// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Small helper function for RegionFlow.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <deque>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_log.h"
#include "mediapipe/framework/port/vector.h"
#include "mediapipe/util/tracking/motion_models.h"
#include "mediapipe/util/tracking/region_flow.pb.h"
namespace mediapipe {
typedef RegionFlowFrame::RegionFlow RegionFlow;
typedef std::vector<RegionFlowFeature*> RegionFlowFeatureView;
inline RegionFlowFeature FeatureFromFloats(float x, float y, float dx,
float dy) {
RegionFlowFeature feat;
return feat;
inline RegionFlowFeature FeatureFromVec2f(const Vector2_f& loc,
const Vector2_f& flow) {
RegionFlowFeature feat;
return feat;
inline Vector2_f FeatureFlow(const RegionFlowFeature& feature) {
return Vector2_f(feature.dx(), feature.dy());
inline Vector2_f FeatureLocation(const RegionFlowFeature& feature) {
return Vector2_f(feature.x(), feature.y());
inline Vector2_f FeatureMatchLocation(const RegionFlowFeature& feature) {
return FeatureLocation(feature) + FeatureFlow(feature);
inline Vector2_i FeatureIntLocation(const RegionFlowFeature& feature) {
return Vector2_i::Cast(FeatureLocation(feature) + Vector2_f(0.5f, 0.5f));
inline Vector2_i FeatureMatchIntLocation(const RegionFlowFeature& feature) {
return Vector2_i::Cast(FeatureMatchLocation(feature) + Vector2_f(0.5, 0.5f));
// Returns L1 norm of color standard deviation of feature descriptor,
// -1 if descriptor information is not present
// (e.g. if ComputeRegionFlowFeatureDescriptors was not called previously).
// Specifically returns stdev_red + stdev_blue + stdev_green.
inline float PatchDescriptorColorStdevL1(const PatchDescriptor& descriptor) {
constexpr int kRedIdx = 3;
constexpr int kGreenIdx = 6;
constexpr int kBlueIdx = 8;
ABSL_DCHECK_GE(descriptor.data(kRedIdx), 0);
ABSL_DCHECK_GE(descriptor.data(kGreenIdx), 0);
ABSL_DCHECK_GE(descriptor.data(kBlueIdx), 0);
if (descriptor.data_size() > kBlueIdx) {
return std::sqrt(descriptor.data(kRedIdx)) +
std::sqrt(descriptor.data(kGreenIdx)) +
} else {
return -1.0f;
// Extracts features from region flow. Set distance_from_border > 0 to ensure
// feature and matched location are at least the specified distance away
// from the frame rectangle (test is not executed if distance_from_border <= 0),
// so that feature descriptors can be computed (see function below).
void GetRegionFlowFeatureList(const RegionFlowFrame& flow_frame,
int distance_from_border,
RegionFlowFeatureList* flow_feature_list);
// Returns L2 norm of difference of mean color (first 3 dimensions of
// feature descriptors).
float RegionFlowFeatureDistance(const PatchDescriptor& patch_desc_1,
const PatchDescriptor& patch_desc_2);
// Resets IRLS weight of each RegionFlowFeature to value.
void ResetRegionFlowFeatureIRLSWeights(
float value, RegionFlowFeatureList* flow_feature_list);
// Returns sum of feature's irls weights.
double RegionFlowFeatureIRLSSum(const RegionFlowFeatureList& feature_list);
// Computes per region flow feature texturedness score. Score is within [0, 1],
// where 0 means low texture and 1 high texture. Requires for each feature
// descriptor to be computed (via ComputeRegionFlowFeatureDescriptors). If
// missing, ABSL_LOG(WARNING) is issued and value defaults to 1.
