// Copyright 2024 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <cstddef>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define ODML_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#endif // ODML_EXPORT
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef void LlmInferenceEngine_Engine;
typedef void LlmInferenceEngine_Session;
// LlmActivationDataType defines the activation data type for the model.
typedef enum {
// Use Default activation data type mentioned in the model metadata file.
kLlmActivationDataTypeDefault = 0,
// Use Float32 activation data type.
kLlmActivationDataTypeFloat32 = 1,
// Use Float16 activation data type.
kLlmActivationDataTypeFloat16 = 2,
// Use Int16 activation data type.
kLlmActivationDataTypeInt16 = 3,
// Use Int8 activation data type.
kLlmActivationDataTypeInt8 = 4,
} LlmActivationDataType;
// LlmSessionConfig configures how to execute the model.
typedef struct {
// Path to the model artifact.
const char* model_path;
// Directory path for storing model related tokenizer and cache weights. the
// user is responsible for providing the directory that can be writable by the
// program.
const char* cache_dir;
// Maximum number of tokens for input and output.
size_t max_num_tokens;
// Number of decode steps per sync. Used by GPU only. The default value is 3.
size_t num_decode_steps_per_sync;
// Sequence batch size for encoding. Used by GPU only. Number of input tokens
// to process at a time for batch processing. Setting this value to 1 means
// both the encoding and decoding share the same graph of sequence length
// of 1. Setting this value to 0 means the batch size will be optimized
// programmatically.
size_t sequence_batch_size;
// Number of supported lora ranks for the base model. Used by GPU only.
size_t number_of_supported_lora_ranks;
// The supported lora ranks for the base model. Used by GPU only.
size_t* supported_lora_ranks;
// Maximum top k, which is the max Top-K value supported for all
// sessions created with the engine, used by GPU only. If a session with Top-K
// value larger than this is being asked to be created, it will be
// rejected(throw error). If not provided, the max top k will be 1, which
// means only greedy decoding is supported for any sessions created with this
// engine.
size_t max_top_k;
// Optional setting for specific activation data type.
LlmActivationDataType llm_activation_data_type;
// Optional setting for the number of draft tokens to generate when using
// speculative decoding. Setting to 0 will disable speculative decoding.
size_t num_draft_tokens;
} LlmModelSettings;
// LlmSessionConfig configures how to execute the model.
typedef struct {
// Top K number of tokens to be sampled from for each decoding step.
size_t topk;
// Maximum cumulative probability over the tokens to sample from in each
// decoding step for top-p / nucleus sampling.
float topp;
// Randomness when decoding the next token, 0.0f means greedy decoding.
float temperature;
// random seed, for reproducible sampling.
size_t random_seed;
// Path to the LoRA tflite flatbuffer file. Optional.
// This is only compatible with GPU models.
const char* lora_path;
} LlmSessionConfig;
// LlmResponseContext is the return type for
// LlmInferenceEngine_Session_PredictSync.
typedef struct {
// An array of string. The size of the array depends on the number of
// responses.
char** response_array;
// Number of responses.
int response_count;
// Done all outputs for this session.
bool done;
} LlmResponseContext;
// Frees all context within the LlmResponseContext.
ODML_EXPORT void LlmInferenceEngine_CloseResponseContext(
LlmResponseContext* response_context);
// Create a LlmInferenceEngine session for executing a query.
ODML_EXPORT int LlmInferenceEngine_CreateEngine(
const LlmModelSettings* model_settings,
LlmInferenceEngine_Engine** engine_out, char** error_msg);
// Free the engine, will wait until graph is done executing.
ODML_EXPORT void LlmInferenceEngine_Engine_Delete(
LlmInferenceEngine_Engine* engine);
// Create a LlmInferenceEngine session for executing a query.
ODML_EXPORT int LlmInferenceEngine_CreateSession(
LlmInferenceEngine_Engine* engine, const LlmSessionConfig* session_config,
LlmInferenceEngine_Session** session_out, char** error_msg);
// Free the session, will wait until graph is done executing.
ODML_EXPORT void LlmInferenceEngine_Session_Delete(
LlmInferenceEngine_Session* session);
// Add query chunk to the session. This can be called multiple times to add
// multiple query chunks before calling `PredictSync` or `PredictAsync`. The
// query chunks will be processed in the order they are added, similar to a
// concatenated prompt, but able to be processed in chunks.
ODML_EXPORT int LlmInferenceEngine_Session_AddQueryChunk(
LlmInferenceEngine_Session* session, const char* input, char** error_msg);
// Return the generated output based on the previously added query chunks in
// sync mode.
ODML_EXPORT LlmResponseContext
LlmInferenceEngine_Session_PredictSync(LlmInferenceEngine_Session* session);
// Run callback function in async mode.
// The callback will be invoked multiple times until `response_context.done`
// is `true`. You need to invoke `LlmInferenceEngine_CloseResponseContext` after
// each invocation to free memory.
// The callback context can be a pointer to any user defined data structure as
// it is passed to the callback unmodified.
ODML_EXPORT void LlmInferenceEngine_Session_PredictAsync(
LlmInferenceEngine_Session* session, void* callback_context,
void (*callback)(void* callback_context,
LlmResponseContext* response_context));
// Clone the provided session.
ODML_EXPORT int LlmInferenceEngine_Session_Clone(
LlmInferenceEngine_Session* session,
LlmInferenceEngine_Session** cloned_session, char** error_msg);
// Tokenizes an input prompt using a pre-existing processor and returns its
// length in tokens. Returns -1 if tokenization fails.
ODML_EXPORT int LlmInferenceEngine_Session_SizeInTokens(
LlmInferenceEngine_Session* session, const char* input, char** error_msg);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern C