
# MediaPipe graph to detect faces. (CPU input and inference by default.)
# It is required that "face_detection_full_range.tflite" is available at
# "mediapipe/modules/face_detection/face_detection_full_range.tflite"
# path during execution.
#   node {
#     calculator: "FaceDetectionShortRange"
#     input_stream: "IMAGE:image_frame"
#     output_stream: "DETECTIONS:face_detections"
#   }

type: "FaceDetectionFullRange"

# The input image, either ImageFrame, GpuBuffer, or (multi-backend) Image.
input_stream: "IMAGE:image"

# ROI (region of interest) within the given image where faces should be
# detected. (NormalizedRect)
input_stream: "ROI:roi"

# Detected faces. (std::vector<Detection>)
output_stream: "DETECTIONS:detections"

graph_options: {
  [] {}

node {
  calculator: "FaceDetection"
  input_stream: "IMAGE:image"
  input_stream: "ROI:roi"
  output_stream: "DETECTIONS:detections"
  node_options: {
    [] {
      model_path: "mediapipe/modules/face_detection/face_detection_full_range_sparse.tflite"
      tensor_width: 192
      tensor_height: 192

      num_layers: 1
      strides: 4
      interpolated_scale_aspect_ratio: 0.0

      num_boxes: 2304
      x_scale: 192.0
      y_scale: 192.0
      h_scale: 192.0
      w_scale: 192.0
      min_score_thresh: 0.6
  option_value: "OPTIONS:options"