
# MediaPipe graph to extract 3D transform from face landmarks for multiple faces.
# It is required that "geometry_pipeline_metadata.binarypb" is available at
# "mediapipe/modules/face_geometry/data/geometry_pipeline_metadata.binarypb"
# path during execution.
# This is a deprecated subgraph kept for backward-compatibility reasons. Please,
# be explicit and use the `FaceGeometryFromLandmarks` subgraph in the new code
# to enable the same runtime behaviour.

type: "FaceGeometry"

# The size of the input frame. The first element of the pair is the frame width;
# the other one is the frame height.
# The face landmarks should have been detected on a frame with the same
# ratio. If used as-is, the resulting face geometry visualization should be
# happening on a frame with the same ratio as well.
# (std::pair<int, int>)
input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:image_size"

# Collection of detected/predicted faces, each represented as a list of face
# landmarks. (std::vector<NormalizedLandmarkList>)
input_stream: "MULTI_FACE_LANDMARKS:multi_face_landmarks"

# Environment that describes the current virtual scene.
# (face_geometry::Environment)
input_side_packet: "ENVIRONMENT:environment"

# A list of 3D transform data for each detected face.
# (std::vector<face_geometry::FaceGeometry>)
output_stream: "MULTI_FACE_GEOMETRY:multi_face_geometry"

# Extracts face 3D transform for multiple faces from a vector of face landmark
# lists.
node {
  calculator: "FaceGeometryPipelineCalculator"
  input_side_packet: "ENVIRONMENT:environment"
  input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:image_size"
  input_stream: "MULTI_FACE_LANDMARKS:multi_face_landmarks"
  output_stream: "MULTI_FACE_GEOMETRY:multi_face_geometry"
  options: {
    [mediapipe.FaceGeometryPipelineCalculatorOptions.ext] {
      metadata_path: "mediapipe/modules/face_geometry/data/geometry_pipeline_metadata.binarypb"