
// Copyright 2019 The MediaPipe Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Options for tracking by pyramidical Lucas-Kanade. Local outlier rejection
// is performed by enforcing translation models over regions (grid-based
// or obtained from segmentation).

syntax = "proto2";

package mediapipe;

import "mediapipe/util/tracking/tone_estimation.proto";

// Next tag: 33
message TrackingOptions {
  // Describes direction of flow during feature tracking and for the output
  // region flow.
  enum FlowDirection {
    FORWARD = 1;   // Tracks are forward, from frame N-k -> frame N (k > 0).
    BACKWARD = 2;  // Tracks are backward, from frame N -> frame N-k
                   // (k > 0).
    CONSECUTIVELY = 3;  // Try forward and backward tracking consecutively.
                        // Forward tracking is done first. If the flow is
                        // stable, i.e. there are sufficient tracked features,
                        // the region flow computation ends. Otherwise, backward
                        // tracking is performed.

  // Flow direction used internally during tracking features. Forward tracking
  // allows reusing tracked features instead of explicitly tracking them in
  // every frame, and can therefore be faster. See the reuse_features_XXX
  // options below. However, if not reusing features, then it is best to match
  // the direction for both internal tracking and output flow, for peformance
  // reasons.
  optional FlowDirection internal_tracking_direction = 19 [default = BACKWARD];

  // Direction of flow vectors that are computed and output by calls to retrieve
  // region flow, tracked features, etc. Note when this is BACKWARD, then the
  // returned flow for frame N contains features tracked *from* frame N to a
  // previous frame N-k. When this is FORWARD, the flow for frame N contains
  // the flow from features in a previous frame N-k, tracked *to* frame N.
  // Note that the output flow direction can only be set to FORWARD or BACKWARD.
  optional FlowDirection output_flow_direction = 20 [default = BACKWARD];

  // Specifies how a feature is tracked w.r.t. previous or next frames
  // (dependent on the FlowDirection options above).
  // Per default, each frame is tracked w.r.t. a single neighboring frame
  // (TRACK_SINGLE_FRAME). If associations across multiple frames are desired,
  // TRACK_MULTI_FRAME creates multiple results for the current frame, by
  // tracking features w.r.t. multiple neighbors. Number of neighbors is
  // specified by multi_frames_to_track.
  // If long feature tracks are desired (i.e. a track across a frame pair
  // that is identified to belong to an earlier known feature), use
  // TRACK_ACROSS_FRAMES. Maximum track length can be specified by
  // long_tracks_max_frames.
  enum TrackingPolicy {
    POLICY_SINGLE_FRAME = 1;  // Tracks w.r.t. previous or next frame.
    POLICY_MULTI_FRAME = 2;   // Tracks w.r.t. multiple frames.
    POLICY_LONG_TRACKS = 3;   // Create long feature tracks.
                              // Requires internal_tracking_direction to be
                              // FORWARD. Checked against.

  optional TrackingPolicy tracking_policy = 25 [default = POLICY_SINGLE_FRAME];

  // Number of frame-pairs used for POLICY_MULTI_FRAME, ignored for other
  // policies.
  // Value of 1 means we are tracking features in the current frame, w.r.t.
  // the previous one. Value of 2 denotes tracking of features in current
  // w.r.t the previous one and the one before the previous one, etc.
  optional int32 multi_frames_to_track = 1 [default = 1];

  // Maximum length of long feature tracks for POLICY_LONG_TRACKS in frames.
  // Note: This maximum is not hard enforced, to avoid that many long
  // tracks are dropped at the same time. Instead if a feature reaches
  // long_tracks_max_frames * 0.8, it will get dropped with a probability of X,
  // where X is calculated, such that 95% of all qualifying features are
  // dropped within the interval [.8, 1.2] * long_tracks_max_frames.
  optional int32 long_tracks_max_frames = 26 [default = 300];

  // Hard limit of maximum number of features. Control density of features, with
  // min_feature_distance option. This limit is to guarantee that the
  // run-time of RegionFlowComputation does not spiral out of control.
  optional int32 max_features = 2 [default = 2000];

