
// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Describes camera motion between two frames with various degree of freedom
// parametric motion models.
// In addition, stores features describing how reliable the estimated motion
// model is.
// Flags indicate several properties derived from the camera motion, e.g. if a
// frame is sharp, blurry or contains overlays.

syntax = "proto2";

package mediapipe;

import "mediapipe/util/tracking/motion_models.proto";

// Next tag: 33
message CameraMotion {
  // Background motion expressed in various models.
  // These are per-frame pair motions (from current to previous frame).
  // Models are expressed in the un-normalized domain frame_width x frame_height
  // that is passed to MotionEstimation (storred below).
  optional TranslationModel translation = 1;
  optional SimilarityModel similarity = 2;
  optional LinearSimilarityModel linear_similarity = 3;
  optional AffineModel affine = 4;
  optional Homography homography = 5;

  optional MixtureHomography mixture_homography = 8;

  // Frame dimensions camera motion was computed over.
  optional float frame_width = 31;
  optional float frame_height = 32;

  // Mixture homographies computed w.r.t. exponentially increasing
  // regularizers. Above mixture_homography member is selected from spectrum
  // based on amount of rolling shutter present in the video.
  repeated MixtureHomography mixture_homography_spectrum = 23;

  // Relative row sigma w.r.t. frame_height for mixture models.
  optional float mixture_row_sigma = 10;

  // Average of all motion vector magnitudes (without accounting for any motion
  // model), within 10th to 90th percentile (to remove outliers).
  optional float average_magnitude = 24 [default = 0.0];

  // Inlier-weighted variance of the translation model.
  // Specified, w.r.t. unnormalized video domain that motion models
  // are computed for.
  optional float translation_variance = 25 [default = 0.0];

  // Ratio of inliers w.r.t. regular and stricter thresholds. In [0, 1].
  optional float similarity_inlier_ratio = 29 [default = 0];
  optional float similarity_strict_inlier_ratio = 30 [default = 0];

  // Average registration error of homography in pixels.
  // Note: These two parameters default to zero in-case homographies have not
  // been estimated.
  optional float average_homography_error = 11;

  // Fraction, in [0,1], of homography inliers.
  optional float homography_inlier_coverage = 12;

  // Same as above but with stricter threshold.
  // (For details, see: MotionEstimationOptions::strict_coverage_scale).
  // Coverage is designed to measure the amount of significant outliers,
  // which can affect the validity of the estimated homography.
  // However, it does not discount small outliers, which occur in case
  // of small rolling shutter wobbles. For this a stricter version of coverage
  // is needed, which is essential for computing the rolling_shutter_guess,
  // i.e. the increase in coverage by using mixtures vs. homographies.
  optional float homography_strict_inlier_coverage = 22;

  // Per-block inlier fraction for mixtures.
  repeated float mixture_inlier_coverage = 13;

  // Set based on stability analysis indicating if frame is likely to originate
  // from a rolling shutter camera. (-1 is used to indicate frame was not
  // tested, e.g. due to mixture deemed unstable for analysis).
  // Guess is a scaler indicating by how much the mixture models (suitable for
  // rolling shutter distortions) increased inlier coverage compared to a single
  // homography. For example a value, of 1.3 indicates, that the mixture models
  // increased inlier coverage by 30%.
  // If not -1, range is in [0, inf] (values slightly smaller than 1 are
  // possible due to suppression of noisy feature tracks during estimation).
  optional float rolling_shutter_guess = 14;

  // Indicating if CameraMotion is deemed to originate from rolling
  // shutter camera (index >= 0), and if so, denotes the index in the
  // mixture_homography_spectrum, where higher indices correspond to heavier
  // regularized motions. If motion is not deemed to originate from a rolling
  // shutter camera, index is set to -1.
  optional int32 rolling_shutter_motion_index = 16 [default = -1];