// If use_15percent_as_max is set, score is scaled and threshold back to [0, 1]
// such that 1 is assumed at 15% of maximum PER channel variance.
void ComputeRegionFlowFeatureTexturedness(
const RegionFlowFeatureList& region_flow_feature_list,
bool use_15percent_as_max, std::vector<float>* texturedness);
// IRLS weights are multiplied by inverse texturedness (expressed as variance
// of feature descriptor), effectively upweighting outliers if in low textured
// areas. Features with texturedness below low_texture_threshold can be
// optionally clamped to low_texture_outlier_clamp (set to -1 for no clamping).
void TextureFilteredRegionFlowFeatureIRLSWeights(
float low_texture_threshold, float low_texture_outlier_clamp,
RegionFlowFeatureList* flow_feature_list);
// Same as above but normalizes w.r.t. corner response.
void CornerFilteredRegionFlowFeatureIRLSWeights(
float low_corner_threshold, float low_corner_outlier_clamp,
RegionFlowFeatureList* flow_feature_list);
// Simple setter and getter methods for irls weights.
void GetRegionFlowFeatureIRLSWeights(
const RegionFlowFeatureList& flow_feature_list,
std::vector<float>* irls_weights);
void SetRegionFlowFeatureIRLSWeights(const std::vector<float>& irls_weights,
RegionFlowFeatureList* flow_feature_list);
// Counts number of region flow features with an irls weight of less than or
// equal to threshold.
int CountIgnoredRegionFlowFeatures(
const RegionFlowFeatureList& flow_feature_list, float threshold);
// Locates region with id region_id in RegionFlowFrame via binary search.
// Returns NULL if no region with specied region_id is present.
const RegionFlow* GetRegionFlowById(int region_id,
const RegionFlowFrame& flow_frame);
// Same as above for mutable RegionFlow.
RegionFlow* GetMutableRegionFlowById(int region_id,
RegionFlowFrame* flow_frame);
void SortRegionFlowById(RegionFlowFrame* flow_frame);
// Switches each feature with its correspondence, i.e.
// (x, y) <-> (x + dx, x + dy), (dx, dy) -> (-dx, -dy). Same holds for centroid
// and mean flow. Note: Member fundamental_matrix is invalid after inversion,
// FeaturePointLists are not affected from inversion.
void InvertRegionFlow(const RegionFlowFrame& flow_frame,
RegionFlowFrame* inverted_flow_frame);
// Same as above for feature lists.
void InvertRegionFlowFeatureList(const RegionFlowFeatureList& feature_list,
RegionFlowFeatureList* inverted_feature_list);
// Inverts a single feature.
void InvertRegionFlowFeature(RegionFlowFeature* feature);
// Removes features that are out bounds of the domain:
// [bounds, frame_width - bounds] x [bounds, frame_height - bounds].
void LimitFeaturesToBounds(int frame_width, int frame_height, float bounds,
RegionFlowFeatureList* feature_list);
// List of saliency points for each frame.
typedef std::deque<SalientPointFrame> SaliencyPointList;
// Normalizes region flow by frame diameter, i.e. uniform downscale such that
// feature list fits within [0, 1].
void NormalizeRegionFlowFeatureList(RegionFlowFeatureList* feature_list);
// Inverse of above operation.
void DeNormalizeRegionFlowFeatureList(RegionFlowFeatureList* feature_list);
// Templated implementations.
// Applies model to each feature and displacement vector.
template <class Model>
void TransformRegionFlowFeatureList(const Model& model,
RegionFlowFeatureList* flow_feature_list) {
for (auto& feature : *flow_feature_list->mutable_feature()) {
Vector2_f pt =
ModelAdapter<Model>::TransformPoint(model, FeatureLocation(feature));
Vector2_f match = ModelAdapter<Model>::TransformPoint(
model, FeatureMatchLocation(feature));
feature.set_dx(match.x() - pt.x());
feature.set_dy(match.y() - pt.y());
// Similar to above but applies transformation to each feature to derive
// matching location, according to the formula:
// (dx, dy) <-- a * (transformed location - location) + b * (dx, dy)
// e.g. with b = 0, and a = 1, (dx, dy) is replaced with distance
// between transformed location and original location.
