"""Build rule to depend on files downloaded from GCS."""
# buildifier: disable=unnamed-macro
def mediapipe_files(srcs):
"""Links file from GCS with the current directory.
srcs: the names of the mediapipe_file target, which is also the name of
the MediaPipe file in external_files.bzl. For example, if `name` is Foo,
`mediapipe_file` will create a link to the downloaded file
"@com_google_mediapipe_Foo_tfile" to the current directory as
for src in srcs:
archive_name = "com_google_mediapipe_%s" % src.replace("/", "_").replace(".", "_")
name = "%s_ln" % archive_name,
srcs = ["@%s//file" % archive_name],
outs = [src],
output_to_bindir = 1,
cmd = "ln $< $@",