// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/port/opencv_core_inc.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/port/opencv_features2d_inc.h"
#include "mediapipe/util/tracking/box_detector.pb.h"
#include "mediapipe/util/tracking/box_tracker.pb.h"
#include "mediapipe/util/tracking/flow_packager.pb.h"
#include "mediapipe/util/tracking/tracking.h"
namespace mediapipe {
// Feature correspondences between target index and a specific frame.
// The size of `points_frame` and `points_index` should be identical and the
// corresponding elements are a pair of feature correspondence.
struct FeatureCorrespondence {
// Matched feature locations from an image frame.
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points_frame;
// Matched feature locations from the index structure. The location is where
// it get detected from a previous frame.
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points_index;
// General interface for multiple box detector implementations
class BoxDetectorInterface {
// Creates box detector based on index type defined in `options`.
static std::unique_ptr<BoxDetectorInterface> Create(
const BoxDetectorOptions &options);
// Locate quad from feature correspondences using perspective model.
// Feature locations need to be normalized with 1.0 / max(width, height).
// `box_proto` contains quad corners position and aspect ratio.
// `frame_aspect` is the aspect ratio for the camera image frame.
// Note that to perform pnp tracking, both box aspect ratio and frame aspect
// ratio need to be positive. Otherwise fallback to homography tracking.
TimedBoxProtoList FindQuadFromFeatureCorrespondence(
const FeatureCorrespondence &matches, const TimedBoxProto &box_proto,
float frame_aspect = -1.0f);
virtual ~BoxDetectorInterface() = default;
// Detects pre-set boxes from input frame and adds features from new boxes
// into detector's index structure. Features and descriptors should be
// pre-computed and passed within `tracking_data`. `tracked_boxes` contains
// box tracking results from box_tracker.
// If all the boxes in the index are currently being tracked (box.id() found
// in `tracked_boxes`), the detection will be skipped and `detected_boxes`
// will remain empty.
// If the box's ID has never been recorded in the index before, The ID and all
// the features within the box will be merged into the index.
// `timestamp_msec` should correspond to `tracking_data`.
void DetectAndAddBox(const TrackingData &tracking_data,
const TimedBoxProtoList &tracked_boxes,
int64_t timestamp_msec,
TimedBoxProtoList *detected_boxes);
// Detects pre-set boxes from input frame and adds features from new boxes
// into detector's index structure. Features and descriptors are extracted
// from `image` in real time.
// Other parameters work the same way as the previous function.
// `timestamp_msec` should correspond to `image`.
void DetectAndAddBox(const cv::Mat &image,
const TimedBoxProtoList &tracked_boxes,
int64_t timestamp_msec,
TimedBoxProtoList *detected_boxes);
// Stops detection of box with `box_id`.
void CancelBoxDetection(int box_id);
// Get the current detector's search index.
BoxDetectorIndex ObtainBoxDetectorIndex() const;
// Add detector's search index with pre-defined index.
void AddBoxDetectorIndex(const BoxDetectorIndex &index);
// Internal call for public DetectAndAddBox functions. `features` and
// `descriptors` can be either extracted from live frames or tracked from
// previous frames. `scale_x` and `scale_y` provides actual image aspect ratio
// so that boxes from `tracked_boxes` can be denormalized and boxes in
// `detected_boxes` normalized. `timestamp_msec` should correspond to the
// timestamp of `features` and `descriptors`.
void DetectAndAddBoxFromFeatures(const std::vector<Vector2_f> &features,
const cv::Mat &descriptors,
const TimedBoxProtoList &tracked_boxes,
int64_t timestamp_msec, float scale_x,
float scale_y,
TimedBoxProtoList *detected_boxes);
explicit BoxDetectorInterface(const BoxDetectorOptions &options);
// `transform_features_for_pnp` controls wheather we transform features
// coordinates into a rectangular target space for pnp detection mode.
void AddBoxFeaturesToIndex(const std::vector<Vector2_f> &features,
const cv::Mat &descriptors,
const TimedBoxProto &box,
bool transform_features_for_pnp = false);
// Check if add / detect action will be called based on input `tracked_boxes`.
bool CheckDetectAndAddBox(const TimedBoxProtoList &tracked_boxes);
// Returns feature indices that are within the given box. If the box size
// isn't big enough to cover sufficient features to reacquire the box, this
// function will try to iteratively enlarge the box size by roughly 5
// percent of the shorter edge of the image to include more features, but
// maximimum twice. Note that detected_boxes will still be reported with
// original size. External users are then freed from specificially finetuning
// a box size for reacquisition. They should choose suitable box size for
// tracking based on their use cases.
std::vector<int> GetFeatureIndexWithinBox(
const std::vector<Vector2_f> &features, const TimedBoxProto &box);
// Specifies which box to detect with `box_idx`. This enalbles separately
// managing the detection behavior for each box in the index. Tracked boxes
// will be skipped and lost and out-of-view boxes will be detected.
TimedBoxProtoList DetectBox(const std::vector<Vector2_f> &features,
const cv::Mat &descriptors, int box_idx);
// Only matches those features from the specific box with `box_idx`.
virtual std::vector<FeatureCorrespondence> MatchFeatureDescriptors(
const std::vector<Vector2_f> &features, const cv::Mat &descriptors,
int box_idx) = 0;
// Specifies which box the correspondences come from with `box_id`, so that we
// can figure out the transformation accordingly.
TimedBoxProtoList FindBoxesFromFeatureCorrespondence(
const std::vector<FeatureCorrespondence> &matches, int box_idx);
int cnt_detect_called_ = 0;
float image_scale_;
float image_aspect_;
absl::flat_hash_map<int, int> box_id_to_idx_;
std::vector<int> box_idx_to_id_;
std::vector<std::vector<TimedBoxProto>> frame_box_;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> feature_to_frame_;
std::vector<std::vector<Vector2_f>> feature_keypoints_;
std::vector<cv::Mat> feature_descriptors_;
std::vector<bool> has_been_out_of_fov_;
mutable absl::Mutex access_to_index_;
cv::Ptr<cv::ORB> orb_extractor_;
BoxDetectorOptions options_;
} // namespace mediapipe