"""Provides BUILD macros for MediaPipe proto-buffers.
# buildifier: disable=out-of-order-load
load("//mediapipe/framework/tool:mediapipe_graph.bzl", "mediapipe_options_library")
load("//mediapipe/framework/tool:mediapipe_proto_allowlist.bzl", "rewrite_target_list")
load("@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf.bzl", "cc_proto_library", "py_proto_library")
load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", _proto_library = "proto_library")
load("@rules_proto_grpc//js:defs.bzl", "js_proto_library")
java_proto_library = native.java_proto_library
java_lite_proto_library = native.java_lite_proto_library
def provided_args(**kwargs):
"""Returns the keyword arguments omitting None arguments."""
return {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v != None}
def replace_suffix(string, old, new):
"""Returns a string with an old suffix replaced by a new suffix."""
return string.endswith(old) and string[:-len(old)] + new or string
def replace_deps(deps, old, new, drop_google_protobuf = True):
"""Returns deps with an old suffix replaced by a new suffix.
deps: the specified dep targets.
old: the suffix to remove.
new: the suffix to insert.
drop_google_protobuf: if true, omit google/protobuf deps.
the modified dep targets.
if deps == None:
return deps
if drop_google_protobuf:
deps = [dep for dep in deps if not dep.startswith("@com_google_protobuf//")]
deps = [replace_suffix(dep, "any_proto", "cc_wkt_protos") for dep in deps]
deps = [dep for dep in deps if not dep.endswith("_annotations")]
deps = [replace_suffix(dep, old, new) for dep in deps]
return deps
def mediapipe_proto_library_impl(
deps = [],
exports = None,
visibility = None,
testonly = None,
compatible_with = None,
alwayslink = None,
def_proto = True,
def_cc_proto = True,
def_py_proto = True,
def_java_lite_proto = True,
def_kt_lite_proto = True,
def_objc_proto = True,
def_java_proto = True,
def_jspb_proto = True,
def_go_proto = True,
def_dart_proto = True,
def_options_lib = True):
"""Defines the proto_library targets needed for all mediapipe platforms.
name: the new proto_library target name.
srcs: the ".proto" source files to compile.
deps: the proto_library targets for all referenced protobufs.
exports: deps that are published with "import public".
visibility: visibility of this target.
testonly: true means the proto can be used for testing only.
compatible_with: a list of environments the rule is compatible with.
alwayslink: any binary depending on the generated C++ library will link all object files,
useful if the protocol buffer is looked up dynamically.
def_proto: define the proto_library target
def_cc_proto: define the cc_proto_library target
def_py_proto: define the py_proto_library target
def_java_lite_proto: define the java_lite_proto_library target
def_kt_lite_proto: define the kt_lite_proto_library target
def_objc_proto: define the objc_proto_library target
def_java_proto: define the java_proto_library target
def_jspb_proto: define the jspb_proto_library target
def_go_proto: define the go_proto_library target
def_dart_proto: define the dart_proto_library target
def_options_lib: define the mediapipe_options_library target
# The proto_library targets for the compiled ".proto" source files.
proto_deps = [":" + name]
if def_proto:
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
deps = deps,
exports = exports,
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
if def_cc_proto:
cc_deps = replace_deps(deps, "_proto", "_cc_proto", False)
name = replace_suffix(name, "_proto", "_cc_proto"),
srcs = srcs,
deps = proto_deps,
cc_deps = cc_deps,
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
if def_py_proto:
py_deps = replace_deps(deps, "_proto", "_py_pb2")
name = replace_suffix(name, "_proto", "_py_pb2"),
srcs = srcs,
proto_deps = proto_deps,
py_proto_deps = py_deps,
api_version = 2,
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
if def_java_lite_proto:
name = replace_suffix(name, "_proto", "_java_proto_lite"),
deps = proto_deps,
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
if def_java_proto:
name = replace_suffix(name, "_proto", "_java_proto"),
deps = proto_deps,
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
if def_jspb_proto:
name = replace_suffix(name, "_proto", "_jspb_proto"),
srcs = srcs,
deps = proto_deps,
lib_proto_deps = deps,
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
if def_options_lib:
cc_deps = replace_deps(deps, "_proto", "_cc_proto")
name = replace_suffix(name, "_proto", "_options_lib"),
proto_lib = name,
deps = cc_deps,
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
def SourceName(proto_target):
"Returns the proto source file name for a target without extension."