// If set_match == true, the original feature location is replaced
// with its matching location.
template <class Model>
void RegionFlowFeatureListViaTransform(
const Model& model, RegionFlowFeatureList* flow_feature_list, float a,
float b, bool set_match, const MixtureRowWeights* row_weights = nullptr) {
for (auto& feature : *flow_feature_list->mutable_feature()) {
Vector2_f match =
ModelAdapter<Model>::TransformPoint(model, FeatureLocation(feature));
feature.set_dx(b * feature.dx() + a * (match.x() - feature.x()));
feature.set_dy(b * feature.dy() + a * (match.y() - feature.y()));
if (set_match) {
template <>
inline void RegionFlowFeatureListViaTransform(
const MixtureHomography& mix, RegionFlowFeatureList* flow_feature_list,
float a, float b, bool set_match, const MixtureRowWeights* row_weights) {
ABSL_CHECK(row_weights) << "Row weights required for mixtures.";
for (auto& feature : *flow_feature_list->mutable_feature()) {
const float* weights = row_weights->RowWeights(feature.y());
Vector2_f match = MixtureHomographyAdapter::TransformPoint(
mix, weights, FeatureLocation(feature));
feature.set_dx(b * feature.dx() + a * (match.x() - feature.x()));
feature.set_dy(b * feature.dy() + a * (match.y() - feature.y()));
if (set_match) {
// Helper implementation function for functions below.
// Returns pair of <filtered weight, predicate result> where predicate result is
// the boolean result of applying the predicate to the feature.
template <class Predicate>
std::pair<float, bool> GetFilteredWeightImpl(const Predicate& predicate,
float reset_value,
const RegionFlowFeature& feature) {
if (feature.irls_weight() == 0.0f) {
return std::make_pair(0.0f, false); // Zero is false by default.
} else if (!predicate(feature)) {
return std::make_pair(reset_value, false);
} else {
return std::make_pair(feature.irls_weight(), true);
// If predicate evaluates to false, corresponding irls weight is set to zero.
// Returns number of features with non-zero irls weight.
// Interface for predicate: bool operator()(const RegionFlowFeature&) const
// Example: Predicate compares registration error of a feature under some linear
// model and returns true if error is below some threshold. Consequently all
// features having registration error above the threshold are set to weight zero
// effectively ignoring those features during estimation.
template <class Predicate>
int FilterRegionFlowFeatureList(const Predicate& predicate, float reset_value,
RegionFlowFeatureList* flow_feature_list) {
ABSL_CHECK(flow_feature_list != nullptr);
int num_passing_features = 0;
for (auto& feature : *flow_feature_list->mutable_feature()) {
std::pair<float, bool> filter_result =
GetFilteredWeightImpl(predicate, reset_value, feature);
if (filter_result.second) {
return num_passing_features;
// Same function as above, but instead of setting the corresponding weights,
// returns resulting weights in a float vector.
template <class Predicate>
int FilterRegionFlowFeatureWeights(const Predicate& predicate,
float reset_value,
const RegionFlowFeatureList& feature_list,
std::vector<float>* result_weights) {
ABSL_CHECK(result_weights != nullptr);
int num_passing_features = 0;
for (auto feature : feature_list.feature()) {
std::pair<float, bool> filter_result =
GetFilteredWeightImpl(predicate, reset_value, feature);
if (filter_result.second) {
return num_passing_features;
// Select features from the passed list for which the predicate is true.