  // Specifies the extraction method for features.
  enum CornerExtractionMethod {
    EXTRACTION_HARRIS = 1;       // Using Harris' approximation of
                                 // EXTRACTION_MIN_EIG_VAL.
    EXTRACTION_MIN_EIG_VAL = 2;  // Exact smallest eigenvalue computation.
    EXTRACTION_FAST = 3;         // Extract using FAST feature detector.

  optional CornerExtractionMethod corner_extraction_method = 27
      [default = EXTRACTION_MIN_EIG_VAL];

  // Settings for above corner extraction methods.
  message MinEigValExtractionSettings {
    // Quality level of features (features with
    // min_eig_value < quality_level * max_eig_value are rejected).
    // Here [min|max]_eig_value denote the minimum and maximum eigen value of
    // the auto-correlation matrix of the patch centered at a feature point. The
    // ratio of eigenvalues denotes the "cornerness", lower means more
    // pronounced corners.
    // (see for details.)
    optional float feature_quality_level = 1 [default = 0.01];

    // Features below this quality level are always discarded, even if their
    // score is above feature_quality_level() * local maximum within that grid
    // cell. This prevents us from including very poor features.
    optional float adaptive_lowest_quality_level = 2 [default = 8e-5];

  optional MinEigValExtractionSettings min_eig_val_settings = 28;

  message HarrisExtractionSettings {
    // Same as in MinEigValExtractionSettings.
    optional float feature_quality_level = 1 [default = 2.5e-4];

    // Note, due to Harris response being negative for some pixels,
    // no lowest quality level is enforced.

  optional HarrisExtractionSettings harris_settings = 29;

  message FastExtractionSettings {
    // threshold on difference between intensity of the central pixel and pixels
    // of a circle around this pixel. Empirically, the larger the threshold, the
    // fewer the keypoints will be detected.
    // Default value set as the same with OpenCV.
    optional int32 threshold = 1 [default = 10];

  optional FastExtractionSettings fast_settings = 31;

  // Radius of the window size so that the full window is
  // 2*tracking_window_size+1
  optional int32 tracking_window_size = 4 [default = 10];

  optional int32 tracking_iterations = 5 [default = 10];

  // Fractional tracking distance w.r.t. to frame diameter d. The number of
  // pyramid levels l is chosen such that
  // 2^l * tracking_window_size / 2 >= fractional_tracking_distance * d.
  // Therefore, theoretically it is guaranteed that objects moving less than
  // fractional_tracking_distance * d can be tracked.
  optional float fractional_tracking_distance = 6 [default = 0.15];

  // If set, modifies tracking distance to be 130% of maximum average
  // tracking distances of previous frames.
  optional bool adaptive_tracking_distance = 24 [default = false];

  // Minimum feature distance in pixels. Close features are suppressed. If value
  // < 1, the distance is computed as a fraction of the frame diameter.
  optional float min_feature_distance = 7 [default = 7];

  // By default, when downscaling by factor x, the minimum feature distance
  // is downscaled by a factor of sqrt(x). If set false, no scaling is
  // performed.
  optional bool distance_downscale_sqrt = 21 [default = true];

  // Uses grid based extraction of features. Quality level is local within a
  // grid cell and results are combined over all cells and multiple scales and
  // grid offsets.
  // Default option, setting it to false is deprecated and will fail.
  optional bool adaptive_good_features_to_track = 8 [default = true];

  // Size of each grid cell. Values < 1 are interpreted to be relative to
  // frame_width_ x frame_height_.
  optional float adaptive_features_block_size = 9 [default = .26];

  // Scales / levels employed for feature extraction. Grid cell size is scaled
  // by 0.5 for each level.
  optional int32 adaptive_features_levels = 10 [default = 1];

  // If > 1, feature extraction is carried out at multiple scales by downscaling
  // the image repeatedly, extracting features (eigenvalue images) and upscaling
  // them.
  optional int32 adaptive_extraction_levels = 22 [default = 1];