words = proto_target.split("_")[:-1]
return "_".join(words)
def MessageName(proto_target):
"Returns the proto message name for a target."
words = proto_target.split("_")[:-1]
words_upper = [w.capitalize() for w in words]
return "".join(words_upper)
def SubsituteCommand(old, new):
"Returns the shell command to replace a regex."
old = old.replace("/", "[/]")
new = new.replace('"', '\\"')
return "awk '{print gensub(/" + old + '/, "' + new + '", "g");}' + "'"
rewrite_source_regex = "|".join([SourceName(t) for t in rewrite_target_list])
rewrite_message_regex = "|".join([MessageName(t) for t in rewrite_target_list])
# After rewrite, all intra-package references refer to "mediapipe",
# and all imports refer to rewritten proto source files.
def rewrite_mediapipe_proto(name, rewrite_proto, source_proto, **kwargs):
"""Generates a proto source file with package changed to mediapipe.
name: the new target name.
rewrite_proto: the new ".proto" source file name.
source_proto: the old ".proto" source file name.
**kwargs: the remaining arguments.
split_path = r"(.*)/(" + rewrite_source_regex + ").proto"
join_path = r"\\1/protobuf/\\2.proto"
rewrite_package = SubsituteCommand(
"package mediapipe;",
"package mediapipe;",
rewrite_import = SubsituteCommand(
'import "' + split_path + '";',
'import "' + join_path + '";',
rewrite_import_public = SubsituteCommand(
'import public "' + split_path + '";',
'import public "' + join_path + '";',
rewrite_ref = SubsituteCommand(
r"mediapipe\.(" + rewrite_message_regex + ")",
rewrite_objc = SubsituteCommand(
r'objc_class_prefix = "MediaPipe"',
r'objc_class_prefix = "MPP"',
name = name,
outs = [rewrite_proto],
srcs = [source_proto],
cmd = "for OUT in $(OUTS); do \n" +
" cat $(location " + source_proto + ") " +
" | " + rewrite_package +
" | " + rewrite_import +
" | " + rewrite_import_public +
" | " + rewrite_ref +
" | " + rewrite_objc +
" > $$OUT \n" +
# Returns the path to a rewritten protobuf file or label.
def mediapipe_proto_path(path):
if path.startswith("@com_google_protobuf//"):
return path
i = max(path.rfind(":"), path.rfind("/")) + 1
return path[0:i] + "protobuf/" + path[i:]
# Returns a list of paths to rewritten protobuf files or labels.
def mediapipe_proto_paths(paths):
if paths == None:
return paths
return [mediapipe_proto_path(path) for path in paths]
def mediapipe_proto_library(
deps = [],
exports = None,
visibility = None,
testonly = None,
compatible_with = None,
alwayslink = None,
def_proto = True,
def_cc_proto = True,
def_py_proto = True,
def_java_lite_proto = True,
def_kt_lite_proto = True,
def_portable_proto = True, # @unused
def_objc_proto = True,
def_java_proto = True,
def_jspb_proto = True,
def_go_proto = True,
def_dart_proto = True,
def_options_lib = True,
def_rewrite = False,
portable_deps = None): # @unused
"""Defines the proto_library targets needed for all mediapipe platforms.
name: the new proto_library target name.
srcs: the ".proto" source files to compile.
deps: the proto_library targets for all referenced protobufs.
exports: deps that are published with "import public".
portable_deps: ignored since portable protos are gone.
visibility: visibility of this target.
testonly: true means the proto can be used for testing only.
compatible_with: a list of environments the rule is compatible with.
alwayslink: any binary depending on the generated C++ library will link all object files,
useful if the protocol buffer is looked up dynamically.