// Returned view contains pointers to mutable features.
template <class Predicate>
void SelectFeaturesFromList(const Predicate& predicate,
RegionFlowFeatureList* feature_list,
RegionFlowFeatureView* feature_view) {
ABSL_CHECK(feature_list != nullptr);
ABSL_CHECK(feature_view != nullptr);
for (auto& feature : *feature_list->mutable_feature()) {
if (predicate(feature)) {
inline void SelectAllFeaturesFromList(RegionFlowFeatureList* feature_list,
RegionFlowFeatureView* feature_view) {
ABSL_CHECK(feature_list != nullptr);
ABSL_CHECK(feature_view != nullptr);
for (auto& feature : *feature_list->mutable_feature()) {
// Sorts region flow feature views, w.r.t. predicate. Predicate must define:
// bool operator()(const RegionFlowFeature* lhs,
// const RegionFlowFeature* rhs) const;
template <class Predicate>
void SortRegionFlowFeatureView(const Predicate& predicate,
RegionFlowFeatureView* feature_view) {
ABSL_CHECK(feature_view != nullptr);
std::sort(feature_view->begin(), feature_view->end(), predicate);
// Clamps IRLS weight of each RegionFlowFeature to lie within [lower, upper].
void ClampRegionFlowFeatureIRLSWeights(
float lower, float upper, RegionFlowFeatureView* flow_feature_list);
// Makes a copy of src to dest without copying any features, i.e. dest will
// have the same values as src for all field except the actual features.
// Implemented by temporarily swapping features in and out, therefore source has
// to be mutable but will not be modified.
void CopyToEmptyFeatureList(RegionFlowFeatureList* src,
RegionFlowFeatureList* dst);
// Intersects passed RegionFlowFeatureLists based on track_id, returning new
// RegionFlowFeatureList indicating new motion from features location in list
// 'from' to feature's location in list 'to' (specified by to_location
// function, e.g. pass FeatureLocation or FeatureMatchLocation here).
// Requires RegionFlowFeatureList's computed with long_tracks.
// Output result is initialized to contain all fields from input from (same
// holds for intersected features, minus their match location).
// For performance reasons, from is passed at mutable pointer to use above
// CopyToEmptyFeatureList, but is not modified on output.
// Optionally outputs source index for each feature in result into feature
// array of from.
void IntersectRegionFlowFeatureList(
const RegionFlowFeatureList& to,
std::function<Vector2_f(const RegionFlowFeature&)> to_location_eval,
RegionFlowFeatureList* from, RegionFlowFeatureList* result,
std::vector<int>* source_indices = nullptr);
// Streaming representation for long feature tracks. Ingests
// RegionFlowFeatureList for passed frames and maps them to their corresponding
// track id.
// Usage example:
// LongFeatureStream stream;
// for (int f = 0; f < frames; ++f) {
// RegionFlowFeatureList feature_list = ... // from input.
// stream.AddFeatures(feature_list, true, true);
// // Traverse tracks starting at the current frame f (going backwards in
// // time).
// for (const auto& track : stream) {
// track.first // Holds id.
// track.second // Holds vector<RegionFlowFeature>, most recent one are at
// // the end.
// Convert track to a list of points.
// vector<Vector2_f> poly_line;
// stream.FlattenTrack(track.second, &poly_line, nullptr, nullptr);
// // Returned track where poly_line[0] is the beginning (oldest) and
// // poly_line[poly_line.size() - 1] the end of the track (most recent
// // point).
// for (const Vector2_f point : poly_line) {
// // ... do something ...
// }
// }
class LongFeatureStream {
// Buffers features according to their track id. Most recent region flow
// features are added last.
typedef std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<RegionFlowFeature>> TrackBuffer;
// Default constructor for LongFeatureStream. The default long feature stream
// is backward.
LongFeatureStream() = default;
// Constructor for LongFeatureStream. The param forward indicates if the long
// feature stream is forward or backward.
explicit LongFeatureStream(bool forward) : forward_(forward) {}
// Adds new features for the current frame. Region flow must be computed
// w.r.t to previous or next frame (i.e. inter-frame distance = 1, CHECKED).
// If check_connectivity is specified, CHECKS if a feature's match location
// equals it last known location in the buffer.