  // Alternate way of specifying extraction levels: number of levels is
  // automatically computed by downsampling the image until its maximum
  // dimension (width or height) reaches this value. Overrides
  // adaptive_extraction_levels if > 0.
  optional int32 adaptive_extraction_levels_lowest_size = 23 [default = 0];

  // Grid step-size in fraction of width or height used for creating synthetic
  // zero motion tracks with feature points lying on a grid. Can be set based on
  // desired number of total features as 1/sqrt(num_features),
  // e.g. .04 ~= 1/sqrt(600).
  optional float synthetic_zero_motion_grid_step = 13 [default = .04];

  // If set, uses ORB features with brute force matching and ratio test
  // to track frames across larger perspective changes than possible with
  // default KLT features.
  optional bool wide_baseline_matching = 14 [default = false];

  // Only brute force matches with
  // best_match_distance < ratio_test_threshold * second_best_match_distance
  // are retained.
  optional float ratio_test_threshold = 15 [default = 0.8];

  // Refines wide baseline matches by estimating affine transform to
  // wide-baseline matches which is used to seed initial positions for KLT
  // matches.
  optional bool refine_wide_baseline_matches = 16 [default = false];

  // When tracking features, features tracked from frame A to frame B may be
  // reused as the features for frame B when tracking from it (instead of
  // extracting features). The max_frame_distance flag limits the distance
  // between A and B for the features to be reused. Setting it to 0 => no
  // re-use.
  optional int32 reuse_features_max_frame_distance = 17 [default = 0];

  // In conjunction with above, the features are reused in frame B only if they
  // are at-least this fraction of the original features in frame A. Otherwise
  // they are reset and extracted from scratch.
  optional float reuse_features_min_survived_frac = 18 [default = 0.7];

  enum KltTrackerImplementation {
    KLT_OPENCV = 1;  // Use OpenCV's implementation of KLT tracker.

  // Implementation choice of KLT tracker.
  optional KltTrackerImplementation klt_tracker_implementation = 32
      [default = KLT_OPENCV];

  // Deprecated fields.
  extensions 3, 11, 12, 30;

// Next tag: 67
message RegionFlowComputationOptions {
  optional TrackingOptions tracking_options = 1;

  // Features are binned into grids of different resolutions (see
  // fast_estimation_block_size below) and retained if they survive a localized
  // translation based RANSAC algorithm and at the survivors are at least of
  // size min_feature_inliers. Must be at least 3!
  optional int32 min_feature_inliers = 2 [default = 3];

  // Relative number of inlier features w.r.t. average number of features
  // per grid bin. Maximum of both thresholds is used as actual threshold.
  optional float relative_min_feature_inliers = 46 [default = 0.2];

  // Pre-blur before computing features to reduce noise. Set to zero for no
  // blurring.
  optional float pre_blur_sigma = 33 [default = 0.8];

  // Number of ransac rounds to estimate per region flow vector. This could be
  // adaptive, but the required number of rounds is so low, that estimating
  // the bound is more costly than just running it for a fixed number of times.
  optional int32 ransac_rounds_per_region = 3 [default = 15];

  // Error thresholds for a feature to be considered as an inlier in
  // pixel-distance. The max of all three thresholds below is used as the actual
  // threshold.
  // Absolute in pixels.
  optional float absolute_inlier_error_threshold = 4 [default = 2];
  // Scaled w.r.t. frame diameter.
  optional float frac_inlier_error_threshold = 52 [default = 0];
  // Scaled w.r.t model estimated during each RANSAC round.
  optional float relative_inlier_error_threshold = 44 [default = 0.1];
  // Returns for each grid only the top N inlier sets.
  optional int32 top_inlier_sets = 45 [default = 2];

  // For debugging purposes, uses all tracked features regardless of the above
  // setting.
  optional bool no_estimation_mode = 40 [default = false];

  // Block size in pixels. If fractional block_size is used (0 < size < 1),
  // it is interpreted as fraction of the image dimensions.
  // We use 4 blocks in each dimension by standard.
  optional float fast_estimation_block_size = 6 [default = .25];