def_proto: define the proto_library target
def_cc_proto: define the cc_proto_library target
def_py_proto: define the py_proto_library target
def_java_lite_proto: define the java_lite_proto_library target
def_kt_lite_proto: define the kt_lite_proto_library target
def_portable_proto: ignored since portable protos are gone
def_objc_proto: define the objc_proto_library target
def_java_proto: define the java_proto_library target
def_jspb_proto: define the jspb_proto_library target
def_go_proto: define the go_proto_library target
def_dart_proto: define the dart_proto_library target
def_options_lib: define the mediapipe_options_library target
def_rewrite: define a sibling mediapipe_proto_library with package "mediapipe"
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
deps = deps,
exports = exports,
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
alwayslink = alwayslink,
def_proto = def_proto,
def_cc_proto = def_cc_proto,
def_py_proto = def_py_proto,
def_java_lite_proto = def_java_lite_proto,
def_kt_lite_proto = def_kt_lite_proto,
def_objc_proto = def_objc_proto,
def_java_proto = def_java_proto,
def_jspb_proto = def_jspb_proto,
def_go_proto = def_go_proto,
def_dart_proto = def_dart_proto,
def_options_lib = def_options_lib,
if def_rewrite:
source_proto = replace_suffix(name, "_proto", ".proto")
rewrite_proto = mediapipe_proto_path(source_proto)
name = replace_suffix(name, "_proto", "_rewrite"),
rewrite_proto = rewrite_proto,
source_proto = source_proto,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
name = mediapipe_proto_path(name),
srcs = [rewrite_proto],
deps = mediapipe_proto_paths(deps),
exports = mediapipe_proto_paths(exports),
visibility = visibility,
testonly = testonly,
compatible_with = compatible_with,
alwayslink = alwayslink,
def_proto = def_proto,
def_cc_proto = def_cc_proto,
def_py_proto = def_py_proto,
def_java_lite_proto = def_java_lite_proto,
def_kt_lite_proto = def_kt_lite_proto,
def_objc_proto = def_objc_proto,
def_java_proto = def_java_proto,
def_jspb_proto = def_jspb_proto,
def_go_proto = def_go_proto,
def_dart_proto = def_dart_proto,
# A clone of mediapipe_options_library() will redefine some classes.
def_options_lib = False,
def mediapipe_py_proto_library_oss(
visibility = None,
py_proto_deps = [],
proto_deps = None,
api_version = None,
testonly = 0):
"""Generate py_proto_library for mediapipe open source version.
name: the name of the py_proto_library.
api_version: api version for bazel use only.
srcs: the .proto files of the py_proto_library for Bazel use.
visibility: visibility of this target.
py_proto_deps: a list of dependency labels for Bazel use; must be py_proto_library.
proto_deps: a list of dependency labels for bazel use.
testonly: test only proto or not.
_ignore = [api_version, proto_deps]
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
visibility = visibility,
default_runtime = "@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_python",
protoc = "@com_google_protobuf//:protoc",
deps = py_proto_deps + ["@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_python"],
testonly = testonly,
def mediapipe_cc_proto_library_oss(
visibility = None,
deps = [],
cc_deps = [],
testonly = 0):
"""Generate cc_proto_library for mediapipe open source version.
name: the name of the cc_proto_library.
srcs: the .proto files of the cc_proto_library for Bazel use.
visibility: visibility of this target.
deps: a list of dependency labels for Bazel use; must be cc_proto_library.
testonly: test only proto or not.
_ignore = [deps]
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
visibility = visibility,
deps = cc_deps,
testonly = testonly,
cc_libs = ["@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf"],
protoc = "@com_google_protobuf//:protoc",
default_runtime = "@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf",
alwayslink = 1,
def mediapipe_js_proto_library_oss(
visibility = None,
testonly = 0,
compatible_with = None):
"""Generate js_proto_library for mediapipe open source version.
name: the name of the js_proto_library.
srcs: the .proto files of the js_proto_library for Bazel use.
deps: a list of dependency labels for bazel use ; must be proto_library.
lib_proto_deps: a list of "_proto" dependency labels.
visibility: Visibility of this target.
testonly: test only proto or not.
compatible_with: a list of environments the rule is compatible with.
_ignore = [deps, testonly, compatible_with]
js_deps = replace_deps(lib_proto_deps, "_proto", "_jspb_proto", False)
name = replace_suffix(name, "_jspb_proto", "_lib_proto"),
srcs = srcs,
deps = lib_proto_deps,
visibility = visibility,
name = name,
protos = [replace_suffix(name, "_jspb_proto", "_lib_proto")],
output_mode = "NO_PREFIX_FLAT",
# Need to specify this to work around bug in js_proto_library()
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/issues/3503
legacy_path = "unused",
deps = js_deps,
visibility = visibility,
def mediapipe_py_proto_library(**kwargs):
def mediapipe_cc_proto_library(**kwargs):
def mediapipe_js_proto_library(**kwargs):