneof param_value {
// A string value for the parameter.
string str = 1;
// A numeric value for the parameter.
double num = 2;
// A dictionary of values for the parameter.
TemplateDict dict = 3;
// An ordered list of values for the parameter.
repeated TemplateArgument element = 4;
// A dictionary of parameter values.
message TemplateDict {
message Parameter {
optional string key = 1;
optional TemplateArgument value = 2;
// A map from parameter name to parameter value.
repeated Parameter arg = 1;
// Options for a mediapipe template subgraph consisting of
// mediapipe template arguments.
message TemplateSubgraphOptions {
extend mediapipe.CalculatorOptions {
optional TemplateSubgraphOptions ext = 172998261;
// The template arguments used to expand the template for the subgraph.
optional TemplateDict dict = 1;