  // Minimum block size in pixels (larger dimension) to perform fast estimation
  // on. Pyramid levels are allocated such that
  // block_size * 0.5^(level - 1) = min_block_size.
  // At least two levels are used.
  optional int32 fast_estimation_min_block_size = 25 [default = 100];

  // We use overlapping versions of the grid, next parameters specifies how
  // many in each dimensions (total is therefore, the value squared!).
  optional int32 fast_estimation_overlap_grids = 22 [default = 3];

  // Flow features with motion above this thresholds (w.r.t. frame diameter)
  // are rejected.
  optional float max_magnitude_threshold_ratio = 23 [default = 0.2];

  // Flow features that have a motion that is larger than
  // median_magnitude_bounds times the median magnitude are discarded.
  // If set to zero, test is not enforced.
  optional float median_magnitude_bounds = 51 [default = 0.0];

  // Determines how irls weights for computed features are initialized.
  // In general, more stable features are given higher weight.
  enum IrlsInitialization {
    INIT_UNIFORM = 1;  // All weights equal 1

    // Feature's irls weight is initialized to a value in [0, 2]
    // indicating how consistent the feature's motion is w.r.t. neighboring
    // features (high values = very consistent). Determined by counting how
    // often a feature is part of the inlier set for a particular bin.

  // If this option is activated, feature's irls weight is initialized to the
  // inverse of its computed flow.
  optional IrlsInitialization irls_initialization = 49
      [default = INIT_CONSISTENCY];

  // We support down-sampling of an incoming frame before running the
  // resolution dependent part of the region flow computation (feature
  // extraction and tracking if desired).
  // Note that in all downsampling modes except for DOWNSAMPLE_TO_INPUT_SIZE,
  // for uneven dimensions after downsampling, we always round up to
  // the nearest even dimension, i.e. 350p with a downsample_factor of 2.0
  // would expect an input of size 176p.
  enum DownsampleMode {
    // No downsampling.
    // Downsizes the input frame such that frame_size == downsampling_size,
    // where frame_size := max(width, height).
    // Downsizes frame by pre-defined factor, downsample_factor below.
    // Downsampling based on downsampling schedule, see DownsampleSchedule below
    // for details.
    // Downsizes the input frame such that frame_size == downsampling_size,
    // where frame_size := min(width, height).
    // Input frame is assumed to be already downsampled by the factor specified
    // by downsample_factor below. For example if the original frame is 720p,
    // and downsample_factor is set to 2.0, then we expect as input 360p.

  optional DownsampleMode downsample_mode = 11 [default = DOWNSAMPLE_NONE];

  // Specify the size of either dimension here, the frame will be
  // downsampled to fit downsampling_size.
  optional int32 downsampling_size = 12 [default = 256];
  optional float downsample_factor = 18 [default = 2.0];

  // If set, we will force the computed downsampling factor to be the nearest
  // integer, resulting in faster downsampling.  This will have no effect for
  // which should have exact values defined.
  optional bool round_downsample_factor = 62 [default = false];

  // Downsampling schedule. Frame sizes up to which a particular downsampling
  // factor is applied. Factor chosen by comparing actual frame area against
  // standard area (standard_width * standard_height), where standard_width =
  // 16/9 X standard_height.
  message DownSampleSchedule {
    optional float downsample_factor_360p = 1 [default = 1];   // For <= 360p.
    optional float downsample_factor_480p = 2 [default = 1];   // For <= 480p.
    optional float downsample_factor_720p = 3 [default = 2];   // For <= 720p.
    optional float downsample_factor_1080p = 4 [default = 2];  // >= 720p.
  // Used if downsample_mode is DOWNSAMPLE_BY_SCHEDULE.
  optional DownSampleSchedule downsample_schedule = 19;

  // Minimum number of good features that we require to be present.
  // Without good features, the estimated motion models will do more harm than
  // good, so it is better to use simply the identity transform for this frame,
  // and set the flag unstable_models to true in RegionFlow.
  optional int32 min_feature_requirement = 13 [default = 20];