  // List of overlay indices (cell locations in column major format) over domain
  // of size overlay_domain x overlay_domain, where
  // overlay_domain is set by MotionEstimation to
  // MotionEstimationOptions::OverlayDetectionOptions::analysis_mask_size.
  // Overlay analysis is performed over chunk of frames, as specified by
  // MotionEstimationOptions::overlay_analysis_chunk_size, with the resulting
  // overlay indices being assigned to each frame of the chunk.
  // Consequently it suffices to store the result only for the first frame
  // of every chunk. Subsequent frames store a single negative index relative
  // to the first chunk frame indicating where to locate the overlay indicies.
  // Specifically if for frame f, overlay_indices(0) == -2, overlay indices for
  // corresponding chunk can be found at frame f - 2.
  // For details about how overlay indices are used to flag a frame to contain
  // an overlay, see MotionFilterOptions::OverlayOptions.
  repeated int32 overlay_indices = 17;
  optional int32 overlay_domain = 18 [default = 10];

  // CameraMotion type indicates whether highest degree of freedom (DOF)
  // model estimation was deemed stable, in which case CameraMotion::Type is set
  // to VALID.
  // If a model was deemed not stable (according to *StabilityBounds in
  // MotionEstimationOptions), it is set to the lower dof type which was deemed
  // stable.
  enum Type {
    VALID = 0;           // All requested motion models estimated reliably.
    UNSTABLE_HOMOG = 1;  // Fallback to homographies, mixture unreliable.
    UNSTABLE_SIM = 2;    // Fallback to similarity model, homography
                         // unreliable.
    UNSTABLE = 3;        // Fallback to translation model, similarity
                         // unreliable, legacy naming.
    INVALID = 4;         // Identity model, translation unreliable.

  optional Type type = 6 [default = VALID];

  // If set, stores original type in case it was overriden (by filtering
  // functions, etc.).
  optional Type overridden_type = 15 [default = VALID];

  // Set of optional *bit* flags set for various purposes.
  enum Flags {
    FLAG_SHOT_BOUNDARY = 1;  // Set to indicate presence of a
                             // shot boundary.
    FLAG_SHARP_FRAME = 8;           // Set if frame is considered sharp
                                    // in a neighborhood of frames.
    FLAG_SINGULAR_ESTIMATION = 16;  // Indicates that estimation resulted
                                    // in singular optimization problem.
                                    // Used internally by MotionEstimation.
    // Indicates if shot boundary is part of a fade. If so, all frames of the
    // fade will be labeled with the FLAG but only the begin and end of the fade
    // will have the FLAG_SHOT_BOUNDARY set.
    FLAG_SHOT_FADE = 32;

    FLAG_DUPLICATED = 64;     // Set if frame is exact duplicate of
                              // previous frame.
    FLAG_CENTER_FRAME = 128;  // Indicates this frame is at the
                              // center of the sequence. Currently
                              // used to constrain stabilizing crop
                              // transform.

  optional int32 flags = 19 [default = 0];

  // Same as in RegionFlowFeatureList (from region_flow.proto), measures blur
  // as average cornerness over textured areas. As it depends on the image
  // content, should only be used relative.
  optional float blur_score = 20;

  // Quanitifies amount of blur. Specified as ratio w.r.t. sharpest matching
  // frame, i.e. 1 indicates no blur, values > 1 amount of blur w.r.t. sharpest
  // frame.
  optional float bluriness = 21 [default = 0.0];

  // Same as in RegionFlowFeatureList (from region_flow.proto). Stores fraction
  // of long feature tracks that got rejected for this frame.
  optional float frac_long_features_rejected = 26;

  // Same as in RegionFlowFeatureList (from region_flow.proto).
  // Timestamp in micro seconds of the underlying frame.
  optional int64 timestamp_usec = 27 [default = 0];

  // Same as in RegionFlowFeatureList (from region_flow.proto).
  // Denotes frame that motion was computed w.r.t. to, locally to the current
  // frame. Values < 0 indicate backward tracking, while values > 0 indicate
  // forward tracking. For example, match_frame = -1, indicates tracking is
  // from current to previous frame.
  optional int32 match_frame = 28 [default = 0];

  // Deprecated fields.
  extensions 9;