// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator_context.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/calculator_contract.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/formats/image.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/formats/image_frame.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/packet.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/packet_set.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/packet_type.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/port/status.h"
#include "mediapipe/gpu/gl_base.h"
#include "mediapipe/gpu/gl_context.h"
#include "mediapipe/gpu/gpu_buffer.h"
#include "mediapipe/gpu/graph_support.h"
namespace mediapipe {
class GlTexture;
class GpuResources;
struct GpuSharedData;
using ImageFrameSharedPtr = std::shared_ptr<ImageFrame>;
// TODO: remove this and Process below, or make Process available
// on Android.
typedef std::function<void(const GlTexture& src, const GlTexture& dst)>
// Helper class that manages OpenGL contexts and operations.
// Calculators that implement an image filter, taking one input stream of
// frames and producing one output stream of frame, should subclass
// GlSimpleCalculatorBase instead of using GlCalculatorHelper directly.
// Direct use of this class is recommended for calculators that do not fit
// that mold (e.g. calculators that combine two video streams).
class GlCalculatorHelper {
// Call Open from the Open method of a calculator to initialize the helper.
absl::Status Open(CalculatorContext* cc);
// Can be used to initialize the helper outside of a calculator. Useful for
// testing.
void InitializeForTest(GpuResources* gpu_resources);
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Use InitializeForTest(GpuResources)")
void InitializeForTest(GpuSharedData* gpu_shared);
// This method can be called from GetContract to set up the needed GPU
// resources.
static absl::Status UpdateContract(CalculatorContract* cc,
bool request_gpu_as_optional = false);
// This method can be called from FillExpectations to set the correct types
// for the shared GL input side packet(s).
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Use UpdateContract")
static absl::Status SetupInputSidePackets(PacketTypeSet* input_side_packets);
// Execute the provided function within the helper's GL context. On some
// platforms, this may be run on a different thread; however, this method
// will still wait for the function to finish executing before returning.
// The status result from the function is passed on to the caller.
absl::Status RunInGlContext(std::function<absl::Status(void)> gl_func);
// Convenience version of RunInGlContext for arguments with a void result
// type. As with the absl::Status version, this also waits for the
// function to finish executing before returning.
// Implementation note: we cannot use a std::function<void(void)> argument
// here, because that would break passing in a lambda that returns a status;
// e.g.:
// RunInGlContext([]() -> absl::Status { ... });
// The reason is that std::function<void(...)> allows the implicit conversion
// of a callable with any result type, as long as the argument types match.
// As a result, the above lambda would be implicitly convertible to both
// std::function<absl::Status(void)> and std::function<void(void)>, and
// the invocation would be ambiguous.
// Therefore, instead of using std::function<void(void)>, we use a template
// that only accepts arguments with a void result type.
template <typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_void<
typename std::invoke_result<T>::type>::value>::type>
void RunInGlContext(T f) {
RunInGlContext([f] {
return absl::OkStatus();
// Use CreateSourceTexture and CreateDestinationTexture to set up textures
// for input and output frames. They are not just a convenience; on platforms
// where it is supported (iOS, for now) they take advantage of memory sharing
// between the CPU and GPU, avoiding memory copies.
// Gives access to an input frame as an OpenGL texture for reading (sampling).
// IMPORTANT: the returned GlTexture should be treated as a short-term view
// into the frame (typically for the duration of a Process call). Do not store
// it as a member in your calculator. If you need to keep a frame around,
// store the GpuBuffer instead, and call CreateSourceTexture again on each
// Process call.
// TODO: rename this; the use of "Create" makes this sound more expensive than
// it is.
GlTexture CreateSourceTexture(const GpuBuffer& pixel_buffer);
GlTexture CreateSourceTexture(const mediapipe::Image& image);
// Gives read access to a plane of a planar buffer.
// The plane index is zero-based. The number of planes depends on the
// internal format of the buffer.
// Note: multi-plane support is not available on all platforms.
GlTexture CreateSourceTexture(const GpuBuffer& pixel_buffer, int plane);
// Convenience function for converting an ImageFrame to GpuBuffer and then
// accessing it as a texture.
// This is deprecated because: 1) it encourages the use of GlTexture as a
// long-lived object; 2) it requires copying the ImageFrame's contents,
// which may not always be necessary.
// WARNING: do NOT use as a destination texture which will be sent to
// downstream calculators as it may lead to synchronization issues. The result
// is meant to be a short-lived object, local to a single calculator and
// single GL thread. Use `CreateDestinationTexture` instead, if you need a
// destination texture.
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Use `GpuBufferWithImageFrame`.")
GlTexture CreateSourceTexture(const ImageFrame& image_frame);
// Creates a GpuBuffer sharing ownership of image_frame. The contents of
// image_frame should not be modified after calling this.
GpuBuffer GpuBufferWithImageFrame(std::shared_ptr<ImageFrame> image_frame);
// Creates a GpuBuffer copying the contents of image_frame.
GpuBuffer GpuBufferCopyingImageFrame(const ImageFrame& image_frame);
// Extracts GpuBuffer dimensions without creating a texture.