  // We also require features to cover a minimum percentage area of the frame.
  // We use downsampling and plot each feature by a 1 in a grid, this is
  // equivalent to plotting each feature by a rectangle in the original frame.
  optional float min_feature_cover = 14 [default = 0.15];

  // Grid size for above min feature cover.
  optional int32 min_feature_cover_grid = 20 [default = 8];

  // Computes blur score for each frame. Score is proportional to amount of
  // blur present in a frame, i.e. higher scores reflect more blurred frames.
  // Note that the score is dependent on the gradient distribution of the image
  // content, i.e. the score itself is rather meaningless but needs to be
  // compared to scores of neighboring frames.
  optional bool compute_blur_score = 17 [default = false];

  message BlurScoreOptions {
    // Blur score is only computed over image regions of high cornerness
    // (as blur in any direction will always alter these regions). First, the
    // corner image (smallest eigenvalue of 2nd moment matrix) is box filtered,
    // and then thresholded.
    optional int32 box_filter_diam = 1 [default = 3];

    // Specifies relative (w.r.t. maximum) and absolute corneress threshold
    // for threshold operation.
    optional float relative_cornerness_threshold = 2 [default = 3e-2];
    optional float absolute_cornerness_threshold = 3 [default = 1e-4];

    // Blur score is defined as 1.0 / <median cornerness>, where
    // <median cornerness> is the n-th percentile of the cornerness evaluated
    // over the image regions of high corness as specified above.
    optional float median_percentile = 5 [default = 0.85];

  optional BlurScoreOptions blur_score_options = 31;

  // Determines how/if visual consistency is computed. If activated,
  // computes the absolute *change* in visual difference between two adjancent
  // frame pairs, i.e. the modulus of the 2nd derivative of the frame
  // appearance. Stores result in RegionFlowFeatureList::visual_consistency.
  message VisualConsistencyOptions {
    // Computation of visual consistency is only performed if activated.
    optional bool compute_consistency = 1 [default = true];

    // Incoming color or gray scale image is scaled to a tiny square image of
    // the specified dimension. Used to compare adjacent images via SSD.
    optional int32 tiny_image_dimension = 2 [default = 20];

  optional VisualConsistencyOptions visual_consistency_options = 55;

  // Radius of patch descriptor computed during RetrieveRegionFlowFeatureList
  // call.
  optional int32 patch_descriptor_radius = 21 [default = 3];
  // Minimum distance from image border. Must be greater or equal to
  // patch_descriptor_radius.
  optional int32 distance_from_border = 50 [default = 3];

  // Corner response is scaled by scalar below and normalized to lie within
  // [0, 1], where 0 is low corner score and 1 high corner score.
  optional float corner_response_scale = 26 [default = 1500];

  // Verifies reliablity of features, by back-tracking operation from matched
  // location. If returned location is within verification_distance feature is
  // accepted otherwise discarded.
  optional bool verify_features = 27 [default = false];
  optional float verification_distance = 28 [default = 0.5];

  // If set, consistency of long features is verified (in case tracking_policy
  // is set to POLICY_LONG_FEATURES) by extracting a patch
  // around the feature during the very first observation and comparing the
  // matching patching along the long feature trajectory via SSD. If the
  // difference is above the long_feature_verification_threshold the feature is
  // removed.
  optional bool verify_long_features = 53 [default = true];

  // Maximum average per pixel error (in L1 norm) in the normalized intensity
  // domain for matching patches to be considered to be consistent.
  optional float long_feature_verification_threshold = 54 [default = 0.04];

  // Long features are expected to have limited acceleration over time.
  // If acceleration exceeds specified value based on the setting in
  // verify_long_feature_acceleration either:
  // a) verify_long_feature_acceleration = false
  //    A new track is started instead of continuing the old one.
  //    The track itself is not removed in this case.
  // b) verify_long_feature_acceleration = true
  //    The track is flagged for verification, by back-tracking operation from
  //    matched location. If track fails verification test it is
  //    discarded. This only triggers if at least
  //    verify_long_feature_trigger_ratio of features have been flagged,
  //    otherwise option a is used.
  optional float max_long_feature_acceleration = 56 [default = 5.0];
  optional bool verify_long_feature_acceleration = 63 [default = false];
  optional float verify_long_feature_trigger_ratio = 64 [default = 0.0];