// Optionally removes features from the buffer that are not present
// in the current list.
void AddFeatures(const RegionFlowFeatureList& feature_list,
bool check_connectivity, bool purge_non_present_features);
// Traversal example:
// LongFeatureStream stream;
// for (auto track : stream) {
// track.first // Holds id.
// track.second // Holds vector<RegionFlowFeature>.
// // Note: These are always backward flow features
// // even if you added forward ones. Ordered in time,
// // oldest features come first.
// vector<Vector2_f> poly_line;
// stream.FlattenTrack(track.second, &poly_line, nullptr, nullptr);
// }
typename TrackBuffer::const_iterator begin() const { return tracks_.begin(); }
typename TrackBuffer::const_iterator end() const { return tracks_.end(); }
// Extract track as poly-line (vector of positions).
// Specifically, tracks[0] is the beginning (oldest) and
// tracks[tracks.size() - 1] the end of the track (most recent point).
// Optionally, returns irls weight for each point pair along the track,
// i.e weight at position N, specifies weight of track between points
// N and N + 1. For convenience, weight at last position is replicated, i.e.
// length of tracks and irls_weight is identical.
// Optionally, returns the flow vector associated with each point on the
// track with a direction as requested by the flow direction of the
// constructor. Note: For N points, N - 1 flow vectors are returned.
void FlattenTrack(const std::vector<RegionFlowFeature>& features,
std::vector<Vector2_f>* tracks,
std::vector<float>* irls_weight, // optional.
std::vector<Vector2_f>* flow) const; // optional.
// Random access. Returns nullptr if not found.
const std::vector<RegionFlowFeature>* TrackById(int id) const;
// Convenience function calling TrackById and FlattenTrack. Returns empty
// vector if track id is not present.
std::vector<Vector2_f> FlattenedTrackById(int id) const;
// Long Feature tracks indexed by id.
TrackBuffer tracks_;
// Stores old ids that have been removed. Used during check_connectivity.
std::unordered_set<int> old_ids_;
// A flag indicating if the long feature stream is forward or backward.
bool forward_ = false;
// Helper class for testing which features are present, computing overall track
// length and other statistics.
// Usage:
// LongFeatureInfo lfi;
// std::vector<RegionFlowFeatureList> feature_lists = FROM_OUTSIDE
// for (const auto& feature_list : feature_lists) {
// lfi.AddFeatures(feature_list);
// // Get track length for each feature, so far.
// std::vector<int> track_length;
// lfi.TrackLenghts(feature_list, &track_length);
// }
class LongFeatureInfo {
// Adds features to current info state.
void AddFeatures(const RegionFlowFeatureList& feature_list);
// Adds a single feature. If used instead of above function, requires
// IncrementFrame to be called manually.
void AddFeature(const RegionFlowFeature& feature);
// Returns track length for each passed feature.
// Note: If feature is not yet present, zero is returned as length.
void TrackLengths(const RegionFlowFeatureList& feature_list,
std::vector<int>* track_lengths) const;
// Same as above for an individual feature.
int TrackLength(const RegionFlowFeature& feature) const;
// Returns starting frame for a feature.
int TrackStart(const RegionFlowFeature& feature) const;
int NumFrames() const { return num_frames_; }
void Reset();
// Returns track length at passed percentile across all tracks added so far.
int GlobalTrackLength(float percentile) const;
void IncrementFrame() { ++num_frames_; }
struct TrackInfo {
int length = 0;
int start = 0;
// Maps track id to above info struct.
std::unordered_map<int, TrackInfo> track_info_;
int num_frames_ = 0;
// Scales a salient point in x and y by specified scales. For example, use to
// map a salient point to a specific frame width and height.
void ScaleSalientPoint(float scale_x, float scale_y,
SalientPoint* salient_point);
// Scales salient points in saliency by factor scale. If normalize_to_scale
// is true, the weights of salient points per frame sum up to scale.
void ScaleSalientPointFrame(float scale, bool normalize_to_scale,
SalientPointFrame* saliency);
// Convenience function for SaliencyPointList's invoking above function on each
// frame.
void ScaleSaliencyList(float scale, bool normalize_to_scale,
SaliencyPointList* saliency_list);
// Resets the normalized bounds of salient points in saliency list to
// specified bounds.
void ResetSaliencyBounds(float left, float bottom, float right, float top,
SaliencyPointList* saliency_list);
// Returns major and minor axis from covariance matrix (scaled by one sigma) in
// each direction) and angle of major axis (in radians, counter clockwise).