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Use width and height methods on GpuBuffer instead")
void GetGpuBufferDimensions(const GpuBuffer& pixel_buffer, int* width,
int* height);
// Gives access to an OpenGL texture for writing (rendering) a new frame.
// TODO: This should either return errors or a status.
GlTexture CreateDestinationTexture(
int output_width, int output_height,
GpuBufferFormat format = GpuBufferFormat::kBGRA32);
// Allows user provided buffers to be used as rendering destinations.
GlTexture CreateDestinationTexture(GpuBuffer& buffer);
// Creates a destination texture copying and uploading passed image frame.
// WARNING: mind that this functions creates a new texture every time and
// doesn't use MediaPipe's gpu buffer pool.
// TODO: ensure buffer pool is used when creating textures out of
// ImageFrame.
GlTexture CreateDestinationTexture(const ImageFrame& image_frame);
// Creates the framebuffer for rendering. Use this when the calculator
// needs a managed framebuffer but manages its own textures.
void CreateFramebuffer();
// The OpenGL name of the output framebuffer.
GLuint framebuffer() const;
// Binds the rendering framebuffer to a destination texture.
// TODO: do we need an unbind method too?
void BindFramebuffer(const GlTexture& dst);
GlContext& GetGlContext() const { return *gl_context_; }
std::shared_ptr<GlContext> GetSharedGlContext() const { return gl_context_; }
GlVersion GetGlVersion() const { return gl_context_->GetGlVersion(); }
// Check if the calculator helper has been previously initialized.
bool Initialized() { return gpu_resources_ != nullptr; }
void InitializeInternal(CalculatorContext* cc, GpuResources* gpu_resources);
absl::Status RunInGlContext(std::function<absl::Status(void)> gl_func,
CalculatorContext* calculator_context);
// Makes a GpuBuffer accessible as a texture in the GL context.
GlTexture MapGpuBuffer(const GpuBuffer& gpu_buffer, GlTextureView view);
std::shared_ptr<GlContext> gl_context_;
GLuint framebuffer_ = 0;
GpuResources* gpu_resources_ = nullptr;
// Represents an OpenGL texture, and is a 'view' into the memory pool.
// It's more like a GlTextureLock, because its main purpose (in conjunction
// with the helper) is: to manage GL sync points in the gl command queue.
// This class should be the main way to interface with GL memory within a single
// calculator. This is the preferred way to utilize the memory pool inside of
// the helper, because GlTexture manages efficiently releasing memory back into
// the pool. A GPU backed Image can be extracted from the underlying
// memory.
class GlTexture {
GlTexture() : view_(std::make_shared<GlTextureView>()) {}
~GlTexture() = default;
int width() const { return view_->width(); }
int height() const { return view_->height(); }
GLenum target() const { return view_->target(); }
GLuint name() const { return view_->name(); }
// Returns a buffer that can be sent to another calculator.
// & manages sync token
// Can be used with GpuBuffer or ImageFrame or Image
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<T> GetFrame() const;
// Releases texture memory & manages sync token
void Release() { view_ = std::make_shared<GlTextureView>(); }
explicit GlTexture(GlTextureView view, GpuBuffer gpu_buffer)
: gpu_buffer_(std::move(gpu_buffer)),
view_(std::make_shared<GlTextureView>(std::move(view))) {}
friend class GlCalculatorHelper;
// We store the GpuBuffer to support GetFrame, and to ensure that the storage
// outlives the view.
GpuBuffer gpu_buffer_;
std::shared_ptr<GlTextureView> view_;
// Returns the entry with the given tag if the collection uses tags, with the
// given index otherwise. Can be used with PacketTypeSet*, PacketSet,
// OutputStreamSet, InputStreamSet, etc.
// It would be possible to have a single version of this if we could use
// non-const references. Unfortunately, they are not allowed by the style guide.
// The const-reference version cannot work with PacketTypeSet because the Set
// method is (naturally) non-const. We could add a const_cast, but I figure
// it is better to keep const-safety and accept having two versions of the
// same thing.
template <typename T>
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Only for legacy calculators")
auto TagOrIndex(const T& collection, const std::string& tag,
int index) -> decltype(collection.Tag(tag)) {
return collection.UsesTags() ? collection.Tag(tag) : collection.Index(index);
template <typename T>
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Only for legacy calculators")
auto TagOrIndex(T* collection, const std::string& tag,
int index) -> decltype(collection->Tag(tag)) {
return collection->UsesTags() ? collection->Tag(tag)
: collection->Index(index);
template <typename T>
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Only for legacy calculators")
bool HasTagOrIndex(const T& collection, const std::string& tag, int index) {
return collection.UsesTags() ? collection.HasTag(tag)
: index < collection.NumEntries();
template <typename T>
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Only for legacy calculators")
bool HasTagOrIndex(T* collection, const std::string& tag, int index) {
return collection->UsesTags() ? collection->HasTag(tag)
: index < collection->NumEntries();
} // namespace mediapipe