  // If true, histogram equalization is performed to the input image sequence
  // before registration.
  optional bool histogram_equalization = 57 [default = false];

  // If true, synthetic region flows with zero motion are used for all (or just
  // the first) frame.
  optional bool use_synthetic_zero_motion_tracks_all_frames = 34
      [default = false];
  optional bool use_synthetic_zero_motion_tracks_first_frame = 35
      [default = false];

  // Optional gain correction before tracking features. Improves robustness when
  // lighting is changing.
  optional bool gain_correction = 36 [default = false];

  // If set performs gain correction by simply equalizing mean intensity
  // between frames, instead of using ToneEstimation.
  optional bool fast_gain_correction = 61 [default = false];

  // If the multiple hypothesis flag is set, features are tracked using both
  // with and without gain correction, and the hypothesis with more inliers
  // is selected.
  optional bool gain_correction_multiple_hypotheses = 47 [default = true];

  // This flag, when used together with the multiple hypotheses flag, specifies
  // that gain correction should increase the number of inliers by at least this
  // fraction for it to be used instead of default tracking.
  optional float gain_correction_inlier_improvement_frac = 48 [default = 0.1];

  // If set, always uses the brighter frame as reference. This is the
  // preferred direction of correction, to avoid overexposed regions from
  // being corrected which leads to spurious matches.
  optional bool gain_correction_bright_reference = 59 [default = false];

  // Only performs gain correction if number of tracked features falls under
  // specified ratio (w.r.t. previous frame).
  // Set to zero, to always perform gain correction if requested.
  optional float gain_correction_triggering_ratio = 60 [default = 0.0];

  // Gain correction is based on a grid of zero motion features, independent of
  // the underlying motion. Fractional parameter specifies resolution of the
  // grid w.r.t. frame size.
  optional float frac_gain_feature_size = 37 [default = 0.3];
  optional float frac_gain_step = 38 [default = 0.1];

  enum GainCorrectMode {
    GAIN_CORRECT_DEFAULT_USER = 1;  // Uses default or user supplied bounds,
                                    // i.e. gain_bias_bounds is left untouched.
    GAIN_CORRECT_VIDEO = 2;         // Uses defaults for video (most strict).
    GAIN_CORRECT_HDR = 3;           // Uses most relaxed settings to track
                                    // across HDR frames, taken at different
                                    // exposures.
    GAIN_CORRECT_PHOTO_BURST = 4;   // More relaxed than video but stricter
                                    // than HDR; use for photo burst where
                                    // exposure between frames can change.

  optional GainCorrectMode gain_correct_mode = 41
      [default = GAIN_CORRECT_DEFAULT_USER];

  // Bounds for the estimated model. If not set externally, will be set
  // based on GainCorrectMode.
  optional ToneEstimationOptions.GainBiasBounds gain_bias_bounds = 39;

  // Supported image formats. All images are converted to grayscale
  // before processing. These image formats only concern AddImage.
  // IMPORTANT: All the Retrieve* methods expect RGB when the descriptors
  // are computed.
  enum ImageFormat {
    FORMAT_RGB = 2;
    FORMAT_RGBA = 3;
    FORMAT_BGR = 4;
    FORMAT_BGRA = 5;

  // Image format of the input.
  optional ImageFormat image_format = 58 [default = FORMAT_RGB];

  enum DescriptorExtractorType {
    ORB =
        0;  //

  // The descriptor extractor type used.
  optional DescriptorExtractorType descriptor_extractor_type = 65
      [default = ORB];

  // Whether to compute derivatives when building the pyramid. When set to
  // true, it's building a Laplacian pyramid. When set to false, it's building
  // a Gaussian pyramid.
  optional bool compute_derivative_in_pyramid = 66 [default = true];

  // Deprecated fields.
  extensions 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 24, 29, 30, 32, 42, 43;