// Returns false if degenerate (ellipses with less than 2 pixels in diameter
// in either direction).
// Assuming 2x2 Covariance matrix of the form [a bc
// bc d]
// for variances specified in pixels^2.
bool EllipseFromCovariance(float a, float bc, float d,
Vector2_f* axis_magnitude, float* angle);
// Calculate the bounding box from an axis aligned ellipse defined by the major
// and minor axis. Returns 4 corners of a minimal bounding box.
void BoundingBoxFromEllipse(const Vector2_f& center, float norm_major_axis,
float norm_minor_axis, float angle,
std::vector<Vector2_f>* bounding_box);
// Helper function used by BuildFeature grid to determine the sample taps
// for a domain of size dim_x x dim_y with a specified tap_radius.
void GridTaps(int dim_x, int dim_y, int tap_radius,
std::vector<std::vector<int>>* taps);
// Generic function to bin features (of generic type Feature, specified for a
// set of frames) over the domain frame_width x frame_height into equally
// sized square bins of size grid_resolution x grid_resolution.
// Function outputs for each bin the indicies of neighboring bins according
// 3x3 or 5x5 neighborhood centered at that bin. Also output number of bins
// created along each dimension as 2 dim vector (x, y).
// FeatureEvaluator should implement:
// Vector2_f operator()(const Feature& f) const {
// // Returns spatial location for feature f;
// }
template <class Feature>
using FeatureFrame = std::vector<Feature*>;
template <class Feature>
using FeatureGrid = std::vector<FeatureFrame<Feature>>;
template <class Feature, class FeatureEvaluator>
void BuildFeatureGrid(
float frame_width, float frame_height, float grid_resolution,
const std::vector<FeatureFrame<Feature>>& feature_views,
const FeatureEvaluator& evaluator,
std::vector<std::vector<int>>* feature_taps_3, // Optional.
std::vector<std::vector<int>>* feature_taps_5, // Optional.
Vector2_i* num_grid_bins, // Optional.
std::vector<FeatureGrid<Feature>>* feature_grids) {
ABSL_CHECK_GT(grid_resolution, 0.0f);
const int num_frames = feature_views.size();
const int grid_dim_x = std::ceil(frame_width / grid_resolution);
const int grid_dim_y = std::ceil(frame_height / grid_resolution);
const int grid_size = grid_dim_x * grid_dim_y;
const float grid_scale = 1.0f / grid_resolution;
// Pre-compute neighbor grids.
for (int f = 0; f < num_frames; ++f) {
// Populate.
auto& curr_grid = (*feature_grids)[f];
const FeatureFrame<Feature>& curr_view = feature_views[f];
for (int i = 0, size = curr_view.size(); i < size; ++i) {
Feature* feature = curr_view[i];
Vector2_f feature_loc = evaluator(*feature);
const int x = feature_loc.x() * grid_scale;
const int y = feature_loc.y() * grid_scale;
ABSL_DCHECK_LT(y, grid_dim_y);
ABSL_DCHECK_LT(x, grid_dim_x);
const int grid_loc = y * grid_dim_x + x;
if (feature_taps_3 != NULL) {
GridTaps(grid_dim_x, grid_dim_y, 1, feature_taps_3);
if (feature_taps_5 != NULL) {
GridTaps(grid_dim_x, grid_dim_y, 2, feature_taps_5);
if (num_grid_bins) {
*num_grid_bins = Vector2_i(grid_dim_x, grid_dim_y);
} // namespace mediapipe