
# MediaPipe graph to detect faces. (GPU/CPU input, and inference is executed on
# GPU.)
# It is required that "face_detection_short_range.tflite" is available at
# "mediapipe/modules/face_detection/face_detection_short_range.tflite"
# path during execution.
#   node {
#     calculator: "FaceDetectionShortRangeCpu"
#     input_stream: "IMAGE:image"
#     output_stream: "DETECTIONS:face_detections"
#   }

type: "FaceDetectionShortRangeCpu"

# Image. (Image)
input_stream: "IMAGE:image"

# The throttled input image. (Image)
output_stream: "IMAGE:throttled_image"
# Detected faces. (std::vector<Detection>)
# NOTE: there will not be an output packet in the DETECTIONS stream for this
# particular timestamp if none of faces detected. However, the MediaPipe
# framework will internally inform the downstream calculators of the absence of
# this packet so that they don't wait for it unnecessarily.
output_stream: "DETECTIONS:detections"

node {
  calculator: "FlowLimiterCalculator"
  input_stream: "image"
  input_stream: "FINISHED:detections"
  input_stream_info: {
    tag_index: "FINISHED"
    back_edge: true
  output_stream: "throttled_image"
  options: {
    [mediapipe.FlowLimiterCalculatorOptions.ext] {
      max_in_flight: 1
      max_in_queue: 1

node {
  calculator: "FaceDetectionShortRange"
  input_stream: "IMAGE:throttled_image"
  output_stream: "DETECTIONS:detections"
  node_options: {
    [] {}
  option_value: "OPTIONS:options"